Isn't it obvious Christianity was an attempt to explain the world before we knew how it worked? People looked up and saw white fluffy clouds, people looked down and saw red hot magma. These became Heaven and Hell.
It's funny in the Bible God is doing all these miracles, showing his hand, even sending himself down at one point. Then...he just stops. Where is God now? Why doesn't he show his hand again?
It's just stupid that people still believe in these fairy tales. It's weakness.
Christianity celebrates weakness. They worship a god that got put to death by humans.
It was invented by kikes, so obviously there's some weird subversion psychology to it.
"Oy vey, let's get the goyim to worship a Pacifist!"
Meanwhile, Arabs worship a war monger and they expanded their empire because of it.
Imagine if Christianity wasn't a religion that worships weakness. It could've united and strengthened Europe as one tribe.
Jace Morgan
Yeah, it's almost as if the morons who take religion seriously go around making unbelievable cunts of themselves!
Jack Fisher
Religion stillborn, why do you still follow it's words? Christianity, the plague spreads, spreads like slut's legs, spreading its diseases, priests must be killed, hanged from their own entrails,
Rape their daughters, their son is to be born into his fathers church, murder, glorious murder! Murder, glorious murder!
''Elitism and hate. Support the anti-christian way of life and white pride worldwide, but if you are white and you are christian, money hugging jew, communist, nigger loving hippie or some other sub human scum FUCK OFF AND DIE. There is only room for white anti-christian elite. '' ''Hate is my primary inspiration. Of course I am inspired by the great warrior forefathers of mine who dwelled here in the north before my time and fought against the christian crusaders. '' -Quotes from the mastermind behind Goatmoon
Ian Sullivan
*tips fedora*
F*ck off back to you autistic nerd looser.
Pic related: What u look like rite now.
Camden King
Every Christian, Muslim and Jew should die
Logan Morales
Atheism offers nothing, not even truth, so I'll pass.
Religion is a method to control the masses when the laws were harder to enforce. >Be a good goy while the established order is not looking and you will get into heaven.
The faggots here have just memed it back to relevancy, no one here truly believes in god.
It's a bitter pill to swallow, friendo. I can't blame you for taking the blue pill.
You're weak, and need Christianity to reduce your anxiety and give you purpose in life.
Just know that it's nothing but a bunch of silly fairy tales though.
Austin Reed
This. It is scary to know when we die that is it. Only the weak argue that there is some space nigger ready to give them some sort of eternal happiness.