SPAIN has appointed its first Minister of Sex whose job will be to get people busy between the sheets.
The government hopes to boost Spain’s falling birth rate, which is one of the lowest in the developed world.
SPAIN has appointed its first Minister of Sex whose job will be to get people busy between the sheets.
The government hopes to boost Spain’s falling birth rate, which is one of the lowest in the developed world.
cant wait for interracial breeding grounds
this is the appointed minister
I volunteer to help. Anything to support the land of Goya, Miró and Michel Salgado.
I don't know about a 'minister of sex' but the low birthrates are a problem and natives shoudl have incentives to have kids, so I agree I guess.
There is literally nothing wrong with this
conflict breeds men, peace breeds monsters
They couldn't name it "Minister of Family" or "Minister of Marriage"?
"sex" just implies she'll buy premium tinder accounts for everyone.
This was my first thought.
It's better than flooding your country with foreign migrants.
Hell, give people tax incentives to fuck and have lots of babies.
>Culture of long working hours and late nights is blamed for the nation's sex famine
meawhile half a million abortions a year
you should blame degeneracy and imigration
Its to promote coalburning you gullible goys
Should I return to my ancestral homeland of españa and do my patriotic duty?
>50% youth unemployment
>Breed more goyim
it doesn't have that name it's not even a ministry why the fuck do you trust thesun?
well good measure then
Good measure my ass, so basically the reasoning is:
>We want people to have more children
>Let's spend money to make it happen, we all know government is all powerfull huh?
>wew lad we don't have monies to spend
>up taxes even more to fund the babies that will be mostly immigrant since they are the ones that get the gibsmedats
¡¡Nos nessesitan, hermanos!!
well the reason they gave, for the last decade, as to why 'we need' migrants from africa etc. was because has a country we can not survive with the current birthrates of natives. So i've been saying for a long time, 'well then stop it and give incentives to couples so they will have more kids'.
as a country*
Instead of gibs, why not just give a significant tax credit to young families as an incentive to have children?
Rather than just handing out gibs, help out young couples that have been together for some time and would be more likely to have a child if they could afford it
It's been always in place
Don't know whawt amount tho
Seems like pretty solid policy, any idea why it's not working?
Is it degeneracy? Should you nuke Ibiza?
How do I book an appointment?
> 'well then stop it and give incentives to couples so they will have more kids'.
So you pay lotsa taxes to get paid again because the state is so good that it will even allow you to have children but you only recieve so (not) much because most gets stolen in the process
fuck I wonder why this doesn't work
If the argument of the left is we need to import people because of a shrinking population the money can either go to couples that want to have kids but can't afford it, or it can go for social benefits of african migrants - what do you prefer?
So the only option is always more welfare?
Taxes can't be lowered?
And with both two options the money goes to shitskins, it may have made sense 20 years ago
it's not more welfare, it's a realocation of the current termendous amount of money you are already spending in social benefits to 3rd wolders like free housing etc, to something that is actually useful to prevent the decay of the culture.
Our number is 40 mill and stay there we are at amost 47 mill
>long working hours
>any country in Europe
Germans are the only Europeans I've known to work at least 40 hour work weeks.
You don't just remove welfare without a coup d'etat, don't kid yourself no welfare could possibly be removed without them losing the next election, this country is beyond salvation
people really work lots of hours, it's just that their improductive as fu