Anyone got a source that details what exactly happened here?

Anyone got a source that details what exactly happened here?

Other urls found in this thread:ünchner_Räterepublik–19#Spread_of_revolution_to_the_entire_German_Empire

The links to the wiki in that picture dont really say much of what happened. I want kill counts and shit like that

whats up with the country flag in the pic?

and whys your ID XXX?

Hacker m8xl33tanomouseaxx
shts actually so izi to do but im not telling

>Nazi Germany flag
>ID starts with XXX


Watch the Greatest Story Never Told on Youtube. It doesnt cover this event, as I recall, but it does show what the Jews had done to german society prior to Hitlers rise. It shows a lot that we have never ever been taught about that era.

>shts actually so izi to do but im not telling
ok, why responding to my post then?


wouldnt that shit be recorded in a neighboring nation's library? or did the j00s ran around burning the books

We went over this part of our history, once. In maybe 20 minutes. WW1 and WW2, we - all in all - easily spent hundreds of teaching hours on. Given that it was the main topic in several years, not even exaggerating.
Just for (((perspective))).

The time of the Freikorps. They fought off an advancing soviet army in the east while going against the "council republics" that were formed all over Germany, meaning that an elite circle was running the show.

U every watched tokyo ghoul?
Im like that guy except i need (You)s to survive, when i troll another poster i get stronger soon ill become strong enough

Active ai 3532

Sup Forums used to have a list of flags you could choose instead of what country you lived in.

Back in the old days you could choose your flag, they weren't IP based.

What has been done to your people is a terrible sin. I wish so much that you all would remember and return to what you were. Not even playing. Your we weep for your women. So sad.

>when i troll another poster i get stronger

i dont feel trolled.

i just thought you shitpost,.

hello newfriend
Once you could choose your flag, now it's IP based
And the ID is RNG, i once saw "Gay"

>countless German lives were lost
Why do Germans constantly lie about how persecuted they were? First they lie about Dresden, now they are lying about this.

There were a few hundred, to maybe a maximum of 1000 people killed, and virtually all of them were the revolutionaries and civilians after the German army gave out orders to execute everyone they found armed, regardless of if they were rebels or not.


Have a (you) sir

>hello newfriend
i may be new, but im certainly not your "friend".

Nice lie you faggot

>Violate literally every post-war agreement you made
>Why am I so hated? I just want peace!

i got tired of using term like "reddit" or "faggot" while explaining shit to newcomers

They actually did burn a lot of books after WW2, more than the Nazis ever did. They even burned Heidegger and Schopenhauer and things like that.

i know that it stands for nufag

that was a word joke

newfaggot detected

I miss selectable flags

pick Israel for free (you)s

Somehow I feel like Israelis have gotten more respect since the advent of IP based flags.

fucking newfags

there were 20,000 deaths and there are several cases of the Communists arbitrarily taking civilians who they had deemed 'counter revolutionary' giving them mock convictions and shooting them against the wall.

Theres a reason the everyday German was down with RWDS. Communism is poison.

That's interesting. Any source on that, something to show normies?

>fucking newfags

back to you sir.

Can you give a source on the 20,000?

>German revolution of 1918
it's called the Bolsheviks revolution, I don't know if it was muh jooz behind it but the communists sure as fuck were.

Holy fuck. Those fucking jewish vipers.

I had always thought that the treaty of Versailles happened right after major combat for World War 1 and was signed by the then german empire, but it was signed towards the end of the fucking November revolution, by the fucking weimar republic which resulted from the November revolution.

This fucking completely changes the historical implications of the rise of the Nazi party.

Under "Censorship" it talks about it a little, I don't have a source for exactly what was destroyed handy. They didn't burn them in public, but tossed them into incinerators and also wood pulpers. Jews that got themselves in positions overseeing the process saw it as revenge for the Nazis destroying porn and shitty 'art'.

The Nazi book burnings were symbolic, they didn't actually destroy very much.

So basically everything we were taught in school growing up about the Third Reich was half of the story, set in a broken context that makes it look like a fucking comic book villain story.

Its hard to know for sure, because (((historians))) dont seem much to care about the death toll impelled by jews in Germany, but the Spartacist uprising alone resulted in 3,000 casualtiesünchner_Räterepublik

>reading tokyo bull
>not reading Sup Forumstrician attack on titan

The German people got screwed by a bunch of Jewish Aristocrats.

Hitler vowed to stop at no ends to make it right. So we tested his promise. We kicked the hornets nest and 60 million people died.

yeah its very hard to take an unbiased reading of history and not be at least a little sympathetic towards the Nazis. Shit was crazy.

It was jews. Nearly every bolshevik was jewish and all the leaders most certainly were. Im not even a jewish conspiracy theorist but the Bolshevik movement in general was undeniably a jewish movement.–19#Spread_of_revolution_to_the_entire_German_Empire

Just check the leaders I think all but 3 of them were jewish.

>A list was drawn up of over 30,000 book titles, ranging from school textbooks to poetry, which were then banned. All copies of books on the list were confiscated and destroyed; the possession of a book on the list was made a punishable offense. All the millions of copies of these books were to be confiscated and destroyed.
Well that's just sad.

We used to have a comfy list of ideological flags to pick from, but moot AKA luggage lad AKA Sigourney Weaver cucked us with nation flags and IDs on his way out as a way to disrupt our converstation. Sup Forums used to have much more substantive conversations but now it's just a mix of Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and reddit.

I'd love to get my hands on a book that scared the establishment that much.


never use that word in my presence here again

>German lies
>6 gorillion


Did I give you permission to respond to me? No? Then fuck off. You have NO idea what kind of power I wield... kid...

You will never guess whose grandpa fought in the German civil. You will never guess which side he fought on.

>NO idea what kind of power I wield

And you have no idea what kind of knowledge i gained through slav-meditation, kiddo....

holy shit is this real?

Sauce me on the commie opa pls I need this for propaganda purposes

A lot of it was just things the Nazis/Germans liked, such as von Clausewitz and kids books about Wagner. Even the wiki says they confiscated paintings of rural German life. DeNazification was just DeGermanification.

So they say. But it was all destroyed. So who knows.