Alternate Flag Thread

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I start with Austria-Bavaria

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Found a rare proxy wielding 8gagger who did the gay ''haxor site subversion'' shit

the same with swiss included

!0/10 flags. Alpenrepublik needs to happen as soon as possible.

what country was it?
cont with Austria-Bavaria-Hungary

New Celadonia


The Preisn (aka. East-Germans) are not the problem, the liberal retard NRW and Co KG. is


First Canada, now New Zealand.
When will Australia get LEAFED?


The big east German cities aren't much better. Bavarian cities are at least somewhat conservative, except for the shithoile that is Munich, but I have the feeling that 50%+ of its inhabitants aren't even Bavarian anymore.


Best dutch flag 2bqfhwyf

Angry Argentina or christmas Argentina

Can you remove the blue squares, or would that upset Bavarians? Then it would be a cool flag.

Actually not bad looking at all.

I never really got the appeal of this. It looks like it's been washed a few times too many, and historically it's only been in use for a really short while. Is it because Wilders had one in his office and everyone went all OH GOD YOU'RE A NAZI?! over it?


Name a better flag.
I dare you.
I double dare you motherfucker



No need to create a new one, just wipe the dust of the old one.

Hello again

other version

>Can you remove the blue squares, or would that upset Bavarians? Then it would be a cool flag.
well it would be the austrian flag then


when is this nation proclaimed? asking for a friend


>when is this nation proclaimed? asking for a friend
