Brit/pol/ - Eugenics edition

>White British population to fall below 70% of total by 2021 census

>(((EU))) introduces censorship to its parliament

>Secret Recording: BBC Licence Fee Agents ‘Want To Get As Much As We Can Out Of You Because We’re Greedy’

>Spanish Coastguard Picked up 257 Migrants over Weekend

>British Police Say Prosecuting FGM Perpetrators ‘Unlikely to Benefit’ Victims

Other urls found in this thread:

NATIVE Britons
Beware of
FOREIGN Influence

British Flag - Subhumans
>indian-"Scottish" Mongrel
>iberian kike
>Racemixer (chink Wife)
>Racemixer (korean pig Wife)
>Racemixer (pregnant quadroon Wife)
>Japanese-"English" Mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"
>Pro-Anglosphere gook/chink/jap
>kike Randposter
>Russian gopnik
>"Macedonian" degenerate gypsy
>south asian-""""""Persian"""""" inbred mongrel

British Flag - Degenerates
>Bomber Rimmer - Foot Fetishist Kike
>Preuße - Paedophile
>Meme Merchant - Autistic Underage Warmonger
>rap listening Russian cuck

Foreign Flag - Subhumans
>Ukrainian kike (Russian Flag)
>JIDF kike (South African Flag)
>Civic Nationalist Half-Breed/Mongrel (Netherlands)
>chink (Aus Flag)

What about the Colonies?

I have a question for you lads, if you racemix but also have white children before/after, is it as bad? You're still furthering your race.



At least provide an argument, pal.

>tfw this faggot is still so buttblasted about the fact that I called him a paedo that he resorts to slander


I voted leave but almost immediately regretted it after I realised brexit was a hate-filled racist campaign playing on people's fears. We can't let article 50 happen.

lmao Breitbart and Westmonster links, these are really lowest common denominator threads.

Remember Copeland? Breivik? Bissonnette?

not an argument

Obligatory Anycunt ITT Slip The Mrs The Roger On a Saturday Night? post.

What was Banks thinking making that Westmonster website

Literally WHO even visits it
What a waste of money

If you don't think illegal drug traffickers and suppliers should be executed, you don't belong in brit/pol/ (and are probably underage too)

This. Goodnight.

Drugs should be legal. Who cares

Your right it wasn't. I was laughing at the pleb tier links.

>Your right
>calling anyone else a pleb

Anyone over the age of 18 cares.

There's three britpol threads you incompetent dicks

He's right you know...

Legal substance trade is quintessentially British

>institute of race relations
Yeah I'm going to wait for the 2021 census before I make any judgments on that

Don't bother, he's a paedo scotkek who's justification for paedophilia is that if they're 11 years of age or older it's not really paedophilia but some other memeophilia.

Anyone who actually thinks and isn't complacent to mind-melting idiocy and the degeneracy poisoning our community.

What does it feel like to be over 100 years old?

What of it? That's not remotely relevant to anything.

One's past bump limit and the other has one post.

fuck brighton, how can you be so cucked that you have a green mp

Shit I imagine

Wow I got baited hard

The article link doesn't even mention 2021 in any capacity. Almost like the poster wanted the sweet, sweet (you)'s any nothing else

My bad you're* a pleb. I'm still not poor and gullible.

You know, Hitler probably said something similar to that...

I'd believe a Jew over a tripfag any day.


Fucking newfags get off my board.

People's Radical Party when?

who the fuck are you calling a newfag you trashy paedo

tbqh, banning drugs is just the tip of the iceberg. You may have less people using them but the fact remains that we still have an overwhelmingly liberal society where soft and no so soft leftist ideas are pushed at every level an in every area from schools, universities, businesses etc. Removing drugs is only one tiny step in cutting the poz in our society.

I don't believe anyone should be executed. A sensible and moral society doesn't murder it's own people.

Ah, liberal lalaland where the serial killer reoffended after being let off for good behaviour, and killed 100 more people, but at least the state didn't kill him!

Better yet, give you citizens guns and they can kill would-be murderers for you.

>our community
>multiracial society
Pick one. Drugs used to be legal

Do you think Nige hides his powerlevel to some degree? I mean he's a known admirer of Enoch Powell who said things which would be considered a bit, er...problematic in today's society. Heck they were controversial even back then.

>Drugs used to be legal
When nobody fucking did them

>Alright, so are you for the banning of UV lights as well then?
When did I say that you spacker? If you could stop making assumptions for a minute then maybe you wouldn't have had such a problem understanding. I can go into detail just fine but why would I when you're struggling to understand when I'm simplifying and generalising it as much as I can.

Indeed. But any step is an important step.

Execution is not murder.

dont engage the pube.

>t. newfag

And so did raping your wife.

I've found YKTD chaps

>posting on /s4s/

Anycunt up ITT enjoy slipping the missus the rodger on a Saturday night?

>venturing outside of Brit/pol/ for any other reason than colonisation

t. 1/64 Scot
After the Union of the Crowjs there was a tradition that the English serf or peasant would have to walk around the house with his shoes in his hands when Scottish official or landlord came to the house to have intercourse with his wife.

She was bleeding. No

get help you scary creepy fucker

I would argue that sensible and moral people don't allow broken people to walk amongst them and they don't expect the taxpayer to sustain these corrupted people in prisons. And yes broken, unfixable people do exist.

Yes. Does that mean you'll stop asking now?

>I would argue that sensible and moral people don't allow broken people to walk amongst them
I'd argue that they'd try to help them but only to an extent, a reasonable extent.

So you're saying that the manufacture of things like UV lights is fine, except if I were to buy them to grow drugs, because that would be supporting the UV light industry which increases overall drug use and is now not fine? It's totally incoherent.

Actually half-Scot, half-German not 1/64. But thanks anyway.

Depending on how broken they are, that is.

>hides his powerlevel
Yes he does. He's probably a "Keep Britain White" kind of guy.


post a picture of your mrs and I'll let you know if I want to fuck her

>Actually half-Scot, half-German
Do tell

Good guy
Good guy

What is there to tell? My grandparents are pureblood Scots, my mother is German/Irish.

Shut up about executions for one minute and tell me when I can have my assisted suicide.

Drugs are poison. Singapore has the right idea.

>EU brazenly introduces censorship to Parliament

Article is basically a truncated Telegraph article lmao, and the Telegraphs source is a Spainish tabloid.

I have just read Procedure 165, makes no mention of cutting live feeds and is basically the same procedures any Parliament would have. But I guess "they're vaguely worded", top kek.

Well of course, we shouldn't bin people at the first sign of dysfunction BUT crucially we also do need to bear in mind that people can become so degraded that they can't be brought back.

Most people don't let drugs ruin their lives

It's a case of the few ruining it for the many

You don't just need UV lights though, if you're going to grow it in your house, which is what alot of people do then you're going to need some sort of tent, the seeds, obviously and some people choose to spray chemicals too, now if it were up to me I'd impose regulations on such materials, kind of like the materials which are key components of bombs are regulated in alot of countries. Now why did you fixate on this little subject alone? This wasn't what we were talking about nor the point I was making but you keep circling back to it like you have nothing else to say, we can all tell you've had enough, hang up the gloves.

Nice. Glasgow?

If people take the risk then it's on their own heads.

Skye, actually.

what about this shit

>now if it were up to me I'd impose regulations on such materials, kind of like the materials which are key components of bombs are regulated in alot of countries.

There you go, you can give a straight answer. As to the rest of it get your ego-stroking from someone else lad, I'm not interested.

On the drugs issue:

So who decides which drugs are "Bad," and which are "Good?"

Big Pharma?
A committee?

What will be your measure?
Science or morals and feelings?

His Majesty Royal Ministry of Racial Hygiene

Think yktd will start posting again regularly ?
I have a hole in my heart now that needs to be filled with pseudo hitchens posts

Neat. Are you civicuck?

People have been using weed for thousands of years.
In many cultures it is Alcohol which is more foreign and is frowned upon, than weed.
Has been used successfully in civilization upon civilization.
The hypocrisy of Alcohol users condemning it is hilariously non-scientific. If you can have a pint, I should be able to have a spliff.

No doubt you'll be on the committee?

>Science or morals and feelings?
Why not both? We should bear in mind the potential medicinal uses of them while also considering the moral question of having certain drugs available for the general public.

Most drugs are bad, including lots of pharmaceutical drugs, the rest is up to culture, experience, and Royal Societies.

you already can.

Ask for "Pain Management." in any palliative care wards and exit via the morgue.
Euthanasia is routine in the UK and US but doesnt get called Euthanasia and doesnt really get openly discussed.

Which countries are these?

How about we just don't let more poisons into our lives rather than worrying about that kind of shit

One day I will become the King of Scotland

No? Probably? I don't actually know what that is. Born and raised in England, haven't had the chance to go up there yet.

Someday I hope.

>Has been used successfully in civilization upon civilization.
Such as?

Do you support kicking out non-Celto-Germanics?

but i don't have a terminal illness, i just ate too many of the black pills

>gets btfo
>d-don't t-talk to me e-ever again or i'll g-get m-my step dad on you

Anyone at Uni and sick to death of the leftist bullshit? I just want to go full Samson and bring it all crashing down.

>if you can have a pint i can have a spliff
knew you were a fucking stoner or an underage that idolises it

alcohol is not equal to weed

This is Sup Forums isn't it? Of course I do.

Yep. It's one of the most annoying things about debating weed with people. You invariably always find they are almost religiously obsessed with the drug.