just realised I've only got thumbnails for most of my set of Freedom Beavers. if you've got them, please post them.
I'm particularly looking for the one on free speech/freedom to hate.
Does anyone have the full set?
I do.
Which ones do you have?
only the one i posted
I'm just gonna dump all I have, I've saved a bunch but never read them so you can take a look and see if it's what you want.
Okay, commencing dump of my Beaver Time folder.
Wait, nevermind, I'll wait 'til Canada is done.
they're all good reads, but the freedom of speech one is the one I've been in need of recently
I didn't realise there's actually this many.
fucking good work.
This is all I have, idk if it's the full set or not. Maybe there's more floating around out there.
thanks for the dump.
the Freespeech edition is still missing though.
Ugh, you can tell those posts were written by someone in their early 20s.
thank you.
now what did he mean by this?