>rich as fuck
>qt 26 year old gf
>9 white children
>btfo the jews
Is he the perfect white male?
>rich as fuck
>qt 26 year old gf
>9 white children
>btfo the jews
Is he the perfect white male?
Other urls found in this thread:
> 6'5
> Swedish
> Blonde and Blue-Eyed
> 90 degree Granite Jawline
> Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from MIT on full scholarship
> Jacked
> Action movie star
> Probably secretly redpilled
Dolph Lundgren takes it
>below replacement rate
>no sons to carry on master race tier lineage
>unironic long-term oil driller
you forgot talented as fuck, I can't think of one movie he made that I didn't like.
he even makes shakespeare shit interesting
wow his girlfriend looks like she's 19, good for him
>Is he the perfect white male?
have you heard him shouting about blowjobs?
>unironic long-term oil driller
What did he mean by this?
>below 6f tall
LOL ya okay whatever man.
His last wife sexually broke him, the tapes were painful to listen to
>Le height is everything meme
Low iq shitposter detected
His last movie was dogshit.
>Le height doesn't matter
Low height shitposter detected
>fuckin 26 year olds in your 50s
>sexually broken
she'd look hot as fuck with a black dude
>goes on jimmy kimmel
>shaves white people's heads
>"Let's shave lightning bolts on your head"
If you risk drilling oil, you should at least have the decency to do it ironically is all I'm saying.
mel is definitely our guy.
>Absolutely /ourguy/
Did you even hear the tapes?
They went full dead bedroom-mode
He was one step above a cuckold
mel did nothing wrong
Dolph is one of the people who came to the status of ubermensch the closest
>oven dodger
You fucking asshole lol. I just spit soup everywhere laughing at that last one.
Payback is the best one desu
>I can't think of one movie he made that I didn't like
but it was great, red-pilled too
How many fucking red pills did this mad man take? Did no one tell him not to take the entire bottle so quickly?
I haven't watched that.. well I guess now I know what to do for this evening.
Fucking topkek
Didn't he marry that weird looking black woman? Not that I mind, but he's hardly Sup Forums's posterboy...
Remember guys, you aren't Mel Gibson, hide your power level.
I looked it up and can only find him marrying two white women and he's dating one much younger than him now. The only thing I can find about a black woman is a playboy photoshoot he did in 1985 or about that.
>Remember guys, you aren't Mel Gibson, hide your power level.
Stopped reading there.
I love dolph but he's the /our guy/ we want, and not the /our guy/ we need.
You too can have all these things, if only you will force the dead jew on a stick meme for one more generation. Where's the harm, goyim? Why resist? One man can't change the world for the better, after all - unless he is a dead jew on a stick.
Googled it. The weren't married.. He was a bodyguard for Grace Jones (aka that weird looking black woman) and they had a relationship for a while. He actually got into showbusiness via her.
btw all of this was ad-libbed by based Mel
Any time Hollywood wants to actually make movies and win audiences again they can go crawling to Mel.
There is no way "she" isn't a man..
He's he's the best, also a traditionalist catholic
One of the few celebrities who doesnt deserve the rope
>this was an actual exchange between two people
Why do I still come here
Is that his daughter?
Shes hot
That was her thing.. She used to be famous way back when. Don't ask me how or why, I just know her from an old Bond film.
>Why do I still come here
That's a man baby
>shit talking manlets
He knocked her up.
I know so many 6 ft plus people who aren't doing jack shit with their lives.
If you can climb to those high tears of success, and you are bringing height with you then yes, you are indeed the master race.... but all the dudes I know back home working 9-5 and wasting away at the same 3 bars in their spare time are useless.
Manlets make the world go round nigger
>ravaging the bait this savagely
m8 just how short are you?
Enjoy my music video
His first wife literally left him for a darkie. That's fucking pathetic. He's also a drunkard.
E et tu Manolo.
Except he's a fucking nut case.
Do you have a horse in this race, user?
Perfect for Sup Forums maybe.
kek wtf
'political correctness is just intellectual terrorism'
my goodness what a quote.
am I missing something here?
That's a dude.
it looks like someone photoshoped her head on someone else's body
>2 kids
No, Mel Gibson with his 9 children is definitely /ourguy/
Literally the savior of the white race
He's grossed out the Black touched his hand.
this was such a bizarre movie
Oh fuck I did miss that
fucking lol
>black woman
It's called nigger you faggots. And I also wouldn't call it "she" but "it".
Do you have a dog in this fight, user?
She's like Elsa from 'Frozen' if Mel made her swallow and hide the biggest of his redpills, until it dissolved; the press thought she was pregnant, but what she became is: perfect.
He's a Hollywood actor. Overdosing is just part of the job.
>2 children
>both daughters
get him out of here
Cry me a fucking river, you see his reaction, he's as pleased about it as you are. stop being such a twat.
Some cop movie with Vince Vaughn is in the pipeline apparently. Should be awesome.
How long until he makes a movie about the USS Liberty?
Grace Jones is very much a woman. She had a great song called slave to the rhythm in the mid 1980's. Weird advert for Citroën cars and slapped Russell Harty across the face on his chat show.
I was aroused and intimidated by her sexuality as a very young boy in the 80's
Shes 60 years old here
Well, that's just Straya being Straya. You really recognize that shit after spending a lot of time here...
Why do I has a sudden urge to harvest this man's blood?