Most job apps are online nowadays. So when I apply for a job all people see is my name, which is Jamal. They never actually get to see me or hear me speak. Officially HR women are not supposed to be discriminatory, but there is really no way to truly enforce that. They see my name and are at the very least subconsciously flooded with negative connotations.
My name keeps me unemployed
Jamal is a shit tier name. Change it bro.
I like my name though.
>parents gave me a white sounding first name to avoid this scenario
>eternally grateful
Fuck niggers ruining it for the rest of us
Do you like your name more than you dislike being unemployed?
Alright, sorry to diss it then. I honestly find those black names to be eye rolling but there's probably some black culture I don't see know about makes those kind of names popular with you all.
>I like my name
>I need a job
change your name dickhead
but I thought the meme was that white women love blacks?
Legally change your name.
You'll find out you are still useless
Something just feels wrong about changing my name. It feels like selling out.
>apply as John
>Hi, my name is John
>ID says you're Jamal
>oh I'm in the process of changing it
Many have a black fetish, but that doesn't mean they actually like black people on a whole.
And now you look like the sketchy nigga dodging the man
You are avoiding the question. Is the pride you take in your name more or less important to you than your ability to find employment?
Change it but don't tell family and friends until you know it worked out, if it doesn't help, change it back....or go ultra-minor with something like Akbar Shahbaz Jenkins.
Shorten it to James you retard. Oh wait, this is a slide thread.
My name is more important than enriching some faggot Jew.
Then you have your answer. Do not change your name, and continue to suffer a disadvantage in the labor market. I don't want be overly dickish to you here, Jamal, but this is essentially the crux of adulthood. Tough choices with no right answer and a lot of pain on either side.
There is a third option, but I have the feeling you aren't going to like it. Would you rather I tell you about it, or should I leave now?
Did OP ever consider this: Many people apply for the same j.. no wait I take that back. Its more simple, you dont belong there so go home and problem is solved.
Or move to Sweden, here they discriminate against white males instead and you will be favoured.
Your name is not important. Your accomplishments and well-being are. You didn't pick your name out so there is nothing to be proud of.
Do you have any white-sounding middle names? Just start using that
No third option.
Your call. I respect it.
Whether you believe it or not, I do sincerely wish you good luck. I don't take any pleasure in seeing black men fail.
It's really simple. If you aren't applying for shit-tier jobs (and just filling out applications), you can always put a fake first name (or middle name or nickname or whatever) on your résumé and send them out with a nice cover letter to hiring managers/managers at various companies near you.
When you need to fill out paperwork for background checks, etc., after getting hired, then you fill out your real name and info and say "oh, my nickname is Jay, but legally it's Nigger-Jamal, but you can call me either one it's fine"
>tfw my name is jamal and I've never seen anything negative come from it.
where you from op?
become an entrepneur then
start selling "jamal's chicken" or whatever
"jamals streetmelon joint"
im srs
Being a lazy nigger keeps you unemployed, nigger.
>Hire Jamal
>Sexually harasses female coworkers
>Dissapears 5 times a day to work
>Fasts for 2 months of the year and passes out at his desk
>I can do nothing because of HR
Yeah I'm glad they don't hire you.
South florida. Here I get alot of Arabs mirin telling me it means beauty in arabic.
Go by your middle name
>middle name is probably d'quanavarious
Then people will say. "Blacks are criminals", but how is one with a non-white name expected to make a living?
I honestly think I have the same issue. Many name is Irish as fuck and I'm named after St. Patrick. Always get the job when I have an interview though.
Just put down "mal" Instead of Jamal you stupid nigger
Deal with it and say thanks to your parents.
Yea, when people actually see me and talk to me I get the job instantly, but before that there is little hope.
I'll be honest with you, jamal. Until we segregate and pour efforts into our own distinct economies, this discrimination will continue and worsen. The racists of yesterday, jim crow and whatnot, in truth, had your best interests in mind as hard as that is to believe
It's right to avoid the question in this situation, as the question itself is avoiding from the main issue, which he responded without waiting for your dumb ass to ask.
Why is the world so racist. I shouldn't have to change for a racist world.
>Fasts for 2 months of the year and passes out at his desk
fucking lol
Did you apply to Blacked com?
Ok so stop whining and blaming the world and just accept your misfortune and work through the difficulty. There is obviously a job waiting for you on the other side of your job search as soon as you quit the pity party and keep trekking down the road
All niggers must hang btw but until the race war comes we might as well be pragmatic here
>Why is the world so racist. I shouldn't have to change for a racist world.
Harden the fuck up
that and the felonies where you dindunuffin.
Seriously? No one wants to deal with a potentially violent black guy who flips out at the slightest slur. On top of that, all the racism charges from you everyday that will happen. No HR wants to deal with this. You would be basically a living disruption in the company. I'm sorry, but thats the way it is.
What's your middle name? What ever letter it starts with call yourself those initials, like J.D. or whatever.
there is white privilege and there is also black privilege
there is male privilege and there is female privilege
there is child privilege and there is adult privilege
these are the hands youve been given, now play your cards. complaining wont solve anything and will make people resent you. adapt and become successful
Hey, cuck
change your name
that's because you're so trapped in your limited perspective that you can't see how from jamalop's side of things, the kind of names you consider nice and normal sound stupid too.
that's why people contrast black names with "jake" and the like, which conjures up an image of a white guy just as ordinary, stupid, destined for nothing as the name "jamal" conjures up when you hear it
just lie and say your names is james
You're just not Asian enough to get away with it.
How about getting a second name like J.jonah jameson ..
But i mean..i get it..Your name is your name.
But seriously i mean is that really such a problem ?
Maybe it is only depending on where you live..a small town in the south is maybe not as good to get work then like..los angeles or so..
I mean yes the usa is fucking big and everything but you know
I know there's some bias in what names sound normal to me, but we live in America. To me when I heard names like Jamal or Shaniqua it feels like I'm dealing with people who haven't fully assimilated into our society. It's the same with other ethnic sounding names. Middle eastern sounding names are probably the worst offenders.
>bro served in army with Richard Raper Jr (goes buy Dick).
sometimes you just got to own it, go for the diversity hire.
change name to Chad
problem solved
My first name is Taylor. It feels too feminine. Should I change it?
>tfw my name is white as fuck and I get hired based soley on my name
>Taylor. It feels too feminine. Should I change it?
According to Le Pen, the only solution to this problem is changing your name.
Listen to all those anons and just change it.
Here in France we used to have no choice but to chose a calendar name. In french caribbean islands, you have lot of old black people called "fetnat" (short for "fete nationale", Bastille Day) born the fourteenth of july because they used to take the name of the saint of the day your were born.
Like this, no problems with La/a, Jamal or Jamarcus.
>people who name their children jamal, tyrone, t'shonda'niquer or laqueefa
>not ghetto
>not dangerous
Sorry, but I like to play it safe. His parents basically excluded him from the work force since day 1.
Change your first name to 'Doctor'
Hi, my name is Doctor Smith. I'm here for the job interview.
Sounds good.
legally add a vanilla middlename like James or something, Jamal James xxxxx doesnt sound too bad
>white as fuck
You simply got a normal english name, not a made up word or something alien to the anglosphere.
In New York I once passed a doctor's office that was labeled Dr. A. Cula.
>Why is the world so racist.
Why is auto insurance so accurate? When I was young I paid a hefty premium....because others my age were poor drivers. I was a perfect driver, and in almost 25 years I have had 3 tickets.
Statistically, youth are poor drivers. The cost of their actions was spread out over the entire body of people that age.
Feel free to read in between the lines. There are plenty of statistics to support "RACISM".
I think this is an interesting point Sup Forums will miss because HURR HURR NIGGERS, but I think if a company should be able to choose who they hire, so if they have had bad experiences with black people in the past and choose not to hire them, that seems reasonable, but I also think that companies should be as race blind as possible when it comes to hiring, I've seen some studies that suggest there is some sort of racism working against some minorities when it comes to applying for jobs, which doesn't sound fair to me (if those studies can be trusted).
Because in my 26 years of being employed through 8 jobs and 1 career out of the many many non-white/asian co-workers I've had like five were worth a shit.
Same thing applies to women. Want your company to succeed? Hire a white or asian male because they actually do the fucking job you ask them to.
>tfw have a colored name
we share these feels user. that's why its important to find liberal whites, they'll think they are """helping""" us.
Fuck off with that negativity, there is absolutely a 3rd option, don't put your fingers in your ears shouting LA-LA-LA because you don't want to hear it, and would rather retreat to your pity bubble where everything is wrong and poor you wah wah.
getting a job isn't as easy as you think it is regardless of what your name is
keep it as a second name and just use 'First Name' J. 'Family Name'
>avoid lines of direct questioning
>give an answer to a question that was never asked
>call the person who asked the original question dumb
Brazilian dialectic, everyone.
You have privilege. You have no idea what people like me have to go through.
Middle name dude
So unless everyone here has mirrored your exact life experiences in their own lives, they have no right to comment on your situation?
Then why on earth would you waste your own time asking them questions?
get a name change faggot
I wasn't asking a question, I was making a statement, and replying to a poster's insinuation that my grievances were illegitimate.
Then use your middle name fag
I'm a white guy named Lebron. Not even kidding.
I still got a job though.
I like how you think you're telepathic.
That's honestly worse than asking questions. You put forth a statement in a public forum for the express purpose of shooting down any criticism of that statement as being illegitimate due to the privilege of the critic.
That doesn't strike you as masturbatory?
>Im uneployd cuz mi name.
t. nigger
And rightly so. Thank the other jamals for it.
Well, change your fucking name then. You're still the same person if your name is John.
ITT: We laugh at OP
>Jamals literally on Sup Forums
Man, Leddit really did spill over onto this board
>You have privilege
stupid funposter
mods should purge you all
Well, let's find out. Post any one of your resumes' objective statement and at least one statement from a selected experience.
Let's see how you write jigaboo
Use Jamie instead. Your application will stick out to them because Jamie can be a girl as well. That's a bonus.
How about you change your name to fit in more, also stop being such a nigger. You should blame your mother for giving you a shit name.
just change it to Joseph or Jack or something.
File a name change, John.
Change your name you damn dirty ape.
You should try writing something more than just your name in your next application.
>It feels like selling out.
Nigga, what the fuck do you think a JOB is?
And you can't sell out if nobodys buying your shit.
Whew Bastille would be such a rich sounding name
>nigger logic