Looking for for essential reading Sup Forums.
What are your must-reads?
Looking for for essential reading Sup Forums.
What are your must-reads?
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Shout out to the user who recommended antifragile to me. Changed the way I see the world.
white swan by him was good.
the author seems pretentious when you read it tho
stormfront approved
Same. You're a different person after reading the book.
Based Taleb is Based.
Anyone else taken the foundation-pill? I can't be the only one.
>t. like nonfiction
Quick rundown?
Also, can anyone give me notetaking tips? It's killing my interest and slowing me down, but I feel like it's necessary
don't take notes
White Innocence. Learn about your privilege user
I mean, I don't always, but isn't it necessary? To assist in both understanding and remembering works?
My professors always harped on about proper annotation.
Quick rundown on Sean Goonan:
>rothschilds bow to Goonan
>rumoured to possess CIVIC abilities
>controls SOCIETY with an iron fist
>owns THE GROUNDWORKS OF METAPHYSICS all over the world
>direct descendant of the Men of NĂºmenor
>will bankroll the first FLYING CIVIC CITIES (Goonan will be be the first Goonan)
>ancient CIVIC scriptures tell that based Goonan will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and >unprecedented anti-technological progress with him
>Goonan is basically Goonan
>He owns foundations for exploration around the world
>You likely have CIVIC NATIONALISM inside you right now
>that's okay though
>because Goonan is in regular communication with Goonan, forwarding the word of Based Sean Goonan to the Orthodox Church
>He learned fluent CIVIC EXPLORATION in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves based Goonan, whom they refer to as "Based Goonan". There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Goonan.
>Trump is rumoured to be an agent of Goonan.
owns basically every CIVIC editing research facility on Earth
>first designer Goonans will be Goonan.
>Goonan said to have 356+ IQ
white swam was like this
>I was born in middle east
>blah blah blah
>reminds me of the child hood
it was good. might re-read. but damn shit was getting boring.
Fingerprints of the Gods
I agree, this is the old Jewish approach towards writing. His books are unreadable, but his short writings are brilliant.
Black Swan is the weakest of that, Fooled by Randomness, & Antifragile
Bertrand de Jouvenel is a good complement to Taleb.
Taleb tells you why centralized power sucks. Jouvenel tells you why it exists and how it expanded.
his thinking is very interesting. his writing is god awful. just keeps rambling on and on and on and on about some bullshit mid east shit as a kid.
jesus christ. its like 1-2 sentences of gold per 3 pages of some nut job jerking off to his memories.
>this is the old Jewish approach towards writing
So that's why I didn't like Soros's ramblings in his finance books? Huh
Everything was written multiple times over
Exactly currently trying to finish pic related.
The main topic is insightful, but all in all 5% of the book and almost everything else is about:
>Muh friend Amos
>I remember when
>When I was young
>One day Amons and I decided ...
>Did I mentioned my friend Amos
that book is dope. very interesting.
its not as bad as black swan.
>todays books
>1 page internet article
>400 pages of fluff
shits getting annoying
Democracy-the god that died
Leftism Revisited: from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot
by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Never see it, but this should be a regular.
Sort yourself out
Nice thumbnail
posting for the billionth time.
r8 and h8
All along the Western front
Slaughterhouse v
The communist manifesto
>todays books
>1 page internet article
>400 pages of fluff
Books on investing and finance are the same.
Could be reduced to a few pages of bullet points.
saved. thanks dude. my readings are starting to go more politics thanks to Sup Forums
Dont know if its a must read but Im half way thru and its pretty good. If you are intrested in why some nations are doing good while others arent, this is pretty interesting.
He does explain the current situation of politics and media extremely well.
You need to read some books by Pat Buchanan
Man why would you waste money buying all that shit? You can find most of it for free online, the rest is white nationalist trash written by rednecks with an IQ of 70
oh hey bud. Fancy seeing you again!
Carl Schmit's books
Litterally 3rd Reich philosopher
>on Sup Forums
>not a white nationalist
Breitbart is perhaps the locus point for the current rightwing political discourse, his thought is hugely influential in a number of not so obvious ways
>Joseph de maistre
Really good taste
Reading this right now. Seems essential and timeless
Ethnonationalism and identity politics are for low IQ subhumans. You talk about how inferior niggers are but you act the exact same as them with your hysteria about muh race and muh culture
Daily reminder that they're some red-pilled authors out there.
couldn't agree more, there is something ridiculously inspiring about him and the way he talks. He articulated things so everyone could understand what he was saying
It's no coincidence alot of the people surrounding trump have some connection to breitbart
should be read with it's leftist companion, Saul Alinksy's "Rules for Radicals"
>if Machiavelli is a lesson on how to ruthlessly hold power, Alinsky is a lesson on how to ruthlessly gain it
I've Just bought Anti-Fragile, but not read it yet.
Any good?
Reading this one right now. Would recommend to all of Sup Forums
It's fucking brilliant.
Crucial conversations, or any book that helps with both LISTENING skills and SPEAKING skills. In this case the speaking skills is how to talk with people about things that usually cause defensiveness etc. Very difficult, but a great skill to have and one that does grow with use. Even been able to have some red pill cocoa with snowflakes that didn't turn into a shouting match. Everyone just wants to be heard.
Very awesome that you do take notes. I usually just consume and reflect as I go.
You gotta ask yourself why you take notes in the first place. If it's just to get a quick rundown, then after each chapter, write 2 or 3 main points. And you only get from use one sentence per point t. You will get better at this with practice.
If it's to have enough notes to actually teach it or capture the whole enchilada, highlight as you go keeping an eye for main points and supporting points. Then make an outline of each chapter when you're done.
Black Swan is far better. Antifragile is redundant, sometimes directionless, and mediocre.
Stop shilling this book.
only because it's at the risk of going extinct by our own hand. Not to mention that there are other races/cultures that want us dead. If we don't fight back, we're going to be killed. I don't want that to be the world my nieces and nephew and hopefully one day my own kids growing up/living in. Fuck off kik
prepare your anuses for massive dump
I agree with this to an extent. There are a lot of people who moronically think that a situation isn't working out because the information is lacking when, in fact, the information is there and has been acted upon, but the management (self or otherwise) is shit. Instead of correcting the management, people think management should just make any change. More infuriating than anything.
>reading digital books
Just get out
Nice, I was looking for an infographic like that. Check'd
Someone should publish these two books in one single volume. They complement each other quite nicely.
Don't whine about the contents of "The Prince" and "Rules for Radicals". Learn them and use them instead.
Have you ever considered that there may not be a global Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race? That maybe it's all just your paranoia and fear of things you don't understand?
>Being a Luddite
Name one way that a physical book is better
You have to read this one to understand the demographics change that is occurring in the world today. This man is basically Sup Forums and redpilled millions on the marxism problem.
This is an interesting book, would recommend.
The white mans freak out mode is seldom used. But when it gets turned on holy fuck you better run or become a slave you nigger leaf.
No you get out. You're just as annoying as those vinyl fanatics that say analog is better because of the >warm sound it has. You live in the modern age of digital information so use it to your advantage.
NNT is based.
>giving money to dead people
have you seen that fucking "White privellage" tax thing going around? That is bullshit. Jews aside, blacks in America and Muzzies in Europe want us dead. Pure and simple. They must be physically removed and our nations must become ours again.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
The left would be nonexistent if this book was required in schools.
Leftists don't card about The economy anymore,what matters to them is the apply the "class war" to every social domain for their vision of equality
Its a good read though.
>It's your own (as in you can hold in your hands)
>Supports the creator
>Comfier to read
I'm all in for digital games and movies but books are universal, as in the format will never change. You can realize you have it in your bookshelf and pick it up 30 years later still.
I guess this applies if you know the book is good, if it's shit it really doesn't matter
Just finished this. Should be mandatory reading in all schools. Not so much for the economics but to helpt people realize that everything is connected.
If "An Essay on the Principle of Population" isn't on that list you better add it.
Here's one I read recently. It's not "red-pilled" at all, in fact its the opposite. It's written by actual revleft commies. I found it illuminating, getting inside their thought process and analyzing all the gaps in their story, the parts they weren't telling the reader, like how the right-wing reaction arose. Like all commie writing, the language is laden with euphemisms and dysphemisms, as if they can't just state a fact without editorializing it. The embarrassing level of blind spots in their thinking has encouraged me to try to find my own blind spots and unstated assumptions, so as to better defeat this kind of ideology.
Because of all the aforementioned gaps, it's not the book to read if you want to learn about the right-wing reaction and how to emulate it, with the small exception of the actual coup - but it is damned good intel on the left and their methods and how they link their ideology to their methods.
10/10 Schaedenfreude reading, commies get BTFO
>reading a book from a computer screen
>Support the creator
Practically all the books in that pic minus the white nationalist trash were written by people who've been dead for over a hundred years. You're not supporting anyone at this point besides Oxford university press or whoever prints it.
That's why you get a Kindle Paperwhite
Millionaire Fastlane
Good, if people are still buying copies then there's incentive to print another run