Would you do it /pol?
Would you do it /pol?
>Sign that implies 1 Trump is more valuable than 99,999 refugees.
I can give them all my Tajiks, Uzbeks and Caucasians for one Trump, please.
>99 999
>not 12345678986431134)8987531;$&(?!&5 gorrillion rapefugees
If I supplying the refugees
>1 person = 100,000 refugees
Just goes to prove liberals don't believe people are equal
How are Tajiks in Russia like?
t. Tajik
I will give you every refugee in my country for half of Schultz!
>no Tiffany
Does she feel good or bad about this?
what the fuck is wrong with these people? why do they want to import shitloads of foreigners into their country? i don't get it
Just think, we could buy a Trump for every German state.
Damn that would be great.
Sure. In fact I'd give you double shitskins for Barron too.
>1 god for 99k third worlds
I would've given you the refugees for free, but you've already weakened your bargaining position.
so we get rid of 500,000 refugees and get 5 more trumps?
fuck yea
This. Fuck it give em all the refugees we got, trumpire now
I might make that trade in 4...I mean 8 years! It depends on how big a wood chipper I can build by then.
I honestly can't even comprehend their line of thought with that one leafy old pal
A family of multi-billionaires that are a good example for raising a family and provide employment for untold thousands + a cultural icon
For 500k destitute Muslims that will not assimilate and are garunteed to rib extreme anti-wester beliefs with them?
Sure thing, I don't need 500k refugees. 5 trumps would make a hell of a Twitter war.
Lmao under rated
>Would you do it /pol?
Hmm.. Id sure as hell do it. Just need to trap 500000 refugees and hope they make good one their deal. Just imagine how much money you could male with 5 Trumps... It'll be yuge.
>tfw we don't even have 1000 refugees
Feels bad
>5 trumps
Ah, so the Left now wants to give the enire Trump family the Romanov treatment. Figures.
No idea, I don't live in a big city. Seen like ten of them in my entire life. Heard they barely speak Russian.