What does China's future look like?

What does China's future look like?

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More importantly, what does China's future smell like?



Better than India.


hopefully they will have the best pudge this world has ever fucking seen

Went there lots of times for family visit.
>If you're not wealthy you don't belong in family
>Beat children on streets no one gives a fuck
>Beat someone on street no one gives a fuck
>You try to help either of them you have to take responsibility and likely to get sued
>Women don't like you unless you make more than them or just wealthy
That's about it. Also food is ok and products are shit. Only good thing is Chinese medicine/herbs.

Increasing wealth and prosperity, the downfall of communism, increased focus on science and technology, all this as the west cucks itself to death with "feeling centered education" and multiculturalism.

Soulless consumerism.

It'd need a future first.

I wish I had this pudge on my team...

Chi Long Qua?

you're looking right at it

>implying parents disciplining their children is a bad thing.
Bet you're a fucking degenerate with lazy welfare suckling parents.

Best political commentator the world has ever fucking seen

>Only good thing is Chinese medicine/herbs
Chinese medicine is just a meme

They will become cucked and scream Asian privilege

The new superpower.

The largest thing holding back China is the cancerous plague of communism.

Escalating tensions with the US lead to a trade war which pushes them into a severe exonomoc recession. An attempt to salvage the government's credibility via appeals to militaristic nationalism leads to several humiliating military defeats at the hands of the US Navy and it's allies. The authoriry of the central government then collapses due to its inability to guarantee either prosperity or security. Coastal cities seek their own arrangements with the west. A fig leaf of national unity is maintained to prevent an all out civil war, and China officially transitions to a federal system as various regions declare their autonomy.

It really depends on a lot of factors but I would say they have overwhelming potential if handled correctly. They can easily leap past the west with a proper strategy. Meaning that they focus on metrics, science, ability, and accept the realities that the West refuses to accept.

Basically if they properly harness the potential brainpower and focus it more massively on the important areas like genetics, intelligence, and artificial intelligence (hardware) while intelligently controlling society, by stopping liberalism/regressive/feminism/human rights from mattering they can do a lot.

Basically China has a few key advantages

- Massive numbers of people means more geniuses and high intelligence people. Have to utilize this brainpower.
- Eugenics, meaning focusing on increasing avg IQ / gene editing / sperm donation / cloning of geniuses etc
- Creating competition and metric based government systems which don't exist in "blame eachother" democracies.
- artificial intelligence, computer hardware, etc

Basically if they focus on the fields that matter most they have the potential of ruling humanity

REAP IT. *^_^*


>downfall of communism

no one gives a fuck about democracy if they're driving a brand new car and have a huge TV

Ancient Chinese secrets are real????


If China focus on what actually matters they can "win". If their best and brightest science-based thinkers go into government, computer hardware (AI), genetics, etc.

As long as they stay uncucked and rational they will win. The key to any society is having the perception of reality being as close to what "true" reality is. This is best achieved through scientific thinking, which most westerners don't understand at all. A westerner's view of science is "climate change will kill us all" and that is their big agreement with science.

>China long qua here
>the best fucking COUNTRY this world has ever FUCKING seen

Their economic boom will burst like a bubble just as it did for the US post depression

With the GLF generation dying out it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next few decades

And it has a giant weakness:
The one-party state and no democracy

Everything depends on the leaders
While they cannot be easily subverted, they are also at risk getting another meme president that will kill everything




An interesting paper on how the Chinese see race (they have virtually none of the illusions we do)


On the pessimistic side:

China is doing a lot of dumb shit like their emphasis on "cultural industries" aka movies and hollywood.

They also are becoming less capable in terms of government and less and less science-based thinkers are in power. They can easily spiral down into shit and chaos. They lack civic ideals and have big problems based on that.

>The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United States, and a component of U.S. decline.

It's also worth noting that Jews are not really present in Chinese society.

>China is doing a lot of dumb shit like their emphasis on "cultural industries" aka movies and hollywood.

The culture war is the most important one. Modern day (((western culture))) is so poisonous that it must be combated.

China is a time bomb.

They have cities which are becoming uninhabitable, a massive trade economy at risk of collapse, multiple independence factions, 1.4 billion people with depression and an entire planet that despises them and is waiting for a chance to invade or bomb the hell out of them.

I think the west will remain superior as we create safeguards where we have to but China just recklessly chugs forward.

Pretty spot on. Including China being closest current country to nazi germany.

The best thing is that liberals and global elites pumped up China in articles, news, and summits after Trump got elected as the champions of globalism and the international order.

It just shows how low IQ shitbrained the current western order actually is. I really hope that the momentum of the west does not allow it to hit a singularity type event that breaks the importance of trajectories. Because there is a good likelihood a country like China can actually rise enough to hit it before the West and then exterminate them all.

I currently peg it about 30-40% chance that by 2100 everyone but the Chinese will be dead.

Do not fall for the "China is doomed" myth. The people pushing it now have been saying the same thing for twenty years now. They just cannot stand that people have built a prosperous nation without their neoliberal ideals

Chinks are less uppity than whites and blacks

They didn't chimp out in the 1950s, you think they will now when everyone has a smartphone and a fully belly?

Delusional, rightwing doom porn predictions

This is true. On the face of it they have a point but there were books written in the 50/60's about the end of China.

Still going.

If you want a good laugh look up Gordon Chang.

"The end of the modern Chinese state is near. The People's Republic has five years, perhaps ten, before it falls."

"Instead of 2011, the mighty communist party of China will fall in 2012. Bet on it."

westworld will be the best show ever.

I lived in China for 4 years, AMA

What did you do? Don't tell me you were just an English teacher.

They have been saying this for 30 years

I wasn't. I had quite a bit of money, I wanted to do it so I could practice my Mandarin. While I was there I traveled around. A lot of smaller villages and cities that don't get any foreigners.

How many chicks did you bang and how hot were they on a scale

PMA, have a BSJ day boys

Not really. They are wasting money on hollywood investments. Hollywood movies aren't where the culture is made.

It's largely through control of which words are used. AKA illegal alien vs undocumented worker.

They can easily control through this subtitle word choice and some other controls. No need to invest so heavily.

They already made the intelligent moves of not allowing facebook and google. They are mostly safe and should focus those resources elsewhere.

This is from a completely outsider perspective but their hollywood investment shit is really dumb.

Stephen King!? Is that why he looks the way he does, he has a fortune cookie in the family tree.

clq browses Sup Forums you know

Looks like Trump actually hacked into Hillary's brain and gave her a little DDOS, not a whole lot she can do about that you guys

More than 10, I didn't really keep track. A lot of the girls will stare and take pictures, same with guys actually. Once they notice you can speak their language they get much more flirty. Whenever I started talking to anyone I'd draw a crowd and lots of people would come around and talk with me. Especially older folks. The ones I banged were the better looking ones, though that didn't really stop the ugly ones from trying.


>change a few subtitles and it'll be fine!

I don't know about that. If you don't combat this poison you end up with shit like

Is mandarin the dominant language spoken today? How difficult is it to learn?

>automation causes manufacturing overseas to no longer be worth the tariffs and shipping
>China's economy becomes stagnant, their already in trouble as wealthy Chinese have been moving assets to the west for decades now
>China is about to collapse
>Then the eternal chink awakens
>China begins colonizing Africa, enslaving all the native populations as they did their own people to become a super power
>Declares sovereign states in Canada, the US and Australia as well as large tracks of Australia
>absorbs North Korea and Nepal
>millions upon millions of blacks die

China's future belongs in Australia

Lovely new suburbs like Quandong are springing up in Melbourne.

I liked CLQ better when he was still griefing and doing videos like these:


The one child policy really fucked up it's future demographics.

no he doesn't you fucking shit-stain mother fucker with shit coming straight out of your fucking asshole.

It's dominant there, I'm not sure about worldwide.

That being said, it's extremely hard. Especially written. Though, the only thing I have to compare it to is French. Everyone who I've talked to who knows multiple languages say that Mandarin is by far one of the harder languages to learn.

Good to know, thanks dude. I remember watching older Chinese movies from the 70s+ and they spoke Cantonese or some form of ching chong. When did that change?

Hopefully it looks like a mushroom cloud. Daily reminder that the chinks are soulless insects.

It's a regional thing.
70s chinese films come from HK. In Hong Kong and Guangdong Province Cantonese is spoken.

In other parts of the country other languages are spoken. China is a bit like Europe. If someone was to say 'French and Spanish are dialects of European' you'd think they were off their nut. Shanghainese and Cantonese are very different. Mandarin is different again.

It looks like George Takei got Lucille upside the head?

I guess I'm spoiled living in America, most the people I interact with use English or spic-speak

>What does China's future look like?
- economic inquietude through the inability of consumer to become actual consumers, as a result of culturally-ingrained frugality

- nationalism, expansionism and militarism will be used to distract the teeming masses from their domestic malaise

- external 'enemies' will be used to focus energies away from CCP

- wars (both economic and conflagrant) will [eventually] render the chinese nation basket case

- the CCP will be overthrown -- most high-rankers absconding to sympathetic nations previously lubricated with payola

- chinese nation enters a period of chaotic unrest, with tens--if not hundreds--of millions falling victim to rampant sectarian violence

- with the pressure of climate change exacerbating issues, cannibalism will--again--cast its zombie silhouette over their lands

- decades later, the nation will emerge from this turmoil in a state not dissimilar to before Mao's rise

- from here, it will be up to the world community as to whether or not the cycle is repeated

so far its looking alot better than the last time I visited but I fucking hate china so much I don't know if its because china is a bureaucratic mess or the fact that is just how we act.
>cops are lazy pieces of shit
>the girls are like whiny children who think more bitching will get them what they want
>the swarm of betas who enable these girls
>nobody ever maintains anything I bought condo only to comeback 4 years later to see the whole complex gone to shit
>traffic is so bad that unless you adopt the same ruthless driving mentality other drivers have you'll be stuck in traffic forever.
>stealth traffic tickets
>heavy smog air feels very uncomfortable but you get used to it
aside from that china is relatively safe and restaurants and street stalls are usually always open around the clock so grabbing a midnight snack along with the vibrant nightlife is pretty great though.

Is China Sup Forums approved? Seems like most people here think it's based.

Now you're assuming stuff.
Triads use kids to do shit. Kid don't get shit done he gets his shit kicked in.
>implying parents disciplining their children is a bad thing.
Would you like to get hit with a pole user?
>Bet you're a fucking degenerate with lazy welfare suckling parents.
Where you get this from? I live alone. Jesus fucking christ how did you deduce what I said to something different? Crazy man.

>heavy smog air feels very uncomfortable but you get used to it
lung cancer is comfy as fuck, onan

Maintenance is terrible. Chinese don't know how to care for their things. Whether it be their body, relationships etc

I really wonder what amount of GDP is lost due to maintenance/quality versus what is gained.

Gook spotted. Get the fuck out of my country yah slant eyed piss stain

>How difficult is it to learn?

Nearly impossible for non-Chinese. Even foreign-born Chinese struggle. It is of little use because Chinese people will always rather talk to a Chinese person than a laowei trying to speak Mandarin.

Learning it at a young age is why Chinese people have a significantly higher IQ than any other country. It is also probably the best language for scientific or logical writing.

It depends. China can go in a lot of different directions. They can be pretty based if they can avert becoming some corrupt shithole and continue with economic growth and metric-focused advancement.

I don't mean corrupt as in what they are in now, but corrupt as in not caring about growth or nationalism anymore

Just a Sinophile, bro

>Learning it at a young age is why Chinese people have a significantly higher IQ


Let me rephrase... the fact that Chinese people can learn it at a young age shows that they have a naturally high IQ through natural selection (anybody who couldn't learn it was left for dead because they couldn't speak). Over thousands of years that builds up.

So how big is chinese girls into race mixing or do they see white people as niggers and niggers as animals?

The Chinese will probably be the most advanced country in the world in 50 years time if they solve their population problem and energy crisis. You know why? Because they're not cucks about genetically modifying themselves, using prosthetics, or going through IVF to select the best genetic traits of their children.

Hell, IVF is something they're doing right now and the Chinese have no problem going further than that. We still get all taboo about cosmetic surgery. That's how they'll beat us: they're not afraid of going transhuman, while we're still afraid of minor enhancements that don't even surpass human limits.

I think it would be more pronounced if this was the case. Historically how many Chinese actually had to write? There definitely was some meritocracy systems to the tests/classics stuff that was common, but I'm not sure how big of an effect it had.

The agricultural systems and complex societies themselves probably had more of an effect on things. Not including the massive genocides of Chinese by Mongolian invaders which probably had a pretty negative effect.

I'm not sure how much the language itself contributed to things. Considering the uniqueness of the language in comparison to others I'd expect far more IQ/intellect differences if it was what drove things.