Why haven't you learned chess yet, Sup Forums? It's a thinking man's game
Why haven't you learned chess yet, Sup Forums? It's a thinking man's game
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>black pieces on 1st and 2nd rank and white pieces on 7th and 8th
what kind of retard made this pic
I know how to play chess, haven't played it for a long time though.
>tfw know how to play
I'm in a chess club. Weekly OTB games, semi-daily online, at least a few puzzles every day.
It's pretentious nonsense to say chess is for smart people or makes you smart, but I enjoy it.
I play e4/e5 every game. Fite me.
The bottom right square on the board is supposed to be white in chess.
That's an incorrect board formation.
I have and I love it. Wish I played it more, tbhfam
Why haven't you learned DBZ budokai yet?
Thinking man's game
chess is really easy to learn, can't believe people assume intelligence with it
now actually being good at it is a different story
I played it so much, and did so many tactics puzzles (nearly 20k in 1.5 years), that I can't stand it anymore and my brain refuses to keep thinking about it anymore.
Maybe I'll like it again at some point.
Yeah, nothing will get you laid faster than joining a chess club.
The true Aryan's game, born out of India and improved by the Germans.
What do you do if your opponent responds with something else than e5?
he loses
also the colours are inverted. h1 should be white.
Do you know why they use chess to show that people are smart in movies and tv shows?
Because stupid people don't actually know what makes people smart.
I meant that I play e5 if I have the black pieces.
If I have white and my opponent plays c5 I just resign.
Why aren't you playing chess of 21st century?
>not wanting a chess qt
it's literally a XV century videogame
Teach me
Well Pol, if you're so smart, you should be able to solve this.
White mate in 2
Claim chessfu now!
First for Botez
I play it with real life
Tfw you've dropped nearly 1500 hours into this game and still don't get bored.
>Autism sure saves money
>Not playing the go and shogi master games
I only play shogi like a true weeaboo
lol, "chess qt's" might be the rarest thing on earth. With only a handful of minor exceptions, they're a hideous lot.
post yfw I invite you to play but show up with a vanity chess set
Maybe in America
Shogi came to Japan from China via India.
I just tried it for the first time a couple days ago. First match was so boring I quit.
kd6 qb7
Chess is boring. It's pretty much been solved, the majority of the game is played by rote memorization.
All the openings and most of the mid-game have all been documented.
A person who is good at chess is just some FAG who memorized a shitload of stuff from books. He's not someone who did independent thinking and discovered things on his own.
Being good at chess is unimpressive to me. It's not skill; it's rote memorization, like being good at Tic Tac Toe.
I play every friday at local pub after ten pints
Kd6 any move except Kb4
Or Kd6 Kb4 Kxc6#
Bd5+ Bxb1
hey I realized the two move chest win before I learned that chess guys name i can't remember(rip) already found it.
Why would you mate in 2?
he said mate in 2
if Kd6...Rd3+
Ba2+, Bxb1
>tfw live in a shithole and have no one to play otb with
this is the only correct answer
Kd6 Rb3+
aol if they stll have it, have chess all the time between people.
no wait, he can Kc4
OCD is as bad as being a trans
Post favorite openings
yah that's right
maybe kd6 is it
Been analyzing it with Stockfish for a couple of minutes and it's all kd6. rg6 and kd4 delay mate but white is still like +3.
Kids learn chess at schools.
no it's mate in 2
if rg6 be6#
Doesn't queen e5 rook a4 also work?
League of legends is a more fun version of chess. It's an outdated game.
You're right. That'll teach me to skip outputs,
Ra4 then either Qb4 or Bc2 depending on how black reacts?
Qe5+, c5
Pawn would block on c5
That's how life works buddyboi.
Play cards, count cards.
Play fps game ,memorize bullet patterns.
Play checkers, memorize thermonuclear warfare.
At least on chess the chances of anyone memorizing every single opening is small because not everyone is a grandmaster so it still goes of critical thinking.
Not checkers I meant tic tac toe
>want chess qt
Not with that opening, I don't
i never been very good at chess though. lets play some microsoft air combat 2.
started playing it in primary school
patrician af
how can someone not know how to play chess
Because it takes a whole lot of brute force memorization before you come to the skill level where you reach the thinking part. I'm not into being a memorization machine.
>when the only reason you clicked a pic is because you saw your flag in it
>ywn have an old tough Soviet teacher beat your fingers until you memorize king/pawn endgames
Because I like to fuck women.
>tfw don't know how to play
Cards are different. If you're good at math you have an advantage in cards because you can calculate odds in your head.
It's actually something where a smart person has an advantage.
Chess... is rote memorization, like Tic Tac Toe. "Guys I know exactly where I should go if someone puts an X in the middle square!" Umm, good for you, that doesn't make you intelligent. That just makes you a fag who memorized shit.
Cards > chess. I like playing poker myself, it's manly and STUPID WOMEN can't keep up with men. They always get eliminated from poker tournaments, it makes me lol. No woman has ever won the World Series of Poker.
Meepo masterrace
blitz/bullet are cancer
The Kang piece killed me
it's the only way to play online; too many cheaters otherwise
>Cards are different. If you're good at math you have an advantage in cards because you can calculate odds in your head.
No but it's the same in the end.
"When I see this card in that suit appear, i should fold"
Glad you capitalized that, I wouldn't get the point otherwise.
>I like playing poker myself, it's manly
Ok man, you're a massive homo, I get it.
Everyone knows how to play chess, it's not some forbidden knowledge you fucking autist
why the fk did you put 30 sec
>tfw I'm too retarded to play chess
Sou you blunder in chess al the time and now you're sad?
yeah i guess you could just calculate the odds in your head. never tried that.
Says the faggot on a mongolian cartoon imageboard
so what's hard about q to f4?
Black to play, go
I like some chess, but is better
but we getting the big mac today masta?
No woman has ever been chess world champion either, or even a serious contender.
Qf4+ followed by Rf8+ and Qxf8++ assuming black's king backs into the corner.
All the pieces die in one hit, have shitty movesets, I have to wait for my opponent to attack me, most players are snobs, and it's boring. I'd rather play a real game.
>It's the psuedo-intellectuals' masturbation
Woman detected.
Women are bad at poker because:
1. They're not good at math, or at least as not as good as men.
2. They're not good with imagining things from other people's perspectives. Women evolved to be selfish. All throughout history women only cared about themselves, their offspring, and being able to garner resources through male provisioning. In poker, you have to visualize HOW YOUR OPPONENTS SEE YOU AND WHETHER THEY THINK YOU HAVE GOOD/BAD CARDS. It's vital to the game. Women can't imagine things from other people's point of view because they're stupid women!
Yeah /pol lets meet up and organise "chess championship".