>if a Conservative makes a racist joke, he's a racist
>if a Liberal makes a racist joke, he's satirizing
If a Conservative makes a racist joke, he's a racist
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Protip: libs are moral relativists. It's not wrong when they do it.
>against whites
racism is no about race but power and position.
jokes are oppression plus humor
you cant make jokes if youre the oppressor
This must be the tweet that got his wife taken out.
>tweet something that white power guys have been saying forever
>expect them to unfollow you
>racism is no about race but power and position.
This argument is fallacious.
This argument assumes that a Japanese person who hates white people is not racist while living in America.
This argument suggests that the same Japanese person could then move to Japan, continue hating white people, and now suddenly be a racist by doing so simply because of where he chooses to live.
Racism is not geographically dependant. If you are a racist, you are a racist.
user, this is the definition of racism.
The one you'll find on the web, in a lexicon and even in the German Duden.
You're not smarter than all those people who decide the meanings of words.
So shut the fuck up you salty little bitch and pay reparations.
>be conservative
>tell about your preteen sexual experience
>get told youre a pedophile
>be liberal
>say literally word-for-word same thing
>literally nobody cares
>user, this is the definition of racism.
>The one you'll find on the web, in a lexicon and even in the German Duden.
Maybe over there in Cuckistan they use that definition. Here in Murrica, we arent that cucked yet
I invite you to confirm that your definition is not a universally accepted one
According to our robot overlords at google:
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
noun: racism
"theories of racism"
God damn it, I need help
I would fuck Lena Dunham
Yes I've seen her naked
Intent matters.
Liberals love everyone whose not attacking them or a nazi.
That's why there are no conservative political comedians, it's just some guy making fun of minority's for societies woes.
Even Larry the cable guy is a democrat
Sounds like I should start beginning ever sentence with the lie, "i'm a liberal and..."
Also, why would one lose 'white power redneck followers' by tweeting anti-Semitic stuffs?
im not smart to understand this shit.
hitler=white power
hitler =/= redneck?
Agreed, user really seems to be buying into the whole 'white guilt' meme
Is patton oswalt /ourguy/?
>>against whites
>racism is no about race but power and position.
t. sociology brainwashing victim
God damn, this is the equivalent of an internet hawker, shouting of his wares to passerbys, trying to get customers to enter his shop
american rednecks are pro jews
What the fuck is he trying to say?
I don't get it
White power people would unfollow him for it?
like you ever experienced racism in your mothers basement, Dick.
>If you're offended, you must be ona dem queer low IQ subsidized disenfranchised deeplorabull racists
>Because saying Hitler was right has always been socially acceptable by the left
They're falling apart. They're coming to terms that they're the actual nazis and they don't know how to cope.
>bully calls little faggot "little faggot" and everyone laughs
u r dumb
>I have no valid argument.
>I must resort to strawmen and ad hom's
He's prolly just trolling.
That or he's a fucking cuckold kike living in Germannystan.
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
They are so fucking cucked
I always thought the right wings brains jamming up over the concept of satire proved they were retarded.
To understand satire, you need to have empathy.
Empathy requires a lot of high level cognitive functioning, which is why people like rapists and murderers are usually just dumb people outside of their act.
But in regard to most conservatives, they just lack the brain connections to be able to imagine themselves in another persons shoes.
Thats why they aren't scientists, that's why they don't understand art, it's why they are so disrespectful to anyone different than them.
The conservative leaders are simply sociopaths who figured out how to exploit these kind of people.
>Is brainwashed.
>Is on Sup Forums but doesn't use logical arguments.
Learn the sticky you cuck.
>He's prolly just trolling.
I hope so.
Its low quality, but I genuinely feel bad for anybody who believes this sort of BS
cucked looney. out of my country
It's sad really, everywhere one looks at leftycucks, one can only find a spiral of sterility and cancerous cringe.
If he isn't trolololololing than I hope he kills himself via tranny.
You meant niggas, right?
Then how come literally every race as factions that believe they are the superior race?
Maybe you're just a dick
Hoorah! Huzzah!
it's indechipherable
i don't understand his angle at all
it's like he's gone mad and is randomly stringing together stereotypes
>Death by tranny
I would pay to see this
Did already. Called welfare and American civil war.
i'm a straight white male and the mexicans and faggots at my work (restaurants, I am outnumbered) are biased against me.
patton oswalts success is a fucking mystery to me he is painfully unfunny
>salt detected
Some people actually believe that racism is independent of personal beliefs and you can only be racist if your specific ethnicity has a political majority in the country which you currently happen to be standing in.
> death by tranny
It was a twitter prank. You have to read all the tweets he posted in order to get it. He was saying the opposite of what each tweet says, but separated them in such a way to appear offensive.
Patton "I killed my wife to protect my serial killer dad" Oswalt has been an insufferable liberal douche for years
>Be me, hate Mexicans
>Gets old being called a racist tho, what should I do?
>Move to Mexico!!
>Now, be me:
>Hate all the mexicans I want
>Only, im not racist anymore because Mexicans control the power structure in Mexico
You can literally say the same about the leftycucks, and above all the niggers.
You blew yourself the fuck out.
So a person is racist if they never experienced racism?
Only fist to the face can fix liberal mind