I have a measured IQ of 136

I have a measured IQ of 136.

My sister just measured here IQ (she is 12) and she got 117.

My father is a very succesful real estate developer.

Despite all of this, Sup Forums wil hate us becaus we are black. When will you admit that there are flaws in your line of thinking?

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>Not having 140
MENSA or nothing retard, get on my intellectual level

Go back to africa you double nigger you don't belong in Sweden

IQ is literally not meant to measure smarts that way. It's a tool meant to figure out if someone has a learning disability, and that's all it can reliably do.

Sure Sup Forums is all retarded about race, but you're being equally stupid.

Is what I'd say if this wasn't just bait.

117 isn't that great. I had 130 something at age 9

Doubt it. You'd be in the .01 percentile for blacks which would mean (if you really are high IQ) you would have probably exploited all the diversity scholarships/internships and free shit the swedish government hands out EG you'd be successful and not on Sup Forums

>implying IQ means anything

only need 132 for mensa
look up high IQ celebrities you'll see how meaningless it is

I got 127 when I was grade 2, and now I am still sitting here browsing Sup Forums and became a disgrace to my family.

I don't hate you. As in the you the individual. I hate the enemy. You are of an enemy tribe. You are my enemy. You will always be my enemy, while you live in the west. There is nothing neither of us can do about this. We might be amiable to one another, we might even be friend on a personal level, but when shit hits the fan, as it always will in a multiracial society, we will be on opposite sides.

Go home.

Wow pal I think you missed the Crusades by a couple centuries.

Sup Forums will never be accused of having flawless thinking.

If you don't understand the concept of outliers, then you don't have an IQ of 136.

Im black and my IQ is 145
I also BLACKED white wimminz erry day and got 7 PHd"s

Why don't you go back to where you belong? You don't belong here. You can't be a "proud black man" and do NOTHING for your motherland.

Aslo, get your head outta your ass, your dad is a glorified car-salesman, nothing else.


Diversity + Proximity = War

It's simple, but it's true.

>you have NO reason to hate people that don't belong in your country but insist they stay
Yes we do. GTFO to Africa.

>*laughs with Jewish friend in unison*
>*picks up cup of tea and waits eagerly for replies*

Don't you guys have anything better to do?

If you subtract about 40-50 IQ points i'll believe you. I might even stop hating you. :)


I dont hate you, but you still have to go back.

Based Sven


>t. nigger
fuck off you moon cricket

>Despite all of this, Sup Forums wil hate us becaus we are black. When will you admit that there are flaws in your line of thinking?
>Sup Forums wil hate us becaus we are black.
>there are flaws in your line of thinking?
Maybe you should use that great intelligence of yours to understand why your statement makes no sense. We hate you because you're black. That's it. Now fuck off Europe.

Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take-up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.[1][2][3]

As for economic effects, research suggests that migration is beneficial both to the receiving and sending countries. Research, with few exceptions, finds that immigration on average has positive economic effects on the native population, but is mixed as to whether low-skilled immigration adversely affects low-skilled natives. Studies show that the elimination of barriers to migration would have profound effects on world GDP, with estimates of gains ranging between 67 and 147 percent. Development economists argue that reducing barriers to labor mobility between developing countries and developed countries would be one of the most efficient tools of poverty reduction.

The academic literature provides mixed findings for the relationship between immigration and crime worldwide, but finds for the United States that immigration either has no impact on the crime rate or that it reduces the crime rate. Research shows that country of origin matters for speed and depth of immigrant assimilation, but that there is considerable assimilation overall for both first- and second-generation immigrants.

git out of white man land, go bak to yer black man swamps in afreka

>statistical outliers
You might be intelligent, but you aren't smart.

That's like saying >implying money means anything
It only correlates extremely strongly with success and expertise, but it doesn't necessary imply those things.

>Only 136
Get out you fucking sub-human

I'm above average but many faggots on Sup Forums are extremely retarded when it comes to analyzing IQ statistics and the weight they put on this number.

You have to take into account that natsocs aren't the brightest bunch (inb4 picture of top nazi politicians and IQ, nobody cares that's not you)

>When will you admit that there are flaws in your line of thinking?
There isn't. You're black and shouldn't be in Sweden or Europe in general. Your father should've used his skills to make the country that shat him out a better place to live so that your 136 IQ won't be wasted to paint some wall eventually.

It's sad but no matter what beneficial thing you DO, it can't outweigh the damage of what you ARE.

snoop dogg has a 140 IQ

you are dumber than snoop dogg

>136 IQ
>is worried what Sup Forums thinks of him

yeaaah.. no.

>it doesn't matter what good you do for society it will never outweigh the detriment of existing while black
wew lad

Individuals will always succeed. Just make sure the new Islamic republic of Sverigeborgistan. Get rid of the local sämrefolk and their tongue.

I've met Mensa kids who circlejerk about IQ less than Sup Forums does.

>we are black
>Swedish flag

>I hate the enemy. You are of an enemy tribe. You are my enemy.

Whoa there, Ender. Graff wants you in his office, immediately.

>Just make sure the new Islamic republic of Sverigeborgistan won't kill you.

>it doesn't matter what good you do for society it will never outweigh the detriment of existing while black while living in a country where the native population's existence is currently under the threat by foreign populations
Don't cut the sentence short next time.

What is the iq of TayTay?

I cringed to be honest.

So here is a thing, i would be more then happy, to about you but you if you would live where you are born, we have created ethnostates called countries, becose we know for a fact that, people dont get well togeather, you live in country that dosent belong to you, you are not ethnic sweede, sweeden is called sweeden becouse an ethnic group called sweedes lived there for thousands of years.
Find a flaw.

OP is implying his IQ has anything to do with how anyone should feel about him. It doesn't. How people feel about you is based on your actions. Your IQ can be 200 and people can still hate you.

Also having money means you did something right. You did something that made you have success. Having a high IQ doesn't mean anything other than that you are a quick learner.

You have to go back. Fucking shitskin subhuman.

I won't hate you, user. You're only human.

What we dislike is you abandoned your home land.

If you have a high IQ you will at least realise the consequences of you leaving your tribe behind.

You seem to have an understanding that iq is at least defined somewhat by racial characteristics.

You know that your life own race has an iq on average less than 100.

Instead of helping them. You left.

You left for a country that is destroying itself and doomed to become something similar to the country of your origin.

Well done.

>Despite all of this, Sup Forums wil hate us becaus we are black. When will you admit that there are flaws in your line of thinking?


IQ of 136 my ass.

I don't hate you specifically. I don't want you in white countries because the vast majority of you are either criminal or retarded. I don't care about IQ scores, I walk out my doors and see how you act.

Also, I find you ugly and don't want you in my face (or gene-pool) all the time. Doesn't mean I want to genocide you. Get out of Sweden, nigger. You are welcome to your home country.

The racist leafs are the best because you can feel them trying incredibly hard to compensate for all the cuck ones.

>knowing your father
Gr8 b8, you tried.

(((Economic benefits)))
(((Academic literature)))
Nobody gives a fuck about any of that. Go home you apeling.

Yes goyim!
Let in millions of of young african men come into your nation for work!
It helps the economy goy! Did i mention the 67 gorrillion?

Who are you to decide what's a good thread or not?

Yeah, we're the ones with flaws in our thinking

>little prince Barron I.Q of 600

your just a nigger nothing more nothing less.

I literally just c&p'd a (((Wikipedia))) paragraph so go take that up with the.

YES YES YES. Only 1 post.

Nice proxy.

> i have an IQ of 136 , therefore no need to hate black people

>Also having money means you did something right
Like inherited it, stole it, won it? You can come by money without having any positive qualities in you whatsoever.

Good job. You've showed on anonymous forum that you're so much above some complete stranger that you feel ashamed for them. You've certainly asserted your intellectual superiority now.

>1 post bye this id

just because you're black, doesn't mean you're a nigger.

>1 post by this ID

you scum piece of shit
post hand with time stamp or GTFO

Yes it does. This is not reddit. Please leave.

>I've met Mensa kids who circlejerk about IQ less than Sup Forums does.
related David Mitchell vid: youtube.com/watch?v=qPMKqyaXtHI

IQ tests measure your relative IQ based on origin/place of residence too.

For example, a mental retard would have a terrible relative IQ in the US but an outstanding relative IQ in a 3rd world shithole.

Also, sage.

Whats your point?

A shame to those digits.

It's a curse to be redpilled in this pathetic excuse for a nation.

It's not a circle jerk, newfags and nigs constantly come and try to say IQ doesn't matter/look at this based black guy/black slate theory.

We have to say keep saying this so people get it. IQ isn't the end-all-be-all, but it's a very relevant data point to success and behavior of a race.

IQ is a relative measure, nigger. So an IQ of 136 in sweden is probably like an 80 in a white country. Also
>real estate developer
So your dad builds mudhuts?

why dont you take those skills with you back to africa then, nigger? stop leeching off of western civilization. you are a parasite


I mean, how is it going up there, Hans?

It's funny how almost all comments in this thread are about how Sup Forums circle jerks over intelligence. Could it be that shills circle jerk over how they perceive their opposition to be? Nah, of course not. You're the smart and objective ones here.

>Like inherited it, stole it, won it? You can come by money without having any positive qualities in you whatsoever.

You're only disproving your own point..

I don't give a fuck that you're black, I give a fuck that you make every issue about the fact that you're black.

Also, you're an aussie or canadian white guy who's right shin is a bit hairier than his left.

This sums it up, the thread can be closed.

I got this from sweden

>136 IQ
>doesn't understand how population distributions work

Really. Makes. Me. Think.


sage the bait

>You're only disproving your own point..
If that's what you think then you're retarded and there's no reason to continue this conversation. My point is that intelligence implies things, money implies things. Neither necessitates things, i.e. saying intelligence means nothing is the same as saying money means nothing. Hopefully you don't need me to reiterate my point any futher, since I won't bother to.


>You can come by money without having any positive qualities in you whatsoever
>My point is that intelligence implies things, money implies things

Yes.. I'm the retarded one.

We could kill all below two standard deviations. That way All X Would Be Like That. I wonder if that's what happened to Ashkenazi Jews with their high average iq.

> black
> in Europe

You have to go back, god damn nigger killyourself

>Yes.. I'm the retarded one.
Yes. I'm glad we found an understanding. Now go read a book or something. Maybe your retardation is curable.

>the mistaken belief that we need to wipe out the entirety of the statistical population to fix the median (by no existing anymore)

Jews had selective breeding through big part of history.

But only Ashkenazis have high iq. The Arabic and Ethiopian ones do not.


EQ is just a measurement to see if you're socially retarded. I never said anything about EQ other than what I said in the previous sentence.
That said, if you actually think IQ is a sound way to measure someone's intelligence, you're an idiot. Intelligence is more than just IQ.

>having iq of 136
>not knowing what an association fallacy is

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a person of special needs. So let me explain it in a way even you can understand it:

You contradicted your own statement you goddamn moron.

Do you have any idea how many generations it would take to bring the nigger average up to a civilized level??

>but da jews did it
The Jews were already Eurasian, that's a prime IQ starting point. It's been over 2,000 years, and they've gained approx 15 points.

Niggers need to gain 30.

I don't hate you, but I do disdain you, and it's not because you're black, but you being black is related to it.

You misspelled "her" you fucking retard ^^^^

More like IQ of .136 xdddddd

>if you actually think IQ is a sound way to measure someone's intelligence, you're an idiot.
Your test didn't go too well, huh? Absolutely nobody claims intelligence = iq, but intelligence tests do measure something. And that something correlates very strongly with success, wealth and abilities. It's pretty clear that this 'something' is at least a part of intelligence, but we might just as well go as far as to straight up call it intelligence and remove the ambiguity. Those who claim iq is irrelevant are themselves too stupid to understand its significance.

The way averages work is not that every black person is stupid, it's that most black people are less intelligent than other races.

I'm happy for you and your entire family that fled your own fucked up country to ruin one of the few white ethnostates that you are relatively intelligent people.