what if it turned out aliens existed?
what would politically change?
would that lead to globlaism?
what if it turned out aliens existed?
what would politically change?
would that lead to globlaism?
Ok I'll bite achmed,
In the event of alien existence and assuming they're close enough to be a threat, United States would go full autist and every country that has military alliance with them would have to do the same. Other nations would flock to their respective allies and once alliances made everyone would "pretend" to get along like the allies did in ww2.
The first thing I can see happening is a mass annexation of Africa by the US and china competeing for the continent under the guise of protect from alien threat, the Chinese would also play this card in SE Asia.
If it came to war with aliens the secondary goal for nations outside of the US would be to send them bankrupt post the war, much like the Americans did to the Brits at the close of WW2.
Amy other questions?
what if ayys were neutral?
they just reveal themselves.
would hummans still go apeshit with their military?
>would that lead to globlaism?
I think it would.
Aliens would offer us world peace and technology.
The superior human race would unite and crush the filthy subhumans.
what if we are the alieums???
>Aliens would offer us world peace and technology.
Why would they do that?
>what if it turned out aliens existed?
They do
Yea britty much except nations would also go autist and try steal aliens tech
what if Aliens would, as a show of power nuke the continent of africa?
would people still want to steal from them?
Aliens exist, it's a near certainty. Just not the grey aliens of popular culture
But it's gonna be centuries before we meet them
Aliens don't exist until they reveal themselves to everyone, until then its speculation.
Maybe they would, maybe they'd blow us up to build an interstellar bypass. We can't assume aliens will be peaceful or even helpful.
It's literally impossible for just us to exist in the universe
And when i say aliens, i just mean life on another planet
There are groups of people on this planet who call themselves "Starseeds"
They claim to be aliens who incarnated into the bodies of humans to uplift mankind and move it forward.
Wooooah what if we are the aliens sent back from the future to ensure that we become aliens
they exist
they are far superior than us in technology and spirituality
What if an advanced alien race came here and asked why white humans are trying to civilize an inferior hominid species and allowing our white women to breed with them thus destroying our species? What if they straight up said niggers are a higher form of ape?
They are already here.
What if the first thing alirns said was, "have you heard the word of God and his son Christ?"?
Given Earth's rather large gravity well (95% mass required to be fuel for rockets), I'd imagine we would be on the upper percentiles for physical strength for spacefaring races. We can breed somewhat quickly, so I wonder if we would be the space niggers to a more advanced race that doesn't want to deal with us
>aliens give muslims nuclear fusion and railguns
>world peace
pretty sure we would praise them to the heavens
Praise Xenu
My take on aliens!
IF the global gov's say aliens are saviors bla bla, all let's embrace, hold hands, say kumbayaaa = they are evil
IF the global gov's say aliens are evil we need to fight them bla bla = aliens are good....
There is also the possibility of fake aliens portrayed as being evil so global gov's push us into new world order with cetralized control and 1 world religion shit
Also, we developed technology to kill civillisations before we developed technology to fly to another planet, we poison ourselfs for fun, domesticated our natural enemies into pets and do suicide attacks.
I bet the ayy lmaos are shitting themself when thinking about war with humans. Better technology doesn't mean more efficient warfare.
Humans are nuts. I'd love to see a film where the people are the aggressors. Or simply Aliens getting themselves into deep shit. You also have to take into account that simple microbes would fuck up anything coming in to our atmosphere.
But simply put imagine a movie where the aliens are speaking English, they land on Earth at night and through the bushes a guy comes running out screaming gibberish. Alien shoots him but his guts get on the aliens skin and quickly burn through it's flesh.
There are so many factors that could constitute why we wouldn't be the losers even against a space fairing alien race.
>what if aliens existed
Right now or in the future?
Because in the future, our offspring will become aliens due to long distances and evolution.
>hence why all the not-humans in Sci-fi are actually perfectly valid, and even likely scenarios, as opposed to all life-sustaining planets independently evolving a civilizational species
Right now, though... We'd attempt to gain information and information monopolies. How great are they, what is their technology, goals, can we help (for a price, or for free because we are idiots), metaphysical claims, philosophical truths. It is unlikely that they would launch an expensive military campaign if it requires any effort to move large distances, especially now that we can effectively ruin our planet with chemicals and radiation.
If they are jihadists, though...
so if the aliens pulled a Independence Day, would you still believe they were good?
Fuck them fuckin cosmic riders. Em Time Warppin mother ship sons of bitches!!!! We'll raise our fuckin flags and fuck them green gray bastards up. then we'll capture them little bastards and tax their asses if they don't get the health care formally known as obama care, and fuckin put their asses to work at burger king for 3.00 an hour since they can just fuckin move fuckin shit with their minds while sittin' down, the lazy bastards. Put their asses in certain parts of town where is lowerest level income where they're on their own section 8, called section Zycloff. FUCK THEM COSMIC RIDERS!!!
What are the crosses for?
Well that guy from Blink182 thinks they are real.
>what if it turned out aliens existed?
And know and can get to earth? we would all be dead.
>what would politically change?
Your dead thats the change.
>would that lead to globlaism?
If there where people left, but there wouldn't be so no.
dont be retarded now! You will just know
I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me.
I am the light of the world and whoever walks with me shall always walk in light and never walk in darkness.