>Legal immigrant
Nope. We have no problem with legals. Only illegals.
You leftists always seem to ignore that.
Feminists: thats right, we dont want attractive ladies who can steal white men from us!
Isn't she a us citizen since she married Mr.Money?
We need to cut through the PC bullshit and specify that people with DARK SKIN get deported.
>legal immigrants being priority for deportation
>legal immigrants being deported ever
fake news
So Obama would be deported too?
...so would all the people that received amnesty from Obama and Reagan...
That's literally definition of fake liberal news
She is legal and has been for many years so I don't see how is that even possible
Nigger tier fake news bait
Sage goes in all fields.
fake news
Can't spell DRUMPF without RUM
Truly fascinating "news".
>Eyecatching article name which endorses an idea
>Subtext clearly states it's based on 'alleged' accusations
I can't fucking stand this, MSM shits know all they need is for people to glance at the main headline in order to control the narrative.
Leftist are so retarded. It's the illegals trump wants out.
Yeah its not like legal green card holders were included in the travel ban or anything
You have no idea what you are arguing. You're a useful idiot.
she isnt from one of the 7 countries, is she?
Wrong, shes an alien with an extrordinary ability.
To make calls to certain people?
but she married a citizen
those damn laws. and funny how the faggot OPs try to hide the kike news source lately
>sage in all fields
>name is not sage