I got a situation here fellas...

I got a situation here fellas, I need inforgraphs and images that explain the snow-flake/tumblerina/sjw/internet attention whore type of personality to my mom. Shes a traditional conservative housewife from Montana and finds herself the target of a purple haired freaks ire on facebook right now and im trying to explain to her why this woman isnt acting ver ladylike.

>mom was raised by a stepdad who beat the shit out of her and left her home alone for days to go drinking
>mom left age 16
>worked hard, got her shit together, lived a moral life and married my dad, became traditional housewife who provided the stable home she never had to her kids
>get call last week
>stepdad is dead
>turns out hed remarried a very wealthy woman, then divorced her
>his ex wife is a seattle millionaire, she knows how shitty he had been to my mom, tells my mom his posessions and money can go to her
>lady is rich and out of touch, but otherwise okay, she doesnt need the $10,000, a truck, and a mostly empty house anyways
>mom recieves assets from the estate, legal paper work signed off and everything
>rich ex wife has a tublerina bitch daughter
>purple hair, piercings, and I shit you fucking not, shit, and lord tatooed across her knuckles thug style
>this bitch grew up in a 1.7 million dollar house on mercer island, has lacked for nothing in her whole life
>is currently blasting through my mom's social media turning this entire thing into being about her
>accusing my mom of theft, pretending she is distraught over a guy her mom divorced before she was even born
>accusing my mom of enabling abuse of women (because shes a housewife and not a purple haired feminazi freak so obviously by depriving her of an inheritance she never had legal right to or need for my mom is obviously helping this straight white male discriminate against her from the grave)

Other urls found in this thread:



>from 16 to 22 my mom slaved in a diner withput a pot to piss in, she was beaten, not fed, and on several occaisions taken by CPPS pretty much on a regular basis from age 4 to 16
>tfw a real woman who overcame abuse and went on to get over it and raise a healtgy conservative family is accused of woman abuse by a 25 year old purple haired fuck who was raised carefree by millionaires

So basically, my mom has no idea what the fuck she did to attract the attention of this crazy neon haired whore, who rallied a few fellow SJW friends is currently burning through her friends list on facebook contacting everyone she knows to spew her bullshit. In the name of feminism and emotional justice a feminazi SJW is harassing an actual abuse victim and thinks shes in the right.

My mom is bewildered and im trying to explain the psychology of it.

Im performing damage control on my mom's social media right now, I know as soon as the initial rage orgy wears off these types like to lawyer up (shes already claiming my mom "embezzled" his life insurance and "stole his posessions."

We have the legal paperwork that says otherwise, but im screen capping to build a harassment case to counter any lawsuits she tries to pull after shes done getting her friends to troll my mom.

I've got nothing, but thanks for letting me know other people's lives suck more than mine.

Ma's pretty tough, she aint shook up over it, but she describes the situation as akin to meeting a hostile space alien.

It really is bizzare. Its almost like shes pissed ma stole her percieved victim status and wants it back.

Bumping for interest.

Willing to share screen shots user?

I know this is gonna sound like a cop out, but I really am building a harassment case here (dad is a cop, im in training as an investigator).

Its a small, small chance but if this gets used as evidence and it turns up I posted screencaps to Sup Forums this tumblrina could claim I was harassing HER.

Im gonna wreck this bitch and accuse her of harassing and stalking a woman. Utterly destroy her SJW street cred. Fight faggotry with faggotry.


Fair enough, just try to refrain from outright trying to attack her and doing anything that can be used against you in court

i wish i could help user, i truly do. the best i can do is wish you good luck to you and your mom and hope everything works out

p.s. fuck the sjw cunt i hope she gets aids

lmfao oh my god, maybe the aliens are testing shit out for reals

also post the court case here saying you 'know the OP and are a friend of the mother'

Take this bump OP.

I'm afraid you can't explain the psychology behind it because they're all fucking insane

Just show her photos of sjw

I might feel bad enough to troll

Horribly fucking sad OP

I don't understand the psychology of these people either, they've been completely destroyed by wealth and their meme coursework at college. She's the one that needs to be beaten

Take this user

Bump around #2

I wish i could help but i have nothing.

Good luck ameribro.

Look for a short paper called "Ideology harms children" by the American College of Pediatricians.

Basically is about why children shouldn't be allowed to use hormones, like a lot of SJW parents proudly push on their kids, and also has some other anti-transgender facts

That SJW mouth again

Here's the best line from the paper

Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and
undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBQT –
affirming countries.11 What compassionate and reasonable person would condemn young children
to this fate knowing that after puberty as many as 88% of girls and 98% of boys will eventually
accept reality and achieve a state of mental and physical health?

Naw, not calling for a raid, I have alllll the time in the world for this bitch.

I spent the summer checking in on some old folks down the road whose daughter is a big corporate lawyer type who deals in big $$ lawsuits.

I contacted her and she, knowing my mom very well has agreed to do this pro-bono.

Her advice is to let this chick contact as many of our associates as possible unopposed and just record all of it. She thinks shes on a crusade but shes just digging herself into a hole.

Then a few months from now when she thinks its done and that she "won" a subpeona is going to show up at her front door.

Plus this community turns out to be pretty self healing. People's general reactions to this bitch and her pack of jackles is "who the fuck are you?" Followed shortly by "fuck off, youre full of shit."

All them years being good upright citizens who support our community are paying dividends right now. Its Montana, everyone knows everyone here.

Funny thing is, I think people who might have atleast heard her out are just telling her to get fucked as the typical montana kneejerk reaction to some hair-dyed harpy from the city contacting them. She probably would have been more successful if she bothered to maintain a normal human appearance.

Search prager University videos

This is very interesting.

Do you have a blog?

God speed, user and God bless your mother. Did an internship out in Philipsburg back in college and found Montana absolutely beautiful. Might return sometime soon.

Sadly this is the reality, only drastic measures can help. Delete facebook, move somewhere. I am doing the same, my situation slightly different, worse i dare say. Liberal feminazi accused me of rape and i stand to go to jail cause the other feminazi are lying and they are my only witnesses.

I have a youtube channel but its just starting, and its mostly about guns.

I still don't understand why anyone would use their real name on a computer. Or why they would let faceburg own all their digital pictures and persona.

Because MOST people only have a few family gatherings and some pictures of cute animals on facebook.

It appears that this drama was made possible due to social media. Without that there would have been no platform to harass your mom. Or associated her with other people to harass.


If they did that to my mother they'd all disappear.

what psychology dude, she wants your moms stuff, the world is not fair and she will end up with it, because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. the court system is absolutely fucking insane and you are going to roll the dice for no reason.

your mum doesn't need the house or money let her have it, vindictive people like this just want a win so reach some equitable agreement if you want to deal.

your biggest mistake was letting your mum use facebook.

I'll check that out

Yes, be polite even. It will only drive her to more insane levels.

I know this from personal experience.

Its called white trash tactical, its only got 3 videos and 12 subs

This usually works.

Got into an argument with an SJW defending Pro-Life. She made a rape joke without realizing it, called her out on it. She went on a delete-fest covering any tracks relating her to that conversation.

For the purple haired ones, it's not about the movement, it's about gaining favor in their own little social group.

>>accusing my mom of theft, pretending she is distraught over a guy her mom divorced before she was even born
>>accusing my mom of enabling abuse of women (because shes a housewife and not a purple haired feminazi freak so obviously by depriving her of an inheritance she never had legal right to or need for my mom is obviously helping this straight white male discriminate against her from the grave)

This is why we need trial by combat.

Your sten build vids are fucking hilarious mate, love it.

You got a one of a kind mother there, it takes immense strength of character for a woman to overcome all that and emerge a doting wife and loving mother. God fucking bless.

OP, will you post the aftermath of it all?

Maybe in australia. The ex-wife was executor of the estate and she signed everything over to my mom, witnessed and notorized and confirmed by the courts.

This bitch cant get shit, the transfer has already been completed for 2 weeks. She doesnt even WANT shit, except to be the center of attention and have her victim status confirmed by her social group.

What shes gonna get is a stalking and harassment lawsuit fired down her throat by a straight white conservative heterosexual.

Immah be building one that uses suomi drums next, im currently collecting the bits and pieces I need.

Im gonna make a suomi fuck a sten and show off the hybrid offspring.

>checking out mouth breathers

Are you serious?!

>let her have it

full cuck tier

Maybe, depends on how the case goes and how long it takes. These things dont happen overnight, and judges sometimes end such civil disputes by issuing a non-disclosure to both parties.

Sometimes gloating about victory can get the case undone or even reversed and pointed at you.

My mouth does this (to less of an extreme, since I have an actual upper lip), and I'm fairly right-wing

It just means you're a mouthbreather. Makes you ugly as sin

Rich shits usually don't know how the world works, their asses are destined to get handed to them. It's just a matter of when

Well she pissed off a family of cops with a high-power litigation lawyer pitching in their work for free.

Im not exaggerating, this chick who is working with us hands rich people thier asses for a living.

I think we have a strong position.

Lobster pornstar. What the fuck does that even entail? What is even the target audience?

She probably convinced herself that it was a counter-cultural subversive art project to justify having to stoop to the epic levels of self degradation required to get anyone to fuck her.

What is with feminists and those ugly fucking lips they always seem to have

Listen brother.
We have Based Lord KEK.
We have the Baby Jesus.
They have nothing.
You have the upper hand.
If God is for us, who can be against us?


it reminds me of Trigglypuff's tinder account

Why do fat SJWs end up being the biggest freaks? Who is fucking these labs whales anyway?

*land whales

Also pic related

I'll be watching your channel, Breeki. You seem like a nice dude.

Nice blog and all that.

Sorry for your mom's situation tho...She seems cool as shit, and I hope everything works out for her and y'all.

Have a funny from the high quality ylyl bread last night

best of luck to you.

You probably already know, but should check out a couple youtube channels like Sargon of Akkad, or others like that. just type in anti-sjw or something like that, there are plenty.

roll it around in some flour and look for the wet spot

Hey OP, not sure if this helps but gonna dump what pasta I have from my SJW folder

Your mom might appreciate this one





It's called "fish mouth"

Just search for "feminist cringe" compilation videos on youtube.


Just block and ignore. Do not talk about her, reply or give her any sort of attention. Just black hole that crazy bitch and she will move on to a new target. After all, next week someone else will do something to attract her toxic attention.

Mouth breathers, actually.

Feminists are disgusting.

Tell her to just block the cunt and everyone associated with them.
Anything else is a waste of time and effort.

She is convinced that lobsters are female empowerment, and have two penises
She doesn't really understand that female lobsters basically dare the males to rape them, and they don't have penises at all, they just have appendeges which sperm travel through. They aren't organs.

This, this, and this.

Validation of any kind is their fuel. Starve the fire with silence.

fuck off with your facebook drama

sage goes in every field


Sounds like you've got yourself a solid case while the harasser has dug herself a quarter-mile deep hole.
You don't really need to explain the SJW thing to your mom, it's enough to explain that the harasser is an attention-craving "the world owes me" type. And remember to NEVER reply to her or contact her, or she claim that as harassment.

Best of luck to you, OP, Godspeed.


As people often point out: It's called a fishmouth, and must be prevalent with these people because they always take the bait.


The new generation of "snowflakes" are driven by emotion first and foremost. They try to incite violent emotions as that's where they beat you in the screaming and you might say something undiplomatic they can use against you to prove their point.

Be calm and collected, soon they realize they get nowhere with you and they fall prey to their own tactics.


your mom likes conflict, thats why she is conflicting with so many losers.

To stop cyber bullying:
Step 1: turn off your pc