Based Trump is Cracking Down on Marijuana

Stoners are getting BTFO and I think marijuana needs to be cleaned off the streets it's one of the worst drugs and is the leading cause of death in America. We need to make it harder to get so it's harder for the children to get. Marijuana needs to stop.

There's too many threads about pot from too many countries to be simple stoner posting.

I'm guessing Shareblue in its endless supply of shitty and ineffective psyops thinks weed can be used as a wedge issue to drive Sup Forums apart.

Stoners don't post here.

Whatever, man

I do. I wouldn't self identify as a stoner but I do smoke every day. I'm a medical patient so I don't have to deal with pothead culture.

Only recreational weed.
Medical weed is safe.

Speak for yourself, faggot leaf.



I will quick smoking until 2024 if Trump does this. Fuck you shariablue this isn't a wedge issue use Israel...

I mean, is weed really any less available to kids when its illegal? Really? I member in my high school it was much easier to get weed than it was to get booze. And that was the 90s before any of this legalization shit...

Thank god. I'm so sick of walking down the street smelling that awful nigger-tier drug. Lock em up and purify our streets.

>wahh wahh my backhurts

Grow up

Medical weed is just an excuse for stoners to make up health problems

He doesn't want recreational because he's trying to pressure the cartels into paying for le wall.

Medical will be fine. Those are American jobs.

Stoners are fucking degenerate lefties anyway.

Israel isn't an issue

It's so easy for kids to get booze, in highschool getting marijuana is technically impossible since they don't have connections.

I say a 25 year jail sentence for smoking marijuana, you?

Medical is just recreational with a health stamp


I have never met a good person who used marijuana.

They have always, always, always been lazy people with poor hygiene that felt like everyone owed them something.

I don't really care about whether it's legal or not, but those that do are usually worthless degenerates.

This. Fake news big time.
Listen to Trumps speech to the governors association for the truth

Death by firing squad would be ideal but if we have to moderate that's fine too.

>the leading cause of death in America
nice 1

>he isn't stoned right now


>Leading cause of death in America

His AG said it would be illegal dumbass, if someone slandered Trump he would tweet about it out of his ying and yang

Death by firing squad would work better since 25+ years is too cruel and inhumane

>Still posting under a leaf flag
>trying convince channers who smoke a bong to turn coat because WEED DUDE LMAO

Fertile soil for my sage


This is bad leafturd

I'm having you banned

>wanting to be with all the degenerate masses
Fucking pleb

Im thinking all stoners should be beat in the streets with hoses. Fuck spending tax dollars on housing these felonious retards. I'll go all in on these degenerate scumbags. Im talking capital punishment on the offenders, and any family or associates get used as guinea pigs to develop a new hanta-pox virus to spray the pot plants like they did with paraquat back in the day.





he's not cracking down on weed you fucktards.

kek the delusion

Day of the rake soon brother.

They're shills from the big dope lobby


Idiots. Name ONE death from marijuana. You can't. Go back to yer wine. Lol

pls no bully


Thats like your opinion man


would swaglord sticky a fucking leaf?



Dude my uncle died from injecting too much weed oil at once

Well he lost my vote for 2020. 90% of the reason I voted for him was his platform of smaller government and sate's rights, like he's doing for education and health care.




Evening out the number of replies to correct for 's error


I'm high at this very moment and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Newfriend get out.

you can't stop me

moot... is that you?

10/10 b8 all these muricans that fell for it

You realize they're only doing this to get it legalized, right?

4D chess, screenshot this

Wtf I am voting for trump now.


Yeah probably not


The stores in Colorado are incredibly prudent on their ID checking, they only let 2-4 people in a time as well, most have a guard or two on staff, with a lobby waiting area and locked doors leading to the actual sales room.

The one I went to was very nice, clean, helpful staff, etc.
Probably the best customer service I've ever seen.

are you the hacker known as Sup Forums?


>its not easy to get weed in high school

fuck you're retarded as shit, just off urself man

oh i just checked flag, makes sense, a fucking leaf

Yes he is dumbass

Friendly reminder that the war on drugs is unconstitutional and that congress lacks the authority to regulate drugs

Who gives a fuck I can't wait till they get rid of this no guns if you have a medical card shit

Lol good fucking luck you boot licking faggots. Nothing can separate me from my sweet leaf thanks to the Darknet. Nothing will happen.

rude desu


reminder that ALL leafs are shitposting faggots

Thank God I live in a legal state.

So much for states rights though, huh?

>in highschool getting marijuana is technically impossible since they don't have connections
Maybe if everyone was as socially inept as you are lel

They call it "high" school for a reason - I remember kids smoking in the bathrooms, stairways, even in the fucking class in their backpacks ffs

You're just a socially awkward weirdo I'd imagine

Everyone in highschool has an older brother or sister who gets it for them, it's not really hard to get a link

It killed Abraham Lincoln did you know the Founding Fathers grew weed



I smoke weed cause i can. I have never let weed effect my life negatively. How fucking hard is it to just smoke weed and be a productive member of society. With everything theres always a group that ruins it for everyone. I still support trump and i hope he gets rid of the retards who get caught with it.

It's because pissing off about weed is about the only thing that's gonna get a libtard stoner to post. It's not shilling, it's drugs.

I'm worried you misunderstand how many people smoke weed bruh.

You're retarded and clearly never went to highschool


Obvious troll is obvious

All guns should be banned for everyone.

OP is unproductive and blames his failure on weed
Please die leafag


== are ==

[ watching ]

The "drug wars" is actually a crackdown on digenerate niggers and hippies. Legalizing Weed will undo that.

What Sessions should do is to enact legislations to abolish protests and activist from the lazy ass socialists. Democracy is mistake.

t. Basement nerd virgin living in mom's basement that only surfaces for dindin and his best friend is a fleshlight

It's only hard to get weed in highschool if you're trapped in a special ed classroom.

Which OP was

I agree with you, in highschool it was harder to get booze than pot, both were really easy but pot was a phone call, and booze was a phone call and a trip to the store.

So is this crackdown mostly on states that haven't legalized it? Whats the issue for states like Colorado? Or is this a total federal deal?

Let's celebrate by drinking legal 95% alcohol by the shot fulls.

He's going to federally ban it

Deepweb is too risky tho

I went to highschool and there was one kid who managed to get it and everyone ratted him out for it. Also highschoolers don't have older siblings due to the wear off of the babyboom.

You're just a degenerate freak.

Weed enables degeneracy, it doesn't cause it. Meth makes you White.

>tfw you'll never be a DEA officer busting down a crackhouse and shooting niggers

Yes goyim! Weed is bad and degenerate, not a herbal remedy with thousands of years of recorded use. We made it illegal to protect YOU, not our investments in big pharma and cotton/wood production. Now about that SSRI prescription for you...

OP's country is legalizing weed
>bitches about it on Sup Forums
Leafag you need to hang from the ceiling fan


I'm at the point where I don't really care if it's legal or not anymore. It being illegal is too profitable for both the dealers and law enforcement for it to get decriminalized on a national level. If people gave-up buying/selling or using it entirely, it'd be easier to legalize, since there'd no longer be any profit in it being illegal.

It being illegal only seems to serve as a punishment for people too stupid to not get caught. That's something I can get behind.

I was actually in the gifted program. It's only easy to get if you live in downtown detriot.

No they aren't. Trudeau admitted he wasn't doing it,