Did you fall for the "MUH SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS" meme?

Did you fall for the "MUH SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS" meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Neil deGrasse Tyson&btnG=&as_sdt=1,5&as_sdtp=

>believing the big oil jew



>believing the big science jew

Such disgusting racism! What fascist website is this from?

He isn't a scientist

Big anything is bad. Why are the scientists the villains here but none of you have any distrust for those who stand to profit from fossil fuels? Are you retarded?

Ya cause Milo is one to call scientists stupid.


>Why are the scientists the villains here
Because they don't acknowledge the politics they push alongside their science


Fake News.

>believing the big science jew
they said while using a computer post on the internet

I don't get why anyone likes him. At least Bill Nye had a cool show at one point. This dude just wrote a book about shit that had already been written about.

why are you denying the brightbart consensus

>idiot doesn't know what science is

Because they're scientists, not politicians. Meanwhile big oil pushes along false scientific data in order to misinform the public and keep their profits high. Exxon acknowledged the fact that climate change was accelerated by human activity in the 1970's, but vehemently denied it from that point forward. The tobacco industry did the same thing regarding the link between cigarettes and cancer. But the big bad scientists said otherwise.

>implying only politicians have political biases

If this niggah can keep another niggah out of chrime, then that's a good thing. Throwing money at niggers or their community does not work (look at my country), but some might listen to another nigger like NDT.

>Inb4 "swedistan, cuck, blablablabla...."

>Because they're scientists, not politicians.
Then they should shut the fuck up because public speaking is political.

Do you have ANY idea how much profit there is in carbon credits? Did you watch al gore's ridiculous assertion AGW is true?

It's a bully system, not scientific, and you're obviously ignorant of science. Get the fuck out.

Indeed user, that's why we need to invest more money in gender studies. Climate change will stop when we sing kumbaya enough.

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Neil deGrasse Tyson&btnG=&as_sdt=1,5&as_sdtp=

So in the case of cigarettes and cancer, should they have remained silent while big tobacco was pushing a false scientific narrative?
Yes, there is profit in carbon credits. But are you claiming that there is no profit in pushing climate change denial? You know that they want you to distrust scientists, right? How fucking retarded do you have to be to claim to be skeptical on one side but refuse to ask any questions for the other side?
Fuck off. You wouldn't be on your computer shitposting right now if it weren't for science.

Black science man is a fucking asshole in real life. He says some pretty stupid shit on Twitter too, things you'd expect to come out of a 14 year old going through his/her "edgy" phase.

>trusting Bill Nye with anything
>trusting stupid dumb mechanical engineer scum because teacher brought them in on a cart when they didn't want to work in 8th grade

also Engineering

go and watch your gf get cucked by bbc homo

Science tells us how the world works and not how to live.

You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things

Its the exact same lawyers.
It wasn't that long ago, and right when people learned the truth about smoking, oil was threatened by climate data

Science is what engineers use to build technology

i thought that's mathematics?

If science tells us that something we're doing is hurting ourselves, why would we not act on it?

See I'm glad someone on here doesn't have their fucking head completely in the sand. You should never blindly trust anybody without doing your own research. Not scientists, but certainly not your fucking corporate overlords either.

Dont need math when you aew makinf machine to sqeez lemons dude.

(and physics, chemistry, and biology)

fuckin Sup Forums man, science is methodical procedures to find an understanding of the world. Not all science is good science but you better fucking listen to good and falsifiable science

Its a methodology in which you outline your experiment so that people can repeat your results and see for themselves, or point out specifc potential flaws in the experiment, which they can prove themselves with an experiment that controls for their criticism.


>was pushing
political context matters
the solution to tobacco cancer wasn't to install a world gov't

>If science tells us that something we're doing is hurting ourselves, why would we not act on it?
Because we'd rather have death than slavery

climate change is a hoax

go and kill a crown-prince you fucking savage slav

Math is a language
It is the language of science

Language is invented, not discovered

>also he is stupid and his politics are dumb

Oh shit!!! ZING! Tyson BTFO how will he ever recover?!?!?!

>If science tells us that something we're doing is hurting ourselves, why would we not act on it?
Because we will hurt ourselves in other ways for acting on it. I believe the estimate is something like 5% of global GDP if we want to keep at the CO2 output we have today. I'm all for it because I live comfortably, but what about those who can't afford cut their costs? Should we impose environmental regulations on 3rd world countries that are just in the process of industrialization? My problem with current climate science is that they always suggest too extreme cutbacks in pollution without trying to understand the implications of it.

Its all manifactured in China. literally.
We aren't ready yet. We are rebilding. Got 6 new planes. Now have 9 and out of those 9
3 can fly!
Math is a language od nature.

Psychology is considered science. No numbers in those.

>Psychology is considered science
thats why the term hard science exists

He wasnt precise enough.
Also can you show me your Nige folder?
I really shouls makw one.

>Math is a language od nature.

Do you remember order of operations?
>Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, addition, subtraction
This order was agreed upon by people
The order could be different, and math would still work

There is a divide between humanities and nature science

My car rins on fossil fuel. Not solar. Not other bullshit. Oil. I want cheap oil as long as possible. The other techs arent really viable right now, so why punish me and then claim you are punishing big oil? You squeeze them, they squeeze me.

Dont like it? Make a solar car that isnt shit and is affordable. I might buy it. Until then eat a bag of dicks.

This place is getting dumber by the day. People need to start providing evidence and arguments instead of insults and rephrasing so called "common red pilled knowledge".

>The order could be different, and math would still work

The left are the ones denying science now nigger, they have been for a long fucking time. You faggots are preventing us from being energy independent and having any kind of energy revolution. The only thing the far right hinders is fetal tissue for the most part, and they deny evolution. The left is cancer for science right now, if it doesn't fit your narrative you dismiss it like a bunch of stupid niggers.

>the sky is blue

Tyson isn't stupid. He may be a meme scientist, but he's not stupid. Kys.

But user hes got a bachelors, hes practically an expert in his field. Surely he can be an expert in another as well.

>and they deny evolution. The
The left are the ones coddling the adults that would have been killed left alone in the wild. If that isnt denying evolution, then what is?

>but he's not stupid
Read his twitter and then try to say that again with a straight face..

Its all relative nigger, for a scientist hes dumb af. To a nigger like you he probably seems like a genius.

It woulld not work the way you think it would work.

As I understoon you wanrwd to talk about axioms.?

Axioms are absolute truth on which all people agree upon. Cannot deny absolute truth.

Yeah. What if we create a better, less oil dependent world for nothing?

americans get so triggered by science

That's a perfectly valid argument, but eventually oil will become scarce enough so that the market will force us to invest in renewable energy, why not get that started now? It could be more expensive/devastating later, kicking the can down the road isn't always the best approach. But i agree, economics should definitely be considered when dealing with climate change.

>Its all relative nigger, for a scientist hes dumb af.

No, it's objective. Human intelligence falls within a finite range. Tyson isn't on the low end.

>Read his twitter and then try to say that again with a straight face..

He's just a faggot lib who thinks he's more profound than he is. It doesn't mean he's stupid though.

I don't know why people think there's organizations out there that are more powerful than the oil industry, it just doesn't make sense.

They are global trillion dollar industries, with their hands in every trade negotiation with the rich countries, and bribe their will through in poor countries.

And in places like Russia, the US, the Middle East, and Latin America, they are are running the highest levels of government.

It would work
It's just an arbitrary order

If we contact an alien civilization, they will have a different system of math than us

>hurr durr
>i dont agree with his politics so he's stupid

Fucking autists. He's easily smarter than anyone in this thread.

Nigs can only nig around thanks to the existence of the white man, without the white man you could easily say that what they have is civilization.

>he is stupid and his politics are dumb
such hard hitting journalism

>most of Sup Forums belive in god
>they cant prove anithing about their god
>You cant prove that god dosent exist therfore it exist
>Thinks that they won an argument using that logic but in reality no one gives a fuck about religions anymore
>goes around aplying this logic on everithing
>scientist prove all arguments they throw at them
>to much truth, tries to resort on phylosophy
>gets BTFO and their brain does the onli thing that can save them
> urr urrr reeeeeeeee urrrr

I have more faith in this board now. Now if only everyone else on this board would acknowledge this and start asking the right questions instead of blindly following Breitbart and Fox News which are just shills for the oil industry, there might actually be a chance to have intellectual discourse.


I think you just discovered the most obnoxious pasta ever.

Its stupid, ignorant and annoying.

>Written by Milo

Lol ok drumpfkin

yeah, one is rubbish, the other one is science.

I need scientific help.
I recently stopped using Jewgle and I started using DuckDuckGo and I lost option reverse image search when I do right click. How do I fix this?

Since we are on the topic of shitty pop scientist, can we discuss this cuck that everyone on normie book keeps sharing?
>doesn't talks about since but talks about his political beliefs
>Drumf is bad because muh science
>vaccines works even when they haven't been tested out yet
>Cavemen dided young becuse they didn't have muh vaccines
>climae change is man made by a quantitative number I cannot say
>If you disagree with me you are dumb because I know more

We are having productive and civilized discussion. We are alt - right. We are real gentleman. If you have problem with that drumfkin. Well I've got news for you.
We are here to stay.

I am stoping with shitposting now.