can't be too careful with people traveling from terrorist strongholds
>US is no longer us
The 6 million
This is a disgrace to the 7 million.
"Oyyy Vey, I have to vait like these other filthy Goyim? Don't you know I was in Dachau where the Germans made me assemble shelving and furniture without pay in 1943?"
Sure is a lot of survivors
Check this 9. 9million oy vey.
I know! it's like goyim learned nothing from the 8 million, I bet the 9 million are rolling around in their graves
7 million?
muh 6 gorillions never happened
don't speak ill of the 15 million
But he and his kind helped make those laws? I mean... what did he expect? White people made this country and they took it. Of course it isn't "the US" anymore. The people who upheld the law as it was supposed to be have been shoved out for people looking for free stuff or getting revenge on imagined sleights.
This is terrifying.
I'm kind of surprised that he didn't become redpilled after researching the holohoax. Probably just brushed off any info that didn't fit his agenda as stormfag propaganda.
The 10 million suffer a great shame with this act of bigotry. The descendants of the 11 million should be outraged!
Quit underestimating it, shitlord. It was 25 million.
>I am an expert on the holocaust goyim, trust me on everyting I say about politics
Don't you dare talk about the 50 million in the same post as that fowl language.
We can never forget the 100 quadrillion Jews who died in the Holocaust. My granddad was one of the few Jews who survived being gassed 70 times.
We must never forget the 45 million and their terrible suffering by evil white goys like you!
Wtf is Holocaust expert supposed to mean anyway? Professional oven dodger?
>100 million holocaust Jews are spinning in heir graves
>free electricity
Pick both!
Hitler did indeed do something wrong. He left way too many of these kikes hangin around
Headline warps into "Holocaust survivor deported" when?
>Jews no longer want to be in America
Oh noo
>10 billion holocaust jews spinning in grave
he should fucking stay away
>Holocaust expert
What? How is that a profession
"Holocaust Historian" sounds like "Toothfairy Biologist" to me.
TSA has been doing this for years and they all start whining when Trump is president
Let's not forget the electric cremation pools!
>you can make a living in USA by being an expert on fictional events
sounds like he is a US denier.
>French historian
Estonian literacy folks
I can only imagine he pissed the employees off somehow and this was how they screwed him back.
>How is that a profession
>a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification
Anything you make a living off can be called a 'profession'. For example being a prostitute, loan shark, hitman etc. 'Spreading lies and collecting gibs' for 70 years surely qualifies
trump has promised to wipe islamic terrorism from the face of the earth. That makes america a big target for jihadist assasins. I think this guy should relax.
Ten hours? They should've detained this smug cunt for ten days for such blasphemy. How dare this piece of shit tell us what we are and what we aren't? I'm glad our guys kept him for extra screening, that means they know just who to pick.
Ten hours! Thats a half hour for every million that died!
Hitlers back, and he has orange skin!
>"Jew stock spikes as millions of jobs open in the Holocaust"
>Holocaust expert
>conference in Texas
I guess he just went over there for fun, eh?
Nah. It was the immigration agents fault. He was a new guy and didn't know about the academic exemption to visiting visas.
On a visiter visa you aren't allow to work or get payment for services. However you can if it is for educational purposes. New Immigration officer didn't know/ remember the exemption and this guy got stuff in the can for 10hrs. Pretty much just good old fashion Gov. Incompetence.
Bet this ends up being one less (((vandalized))) cemetery
>this ends up being one less (((vandalized))) cemetery
>'Holocaust Expert' detained for further questioning after customs agents discovered a case of spray paint and swastika template in luggage