I would post an image a fat fuck posting on Sup Forums but then that 3would offend the christcucks.
ITT: White countries make fun of themselves, brown countries try desperately to appear whiter than they are.
reminder that the only reason Op made this thread was to to try and say pic related
These are the real whites
These are niggers
Replace the skin color in pic related with white :^)
Met a few spanish posters, pic related is what people with spanish flag look like
Terroni is the word you are looking for.
jesus why are jews so fucking ugly
>argentina posts a white guy
pol has the best memes
Since we're albino niggers, where are my benefits for being kangz n shiet?
genuinely thought OP's pic was a young Ed
only 254 lbs? hes fucking huge
paisans really taking the glamor ad stubble serious
columbian girls are super hot
oh my god why did I have to look that shit up...
Anyone want to watch :^)