War now

You are going to start a war, but you can only fight against one side among these:

>Civil War (as in, kill the commies/fascists/fags)

Which one do you choose and why?

Other urls found in this thread:


>what did kek mean by this



checked and checked and checked again


(((them))). After we exterminate the Jews, we can exterminate all non-whites

fucking burgers

Also, checked

>After we exterminate the Jews, we can exterminate all non-whites
Now that's what I call Jewry

mudslimes especially turks and africa nigs

>exterminate jews

niggers must die

Jews are white though.

The commies, jimbo

>Jews are white though.
Now that's what I call Jewry

>Jews are white
Guaranteed replies

aren't we already at war with muzzies?

Heil Santa

Day to remove (((them)))?

Satanic septs checked


The Scottish Race is Israel. I'm a True Judean(Scot). Reminder Jesus was a member of an European, proto-Scottish enclave resident in ancient Galilee who struggled against Judaism. John Knox. A completely free man who disposed inwardly over the entire culture of his time, he has shown the deepest sensitivity for the Superhuman simplicity of Christ. He represented Jesus as what he had once appeared to be: a mediator between Man and God.

Levant is a rightful Scottish clay just like Canada, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Northern Ireland and Northern England

If they aren't white then what are they?

Semitic, European and negroid mongrels

Also this


>its the scot nonce from /brit/pol

No, as in Deus Vult charge the catapult

I fight for my people, my women, and my children.


>The Scottish Race is Israel


Because war is imminent. Its about to come to us all.

asians,we need to the manpower and they need to thin out their male population

You know we'd fight (((them)))
The others are all just tools of (((them)))
Not the real enemies

Where do you live Slava??

No reason to start a war with them. Just keep them away from the borders and the country.
Literally no reason. Japan is my soure of entertainment, China is my source of cheap fake brands, N.Korea is the best Korea, S.Korea is the source for China to copy and make cheap things with fake brands.
Then you have to start a all wars against everyone. We can defeat them only if we all have peace and cooperation.
Assassinate all royal/ruling families of GCC countries and instill puppet regimes. This will keep all terrorist scum in check better than any war. Glassing as second option.
>Civil War (as in, kill the commies/fascists/fags)

Oh fuck, Double Satan is serious this time

Tel Aviv. You?

Civil War, we are overdue for one and I want to see action.

Civil war. Can't wage war against anyone when you're divided at home.

(((them))) obviously

they always win

Jews. Cut the head off the snake and the body will wither.

>fight for (((them)))
>learn all their secrets
>betray them in their moment of victory
The path to power has never been more clear.

i don't know who's jewing who anymore

i'd team up with the Muzzies against (((them)))

go read Facts are Facts

(((them))), they are the head of the serpent.

hm depends. civil war I guess would be the most fun. right would certainly win and killing lefties, refugees, commies and the like would be pretty funny. just watching them lose control utterly would be very satisfying.

Where is the option for Latinos?

As I once saw another Sup Forumsack put it, either this is true, or their is some kikery afoot.

Fucking checked. Civil War, I'm going to slaughter all of the conservatives.

Is Kek giving us the choice of enemy?

The only answer is war with (((Them)))

The rest are only useful idiots

Checked. I'm going to go with Asians. Regimented mentality...I think they would have a hard time deviating from the battle plan. Also a culture that does not question seniority/authority. They would get trapped in a shit plan and never recover.


Azns are a dangerous cancer true that

this. (((they))) are the only threat to world peace.

same with china and pakistan