If Sup Forums is so scared about diminishing global white %, why not include, slav, italian, greek, albanian, north indian, people into our ranks?
If Sup Forums is so scared about diminishing global white %, why not include, slav, italian, greek, albanian...
So? Western Europeans are still not breeding. That is the problem.
Neither will the rest of the world once they catch up economically.
Kek, how would a North Indian like me be considered white
>pic related
Whites are already accepting spics as whites its too late for that.
>if you're so scared of dying from cancer, why don't you just shoot yourself?
By being a decent person. While some may actually think of the term "white" as a race, most people are refering to culture and values. That's likely why we don't consider sub-human Slavshits white.
You serious? The original Aryans were the northern indians. this pic has all the Aquarian + british colonial blood anyone could hope for.
You look pretty fabulous desu
this is a better answer than i provided here:
>being a decent person is now considered white on Sup Forums
>being white is cultural, not genetic
I genuinely chuckled at this. I like this new meme
Again, Aryan does not mean white.
> this pic has all the Aquarian + british colonial blood anyone could hope for.
Lol what, i have 0 British blood in me. My 23andMe has me at 98% South Asian (Hindu) and 2% Arab.
Also, I'm Virgo not Aquarian xD
Nonetheless, I don't see why expanding the definition of white would increase birth rates of North/West Europeans.
if you talk about dividing humans into 3 groups, negros, caucasoids, and mongoloids, indians definitely fall in the same category as white europeans. its more than skin colour.
Don't listen to this cuck. You are a true Aryan. It's in your genes bro.
Of course, Caucasians range from Norway all the way down to India. But OP explicitly said "white".
Indians are not white. It is very much a skin color (as well as hair color I suppose) thing.
Of course, white people can be found in Afghanistan, like Nuristanis or Tajiks. In fact, it would be difficult to distinguish a Nuristani from a German/North Italian/Czech in some cases.
If Euromutts (Americans) Don't have any non-Caucasian blood in them. I think they can be listed in as well.
Slavs greeks and italians arent part of ur ranks? Fug ive been playing for the wrong team.
thats like changing the defenition of unemployment in the us so it looks like unemployment is going down you dip. Just becasue we added other folks to our "race" doesnt mean were not endangered. it just laxed the term for "whitefolk"
I change my stance on the hair color thing, polynesians and aussie aboriginals have recessive blonde hair too
>Aryan does not mean white. This I know, Aryan is much more broad term, Western euro white ppls being so exclusive is a mistake. Broadening the definition of being white expands our numbers to include those who broadly share our core believes, attitudes, or culture.
Employment is the lowest it has been for over a decade. I guess poor jobs aren't counted as jobs is your point?
How would you have Hindu Indians and Arab Muslims share the core values of Judeo-Christian Europe?
>North Indian
Shitskin detected
We've actually done the trick with unemployment though
But that just makes you as bad as the left. Just identity politics that get us nowhere.
A what-country thinks India is Jewish? How did you even learn english?
>But that just makes you as bad as the left.
Hm? How so?
this guy looks kind of white, he has a narrow nose and slightly dark skin
To reiterate, I just don't think the definition of white should extend to people who are literally brown.
Identity politics.
>If you're so scared about increasing obesity, why not just include people with a bmi of 40 as healthy weight?
All of those are already considered white except for North Indians. If Sup Forums actually cared about the decline, they'd do more than just shitpost about it on Sup Forums.
Bullshit on being accepted as white, except for really white assimilated ones.
>im now considered kind of white on Sup Forums
is this bizarro day? Here, have a pic of me when it wasn't winter so i wasn't pale.
Would people on Sup Forums unironically consider me as being definitionally white? I truly hope not.
>italian, greek
Can this meme ever end?
They have dark skin because it's hot in these countries and they are tanned. My super white sister was in greece 2 years ago and when she came back she looked like a nigger. It's all about the sun.
fuck drumpf!
fuck white people!
fuck america!
You're White in the context of RAHOWA , if you catch my drift.
Oy vey, I guess we should be more progressive to be called "white".
your sister got GREEKED for sure brother
For the RaHoWa, what would the teams be?
Why do you think I consider progressives decent people?
She is anti-Trump and anti-AfD, so i'm happy as long as she doesn't bring a nigger, sandnigger, muzzie or jew into our house.
Don't you whites fuck like rabbits why is it so hard for young white men to get themselves a Christian white women and create a family you fucks just spend your time on video games and posting on anime image sites get outside and starting meeting white women you sad fucks
Because that is your (((culture and values))). I can even remember how butthurt westerners claimed that Poland doesn't embrace """European""" values because it doesn't want to take in invaders.
Values of the west:
>blind devoutness to leftism
Germanics are disgusting race; back then - cruel barbarians destroying civlization, now - weak and useful goys destroying civilization.
white = of western european descent
everyone else can fuck right off
>having a sister
top meme friend, better luck next time
I'm guessing White and top-tier White-presenting Asians like yourself against the Jews and everyone else.
Anyway. Like that's gonna happen.
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