Here's the map for 1972 presidential election. Look at this shit! Crazy.. how the hell did George Mcgovern fuck up so bad?
Presidential Landslides
He was a left wing extremist
is rape even allowed to be shown on Sup Forums?
Only if it's leftists getting raped
I guess he couldn't McGovern well enough
You have to go back Carlos
This is Trumps' strategy for 2020. Rile up the Democrats so much like Nixon that they go further left and field a unwinnable candidate
It's called Cold War and anti-communism
Nixon does remind me a lot of Trump. Was reading about the ''68 election too and they had a problem with America being "divided" then too. Very uncanny
"In these difficult years, America has suffered from a fever of words; from inflated rhetoric that promises more than it can deliver; from angry rhetoric that fans discontents into hatreds; from bombastic rhetoric that postures instead of persuading. We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another, until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices."
The public is stupider than ever huh? No one is scared of anything these days except a Russia boogeyman that doesn't exist
tick tock berniecucks
That's 2nd grade humor.. you people are fucked in the head
>yfw McGovern was right and Nixon was a scumbag crook
god I need to move south and get away from the liberal cucks
This sums it up I guess.. come on this is interesting as fuck.. there's gotta be more specific reasons for the whole damn country going red
Nice argument! "THIS IS.... BAD!"
Good point
>be white male
> say something: be accused of microaggressions
> don't say anything: be accused of violence
It's almost like they want us to be fascists
> how the hell did George Mcgovern fuck up so bad?
He was a crazy left wing radical, and the GI generation told him to fuck off. Don't forget the culture war the baby boomers fucked america with. This was part of it.
>Back when enough of the country was white that all 50 states could flip
Feels bad we'll never have a country like it again
Based tricky dick destroyed that liberal shitbag
what a line
Gorge McGovern'so VP candidate was a man named Eagleton.
Eagleton had checked into a mental hospital years before and undergone shock therapy. So basically everyone thought he was insane. McGovern Fucked up by picking Eagleton
This. Voters could actually be persuaded from one party to the other based off of the candidate instead of fucking voting blue because of their shit colored skin. The same country that gave Lyndon Johnson his landslide did the same for Nixon, that's a white country.
>tfw to smart too understand the mood of the country
What did they mean by this
I called ICE you fucking faggot.
jesus christ no wonder why they got btfo
Why is DC so full of cucks?
pretty sure its majority black.
Mass isn't though, Massholes are just cucks.
>implying what Nixon did even matters in the current political landscape
Watergate wouldn't even make the evening news if it happened today.
And when those political propaganda posters are confirmed as untrue, we can always loosely associate the leader we don't like with a conspiracy and release a few minutes of audio where he'll (afraid of the consequences of having been Shanghaied into something unscrupulous, like anyone would be) discuss (but then never acted upon) hiding evidence of his miniscule involvement with the group whose real leaders had ordered a crime without his involvement or prior knowledge. We'll get that son of a bitch, damn it. How dare the people governed get to govern themselves via chosen representatives. Next they'll be demanding some sort of written declaration or list of articles that every fellow must adhere in order to protect their individual rights. The audacity!
DC is populated by negroes (like 70% in the late 20th century though it has reduced to 50% now) and bureaucrats (elected officials are demographically irrelevant). Government paper pushers vote 80%+ democrats.
Dems and libs are fucking retarded, most Americans forget that and let them fuck around with power for a while, they get too stupid and we have to reign them back in. See 1980/4
Goodnight, Gracie.
Wonder how he would of done in the more recent elections?