>tfw Trump is actually impeached and we get Pence instead
Tfw Trump is actually impeached and we get Pence instead
I think this may be the Republicans' endgame, and I hope Trump is smart enough to outmanoeuvre them.
Not so fast, the delegates are mine!
> Homocaust would be a possibility
no one cares about pence you cuckservative faggot
Everyone, especially the people over at Trump Gen, hated Pence when Trump first announced him. They called him a neocon and establishment shill.
>talking about impeachment
You're having non ideas vacate your skull with a bullet
Less abortion means more niggers
who is this semen demon?
>new TPP gets drafted or worse
>tough talk on immigration followed by mass amnesty
>probably a new war somewhere and maybe more supplies thrown at FSA/ISIS
>next supreme court seat goes to "conservative"
>neocons cum buckets en masse
I hate bubonic butt blasters as much as the next Sup Forumsack but Pence is a hack, and you underestimate Trump on that issue. He's undoing Obama's silly tranny rules and there's a reason why everyone calls him a homophobe, not because he is one but because the cultural change he's ushering in will actually be bad for fags. Pence needs to stay on his leash and do what he's told.
Kill yourself retard
>and there's a reason why everyone calls him a homophobe, not because he is one but because the cultural change he's ushering in will actually be bad for fags.
you're just making me like him even more
The madman isn't going anywhere you dummy
That sentence was in reference to Trump, not Pence.
Who is this chick again?
You monkeys understand that you have to do something impeachable to be impeached and that "i don't like" him isn't good enough right?
Need 3/5ths of the house vote for that and even then it could ve defeated in court.
Pro-corporate shill who is basically the Republican party mashed into a person. Pence wasn't even Trumps idea although he always asks people to give him credit for choosing him for some reason.
how woke r u Sup Forums?
Is Sup Forums gonna shoah guys who were questioning? I'm s-straight now I swear
A wild FAGGOT appears
MIKEPENCE uses electocute
It's super effective!
Of course not. No human being is hopeless and everyone has the chance to be redeemed. There's no need for such drastic measures as long as you haven't incubated any lethal biological weapons in your anus yet of course.
It's just a matter of being warm, understanding and positive, while at the same time being firm and negative in your contact with them to make sure they understand that what they're doing is wrong. Soon enough the Holy Spirit will be flowing through you and you'll be a new man, born again in Christ.