Why doesn't America just copy everything about Norway and make it large scale?

Norway has the highest human development index, most happy, nicest, friendliest etc etc why doesn't America just copy Norway and make it large scale?

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Norway is majority white.

60% white

No Niggers in Norway

imagine if the you had a fully state-owned oil company, imagine how you'd prosper

So nationalize the entire American oil industry and use the profits to pay for socialist government benefits?

it only works small-scale.

trust me, large scale of full blown socialism is equal to full blown communism.

it's something not to be done, i think you americans already are p much a socialist state cuz you carry all the black people, drugusers etc. etc. trough your welfare systems.

you just never notice it because you aren't trying to abuse said systems. Kinda makes you ignorant of their existance, and that people actually abuse it.

Norway also has very high taxes. All those social services that people want cost money.

your real problem ain't blackies but poor people in general, and therefor you need a slight hint of social-democracy


try 96%, we keep state records of this kinda stuff, we are a majority ETHNIC norwegian country, kinda makes sense as it's Norway, yeah?

I'm talking about the United States retard

Because we're America, not Norway.

Micro vs macroeconomics

Isn't the USA divided in semi-independent entities that could be given the rights to govern their economics and welfare??

"The poor" are negroes, tacos, and to a lesser but still relevant degree, applachian scots-irish whites.

If you look at anglo and german whites in America, their outcomes are roughly the same as in the best European countries. They're happy, well-educated, and healthy.

Demographics are destiny. Watch how Sweden's progressive welfare state hold up to a horde of third-worldians and you will have the answer to OP's question.

What about the rustbelt? And you are saying that all the trailerpark rednecks are all scots-irish? And Swedes are natural cucks, they like it and imposed it on themselves.

Norway also doesn't have niggers.

Poverty and violent crime are directly proportionate to the amount of kaffers you have.

I know this is true in the US, show me a source which says its true in the rest of the world and I might agree

because Norway can only be like that because they are protected by the US military, they are not under US patent law but reap the benefits of pharma/tech research patents, the US buoys Europe's economy and takes care of them like children

A big chunk of the rust belt is within Greater Appalachia. You could look at a apparently yankee state like Michigan that suffers high poverty and crime but that's mostly because of the Negropolis, Detroit. In contrast, Ann Arbor MI, 7% black, is one of the happiest cities in the country.

Norway is the Venezuela of Europe.
Sure, white people do it better, but that does not mitigate the fact that it's a totalitarian shithole propped up by the ephemeral winds of the global economy alone.
Make no mistake - Norway is just Sw*den's backyard, and an exemplary EU state, even though it's not in the union.


Didn't Detroit go down the shitter with the car-manufactures? I strongly believe that the actual problem is economy not ethnicity. Like successful blacks exists and at least it seems to me that they can behave.

Because we aren't some socialist shithole.

Wrong on all accounts:
>Venezuela is socialistic, Norway is Social-Democratic.
>Norway is in top 20% in the Liberty Index.
>We are wealthier than Sweden.

Sure, there are definitely intelligent blacks. I mean I'm no Obama lover but the guy wasn't stupid. it's just when you look at averages, and you get a city like Detroit that are >80% black, you start seeing problems.This is true for all the big majority black cities in America; St Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, they all top the lists of per-capita crime rates.

Not saying it's 'black and white', there are lower-performing white groups like scots-irish and slavs, and there are probably distinct black groups that perform comparatively better and worse. Ghanians seem to be more intelligent and less violent than for example Somalians.

When you were 90% white you had decent social policies in the US.

Ethnic diversity kills support for social policies.

If i lived in a "multicultural" place like the US then I too would vote for smaller government.

I dont want to pay tax for shitskins. I dont mind paying slightly higher tax when it benefits other whites however.

>we're not run by marxists
>we're run by democratic marxists

>liberty index
>laurels set upon one's own head

>W-we are wealthier than Sweden.
>taxed life and limb to ship in more and more tanned germans

100% shitswede

>I dont mind paying slightly higher tax
Good for you, user.

100% this, I hate seeing my hard earned money go to fucking shitskins who've only just arrived in this country. But going to other whites I dont mind as much (as long as they're not abusing the system).

But as I see it blacks can only be lifted out of poverty and other signs of "savagery" through social-democracy, because as is they sure as hell ain't gonna do anything about it themselves.

Hahahahahahahaha you fucking retard. We sold our state owned oil companies to Canada and not even 1% of the country knows this. Thank Siv

haha, fucking slavs man
Our government is literally rightist, Estonia acctually scored highest in Europe in 2006 on the Liberty Index, Swedes also have high taxes and have even more immigrants than us. You probably don't like Norway because your afraid we'll come and steal your babies.


fucking genius op

fyfaen jeg tar det her på norsk as jævla retard, vi solgte Statoil bensinstasjonene til Circle K, ikke oljeselskapet Statoil

Your words drip of desperation and an impotent rage against the dawning realization that all is not indeed well in your neighborhood.
What god of salvation is rightism in a country governed by a deep state?

Haha wtf, I am a social-democrat myself fucking gopnik

You're a saturday goy is what you are.

Well, in that logic it's only right for me to call you a nazi, or is my deduction wrong?

No ideologue wears their donkey ears prouder than social democrats these days.

I'm not proud in any way of my "ideology" I just agree Kant and believe that social-democracy is the way to go to realize his vision. And you might have missed that blue wave that is rushing over Europe.

Not much diversity in Norway.. maybe you're on to something

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