How to fix India?
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Sauce nigguh
This is just too heavy
Why do Indians leave weird comments on porn sites?
those are two of the smuggest gays i've ever seen
neutron bomb?
Indian mustaches make me laugh.
Wonder if scat is a popular fetish in India.
Based India
Indians have got to be the least suave and sexy race ever to walk the earth. How are there so god damn many of them if they're so painfully cringeworthy?
Why hasn't a super bacteria killed half of India yet?
They have no shame
Man drinking from the Ganges.
Day of the Flush when?
Forced sterilization.
I bet Germany regrets not colonizing India.
Poo In the Loo.
Woman in my office who works in phone sales refuses to call male leads with Indian sounding names. She had way to many incidents where the men got inappropriate with her, even aggressive. She's in her mid thirties but her voice sounds very young. This drives them crazy. The final straw was when one pajeet demanded a pair of her "pee panties"
It's must be really lonely in the faleva huh Hue? You seem to make this thread every day here have a bump get more (you) s
Do you even bleed?
Serious question.
>in the faleva
where u get that wifi?
you know its really not fair to make sweeping generalizations about whole countries. every single person is just trying to live a good life like you and me. cultural differences are things to be celebrated not ostracized for
favela monkey btfo by poojeet how will the simian republic ever recover?
Go get hit by a drone Hezbollah nigger
I've always fantasized that if I got godly powers from the true gods or unlocked some power within me somehow, I'd remove every last human within the Indian borders.
It would be justified because I'm practically fighting pollution and overpopulation then, but we'd also get rid of one of the shittiest non-black cultures.
No my periods haven't started yet
t. rajinder dikshit
A large amount of nuclear fusion.
First off,
Death penalty for shitting in the streets.
take the poo to the loo rajinder
found the diaspora street shitter. how does it feel to be the butt of 90% jokes on this board?
From what I'm told, it's ignorant street shitters, who get extremely cheap wifi, and don't speak english, and they just post gibberish. You're basically throwing internet devices into cages full of illiterate chimps.
That's why cam sites are plagued with poo in loos saying stupid shit. Or so I'm told.
Nigger im an amerifag
I just hate sand niggers
>muh six gorillion
Shut the fuck up you dirty oven dodger.
"Patel"? Fuck you. Fucking Shiva handed this guy a million dollars, told him "Sign the deal!" he wouldn't sign. And the god Vishnu too, into the bargain. Fuck you, John!
Get beheaded by the cartel Mesanigger
Kikes in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
hahahaha i'm an american too y'know? everyone's an american. we all came from the same pile of dinosaur shit after all...
i'm a white dude but the fact u tryna put random ppl down on the internet sounds pretty scummy. maybe go outside man
>indian intellectuals
im white and live on the west coast - i hope ur doing alright man fr
Some of us knew to wipe the dinosaur shit off...
>Not supporting Hez
>Accusing anyone who hates niggers of being a degenerate shitskin
Ok Goy
yeah that curl of the hands and rigidness means hes def gonna be OK
What's the story behind this.
You filthy kikes will go in the oven soon enough.
wew, I wish he would adopt me
How do indians deal with period blood?
Do you have streets designated to menstruation blood?
at least they're not blowing themselves up in the name of allah like their fellows pakis
It'ss like five finger fillet but even more dangerous and retarded.
Ok, but they wont find your body since its the same color as the clay
Have you all noticed how it is always Indians leaving perverted comments on niche fetish videos?
bruh - tryna help u out here see
but i am white just smoked a lot of weed in highschool
They drink it
They leave weird comments in general
Pic VERY related
I wouldn't know hue, ask the guy on the next branch
Indians are such a retarded fucking people, the Brits tried to domesticate those savage beasts but failed.
Im sorry you have hepatitis C, but you drink shit water so :^)
the bestgore.com ruined it
>how to fix india
through innovation, my sexy son
I don't understand where the disconnect is in their minds. Their lack of self-awareness when dealing with females is sometimes astonishing.
I mean, you need designated shitting streets for shit and you need designated bleeding streets for periods.
Or do you guys bleed on the shit?
Had to do it.
Sure it is you uncleaned beast.
>Indians are such a retarded fucking people, the Brits tried to domesticate those savage beasts but failed.
When will the Indians and Mexicans get along?
>Day of the Flush
It's a blood bath on the streets hue you feel just like home
plz open ur cloth
do milk
I've read on here before something along the lines of, they see all these western attention whores on instagram and whatnot, assume this is how all western women are and think by leaving those weird ass comments the girls will be attracted to them or something
>Brits tried to tame them
If we had left them alone but blocked their exit they might have had done shit other than farm and wallow in shit
Pajeet,my son.....
i love how you actually believe you're better then them
I get along with pajeets just fine, I'm just stating the facts.
I only really hate nigger, chinks, mudshites and kikes.
The other guy is worse than the Indian.
Fucking white Knights.
I would say a dirty bomb but I don't think they would even notice.
Where I work pajeets call me and try to sell me shit, I usually just put them on hold for a "important call" and then go and eat lunch or for a coffee
That's India's main competition to the energetic drinks brand Mountain Poo.
Apply trade tariffs, cut foriegn aid, and ignore them until we've taken care of Islam and Liberalism in the Western world.
Merge Pakistan and India once more.