What is Sup Forums's profession?
What is Sup Forums's profession?
I won't tell you
professional pussy destroyer
Why not?
paid shill
When are you from?
non-jew attorney
Professional shitposter.
Financial advisory in capital/debt restructuring.
You can't imagine how retarded slavs are when it comes to handling money. Or you can. And it's all true.
Helping the world and getting extremely rich without any natural resources nor a lot more of brainpower. All this totally legally, of course.
management consultant
Mostly financially related I see :-) Thanks for the responses.
I make $7500 a month being a camwhore
Apprentice electrician
Was it worth your privacy?
Business Development Manager
It's worth not having a 9-5
What will you be doing in 15 years? A pretty face doesn't last long.
I survive in legal drugs alcohol and welfare.
Not my worst but, yes, i know....some people are not made for the moderne society, no jobs for my kind of person.
Industrial Laborer
I am a professional lackey
Kill myself
Professional Masterbaiter
be my gf
Submarine stuff
chemical engineering collegefag, hoping to become a professor with focus on dynamic system analysis and chaos theory
Starbucks Barista.
just say German. It's faster.
Journeyman Electrician
Unemployed, brah.
I hate working.
brian surgiry
I.T helpdesk.
Fucking kill me please.
Going into final year of Chemistry, but tempted to go into law - be a barrister and move on to coroner.
want to become an english teacher
So... student, got it
Business Advisor, Bank of Ireland
You in uni?
2 degrees?
on yourself? don't do that shit while browsing m8.
3 letter agency stuff.
top fucking kek
Medical student
law sucks so fucking bad man, especially if your coming from a science background.
>tfw took law elective for GPA purposes senior year
>tfw people sperging out over their subjective opinions
>tfw no logical basis for anything, just spergs fitting shit into some arbitrary obsolete framework
lawyerfag here, if UK market is anything like the US market, go into finance, get an MBA. Unless you want to be an IP attorney, your chemistry degree would help alot
Saleswoman at Verizon
Are you a Big Guy(tm)?
professional winner checking in
for you
Senior critic
Navy spy
Student, but I am applying for a job at a warehouse and car wash.
You know the drill. Lets see those tits.
R&D technician
That's the reason I'm in medical school, unlimited access. Sounds pretty degenerate, I know.
town planner (lil' bitch government slave)
IT Developer for the CRA. Specifically benefits and tax deductions. Live in Ontario and received a check from the Trillium Benefit? That's a program I personally worked on.
90% are NEETs and 10% are on a minimal wage, in retail or similar.
I'm a NEET, but involuntary one, I would really like to get a job even the shittiest one, but it 's impossible here.
Lumberjack at the home depot/grad student
indoor cannabis specialist, gardener and farmer
26 and have never had 9-5 job ever
when should i apply? currently in second semester grad school
Warehouse worker who begrudgingly spends most of the work day with numerous Negros and other assorted bottom-feeders.
Shill for Hill
Nah do a GDL after my degree
I'm probably gonna end up in teaching anyway, always enjoyed it, but law interests me.
Where do I send info about a terrorist living in holland?
Well yeah, but I work in a bakery at weekends as well as during holidays... But baker doesn't sound cool, neither does student (unemployed basically).
>90% NEETS
that would explain why i would like to carve out the eyes of half this board's posters.
Research assistant essentially working for free at random intervals and on random days
Somewhat accurate.
Immunologist PhD
Student and work at a golf course, free golf.
>mfw I don't fit anywhere in that list
Engineer making $300K right out of school
Nice, what part of the country do you work in and what school did you graduate from?
that was a joke, that's what everyone says on Sup Forums when they don't want to admit they're a NEET. I'm an attorney making 1/3 of that
He's on line 7 in
That's fine. It's just an informal list. I started at the top and added fields along the way. Pretty sure Sup Forums has a higher ratio of unemployed people than this though?
That's alright 100k is a lot depending on the area, I'm in Northern VA where it's small fry.
wow, how impressive. stoner fag
911 dispatch. Just got my BA in mechanical engineering so looking for jerbs in that field
Most agencies have recruiting intern programs. Contact all of your favorite agencies ASAP. Most will start the process now. They will start your clearance and monitor your progress throughout school. They will give you guidance on the sorts of courses you should be taking and set you up with an internship.
Salute, what's you're rank?
Any funny calls lately?