Jewish Woman Intermarrying At Higher Rates
Forgive me.
so is h3h3 a cuck?
>MFW Jews will lose their precious IQ points that make them stay at the top because they didn't gave the memo to their kind.
>As for Cohen’s finding that intermarried Jewish women and men are both unlikely to raise their children as Jewish, Bayme said that the implications for Jewish communal policy are “very clear.” “We cannot afford to give up on endogamy, on encouraging Jews to marry other Jews,” Bayme said.
Oi vey!
MFW the Jews jew themselves.
Becuase Jews are highly secular and open minded. The whole "Jooz are out to get us" mentality is just stormfags trying to play the victim like blacks do.
>Jewish women intermarry at am average of 60%
>Jewish women in cities hover around 70%-80% for interracial dating and marriage
>8/10 white woman black man couples are actually Ashkenazim Nigger couples, with the real whites being the fat trash we know them to be
Decades upon decades of Shlomo pushing for race mixing, and they didn't stop for a second and think how this would effect themselves.
Jews are the only ones who listen to Jewish propaganda anymore. This is absolute pottery.
>ITT: Another Sup Forums doesn't realize Jews are so hard to defeat because their Jew behavioral traits pass down maternally
>try to lead everyone to a pit
>fall in yourself
If only there was some sort of solution that would finalize this issue....
>TFW one day Jews will have no influence on society, no final solution needed as they fall for their own propaganda.
Black pill: We have to clean up their mess.
Any human in good conscience never marries a Jewish woman.
Even jews can't stop nature's traitor.
>Decades upon decades of Shlomo pushing for race mixing, and they didn't stop for a second and think how this would effect themselves.
More likely that women don't give a shit about your stupid racial purity vs getting the right man
If Jews didn't exist, white women would still fuck black men when they encounter them
'Jewish propaganda' is a mental crutch for rightwing mental defectives
Can you say no to this?
>come on goy, give me your semen so I can make more Jew babies
Not falling for this semen demon's tricks
Literally a succubus.
It is not just appearance. Everyone knows that the personality of Jewish women is horrible.
The creepy part is this is what Jews wanted all along. Their desire to touch bodies that are more beautiful that unmixed Khazar bodies (pretty much everybody else except niggers and abbos,) is almost as strong as their desire to possess shekels.
A lot of the "pretty" Jews you see are actually mixed or non Khazar.
Khazar is Black Kinky Hair and Big Hooked Nose.
It's true that in progressive degenerate societies, hypergamy rules. Arguably we were headed this way, as all advanced societies do in time.
If there were no Jews or Marxists around slamming on the gas pedal to cultural oblivion, we could at least secure society for a few generations more.
>when you jew so hard you jew yourself
Nice tricks shlomo
>when you drink your own koolaid
If the mother is Jewish, the kids are Jewish.
>Muh Khazar theory
debunked many times you fucking stormfag
Any wealth acquisition through "Jewish" law keeps funneling funds into Israe/the causel.
The Russian and Ukrainian mob did their part with human/organ trafficking. Now it's time for the rest of the west to shunt their legitimate wealth into our pirate cove.
Hey guys, look at my numbers.
Jews with vagoos
Kill 1 kill 2 kill 3 kill 4 kill 5 kill 6 kill 7 kill 8 kill 9 kill 0
I want to be bullied by cute jewish girls desu senpaitachi.
Trying to make up for millennia of inbreeding in one generation.
So is this why they push racemixing hard? They lost control of their women and their response is oh fuck spread this idea to goyim so we can socialize our losses
This. Truly Jew descendance comes from the mother side. They're making more Jews, while
Many times in the past, Jew women were given to marriage to important families, either in exchange of favors, titles, hiding their ascendancy or eugenics.
So many blue-eyed, blonde young actors and actresses showing their (((other))) physical traces while growing older...
I'd fuck her endlessly but no children unless they are baptized Orthodox Christian.
This picture however doesn't depict personality much.
>implying the behavioral traits are only on the X chromosome and can't cross over
Do you even know how genetics work? I'm a stereotypical conniving Jew but my mother was a shiska, suck my dick Amerifat
>When you push for feminism and it backfires
>When you have to keep up the faggotry and feminism because the goys would call you out for not being progressive
The jews will nuke the world as they are about to die
"I just want my kids to be handsome and nordic-looking like you, user!"
This is indeed the best timeline.
Oy vey! Racemixing their genes and intelligence away is for goyim, not fellow Jews!
Reminder that it's not *just* the Jews. The Jews are useful idiots for something much bigger.
>26 year old refugee child
>German flag
nice try
Well yeah, Judaism is passed down maternally. The children of a Jewish women and a non-jewish man is still considered a jew and is traditionally raised as such.
lmfao, this.
I'm bavarian
Nope. H3H3 is your average amerijew while hila's an israeli uberjew
Actually, if I convert her to Christianity, technically I took one Jew making machine off the earth and was more productive than just marrying a Christian girl, right?
Yep, which is why their own propaganda doesnt hurt them as much as it hurts non Jews. If a white woman breeds with a spic, the kid is mestizo not white. If a Jew breeds with a spic, it's still a Jew.
Pol needs to start a new religion, a new branch of Christianity, with the ability to help its followers survive the race mixed world.
You gave me longing to throw up here, user.
He speaks
yewishness is transmited through the female, not the male line.
I will do my part and bang a big-titted Jewish broad. Will you do your part?
stop tit discrimination