Muslim ban failed

>muslim ban failed
>taxpayers paid almost 12 million dollars for his shitty trips in last 30 days
>China cucked him
>no wall
>protests every day
>entire world is mocking him
>6% approval rating

I regret voting for him every single fucking day.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget this week, him ripping apart net neutrality, allowing people to pour pesticides into rivers, and making you pay another 54 billion dollars for military welfare queens.

go back to your appartement pole

And yet rural and suburban retards will continue to support this guy, it's unbelievable how utterly brainwashed they've become. Trump is a disgrace but these guys just don't see it. This is what happens when you get all your information from alternative media. This is trumps America.

You used the wrong VPN CuckBlue

Also no ones buys these Trumpgret posts anywhere.


Ok, son, take this candy.

Yeah it's pretty terrible. Better go back to Mexico where things are so much better :^)

I regret the fact that I had to acknowledge your presence for even a second.
Your life is literally worth less than the potatoes you farm, you fucking gnat.

It's funny because net migration from Mexico has been negative for years now.

>Dat file name

This is bait

When was the last time a president actually did what they were elected to do? Trunk is the real deal.

nice alternative fact

Migration from Mexico is always a negative.

OP is probably a retard or as shitposter, but I have to agree with him. this week has been a massive failure.

>we have to start winning wars again, like we used to, followed by an increase for military spending

>net neutrality? what's that lmao

>failed muslimban

>marihuana an issue for the states? nah federal supremacy

>idiotic tweet

>Who knew Healthcare could be so complicated

>skips correspondent dinner


When is he going to man up and actually act like a president?

How the fuck do you document illegals Jose?

Its a real fact. People have been moving back to Mexico faster than new people coming in, the wall will actually keep the Mexicans in the country.

It is confusing to us Canadians up here, Trump's had more scandals in a month than Obama had in 8 years. Impeach when?

I wish this website were American only, so tired of the irrelevant rest of the world commenting on our country

Are you fags actually trying to make it look like pol is turning on trump? My god. Your trying to piss in a pool of piss.


No one. These spammer idiots are worst thing about /pol.

How fucking stupid do you have to be, to spam the same shit over and over and over, and think it's worthy trolling.

Your pretended ideas aren't irritating. Your right click, paste, repeat filler thinking it's clever is a little. Same as some mentally challenged child squealing out annoying mouth shit screeches in a store.

By this point you aren't pretending. You are retarded.

>file name

Sup Forums was never really for trump, nor against him. We are just here for the memes. Nobody takes this autistic stuff seriously.

Trump is just the habbo hotel of presidents.

Keep trying

That's legals, nobody gives a shit what legals do because they do nothing wrong.

We're talking about illegal invaders. And yes, when there's 11,000,000 of them, it's an invasion.


You see, Italy already got its version of Trump...

He did manage to make it more difficult to immigrate to the USA. For Poles among others. :)


>shit, he figured it out.
>maybe if I keep pissing in it...

Yeah Trump sucks, I'll see you at the HWNDU rally next to Shia LeDouche.

This is Shariablue and CREW slide thread. Don't bumb.

Those were the good times he cutted a lot of taxes and made our economy grow, until the media throw dirt at him because he was against immigration,the attack of Libya and the sanctions of russia, he was too close to brother Vladimir.
Now the Eu imposed to us a puppet government lead by lefties. We don't vote since 2011. The EU take us our freedom and democracy.
Berlusconi wasn't the best but at least we voted him.

>I regret voting for him every single fucking day.


>muslim ban failed
Shareblue thread?




>Your trying to piss in a pool of piss.

You just gave Trump a major hard-on right now. Is Ivanka the one getting pissed on in the pool?




Can dump coal run off in streams now too, America sure is looking great again


these weeks**

>And yet rural and suburban retards will continue to support this guy, it's unbelievable how utterly brainwashed they've become. Trump is a disgrace but these guys just don't see it. This is what happens when you get all your information from alternative media. This is trumps America.

As a former Trump supporter, it's kinda funny watching him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

When mouthbreathers here/around the country start to see the negatives and it overwhelms their desire to be winners for once, so probably never

Mexicans aren't the only ones who hop the border.

How many levels of false flagging are you on right now?

and Hilldog still isn't in prison


kys shill