Brit/pol/ - Bring Back Public Executions Edition

>White British population to fall below 70% of total by 2021 census
Picture related, source is census data - stop falsely linking to institute of race relations and other leftist propaganda vehicles.

>(((EU))) introduces censorship to its parliament

>Secret Recording: BBC Licence Fee Agents ‘Want To Get As Much As We Can Out Of You Because We’re Greedy’

>Spanish Coastguard Picked up 257 Migrants over Weekend

>British Police Say Prosecuting FGM Perpetrators ‘Unlikely to Benefit’ Victims

Other urls found in this thread:

>When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical

beauuuutifuuuul wooorld


When can we abolish the House of Commons?

let's go baby

What is this

Prior to mass immigration, the largest migration event these isles ever experienced was the influx of French Huguenots, which numbered at the very most 50,000 over a number of years in the early 1700's.

Immigration to the UK hasn't been below 400,000 a year since 1998 - and 500,000 a year since 2002.


>no more migrants!
>leaves the EU
>now only blacks,pakis and indians get in
Well played, you tricked us all


Who is Richard Kalergi?

Should we demand the anti-miscegenation laws? Non-whites are a public health hazard so to speak


haha gaelic more like gay lick

If we ever returned to a state where anti-miscegenation laws were politically palatable - it would likely be also acceptable to just cull the lot of them.

Good luck with that, we cant even enact laws to prevent migrants flooding in because "racism" rather than, we have a labour excess and dont fucking need more people.

English scum =/= Anglo
Anglo = Lowland Scots, East Anglians and Danes

>Daily reminder that if you can't bench 225lbs (100kg) or 1.5x your bodyweight you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

mental mate




Who's the next UKIP leader?


>tfw in 10 years this country will be more white than the UK

enjoy your 1000 year tory "we will always want immigration" reich

So who here is going to watch extremly British Muslims?

Seems great, another show that fucking btfo of Sup Forums by showing how Muslims have seemlessly integrated into Britain and how most prefer it to Pakistani culture.


Watch the trailer here guys, looks good actually.

Whats the difference when i burnout my smoke on your forehead after your braindead?

Sss...Su su wogtokala, m...meambada kala kraut...

Where the son goes the father follows. These trend lines beyond the next decade or so are much more speculative and likely to be inaccurate somewhat, but the rate at which this country is losing its "nativeness" is beginning to outstrip yours.

Who'd have thought it?

Where were you when Corbyn DESTROYED ukip?

Don't give him (you)s, he is just some Eire/pol/ fag bored of pretending something will happen with the unregistered National Party.

Where any amendments proposed for clause 1 of the Brexit bill?


Nobody should be allowed behind Jeremy, they'll just stab him in the back.

Stand arm-in-arm in a solidarity line, a voluntary collective of equals.

why was liarpoliticians suspended from youtube?

im surprised TLOG doesn't get way more love on brit/pol/

I expected way more in the way of Edward and Tubbs screeching about "L O C A L"
I'm honestly more than a little disappointed.

Corbyn bounce back when?

This is how the Scottish local elections will go from my point of view, I've been keeping up to date for several months now and I've came to this conclusion.

Grey = Ind
Green = Not sure how it'll turn out, ask me if you want

The stronger the colour, the stronger the possibility.


Oh no please come back.


I'm more concerned for the kid desu.

Why unsure about Aberdeen, lad?

Censorship hidden behind a facade of faux-outrage from the copyright holders.

Orkney and Shetland aren't lib-dem strongholds at the L O C A L level?

It's a 50/50 race between the Conservatives and SNP.

The problem with the SNP in Aberdeen is that they're spending more time focusing on national and not local issues and when they do focus on local issues it's nothing but the Marischal Square development.
Even their own local election leaflet which I received today serves nothing to promote the SNP, they just push the blame onto the current administration and ask you for a pretty biased rating of their efforts from terrible to good. There's no very good or excellent (even though the city council isn't my cup of tea) therefore this just turns people off. Their leaflet doesn't comment on business rates, infrastructure, social care etc etc and that is why all the Conservatives are getting wet over the thought of kicking the SNP out of Salmond's own backyard because the SNP are doing nothing to promote the party up north, they're just rehashing their previous statements.
If indyref2 IS announced next month then that'll be detrimental to their chances of taking Aberdeen because they'll be making the demand in a No-voting city.

Predictions of when their next headline?

>British family that left the safety of Scotland found brutally raped and murdered in Sweden following 'cultural enrichment gone wrong'

Memory Hole.

Kek, haven't thought about that in years even though I loved it at the time

They only vote Lib Dem at Holyrood/Westminister because the candidates have been rooted into the isles for their independent status and not being strung up by party guidelines.

An SNP guy ran for MP and lost in 2015, he ran again in 2016 and got crushed and he died soon after. His name was Danus Skene.

If cook user is still here, the venison turned out to be a dream, no word of a lie

subhumans the picture

I will live to post on Brit/pol/ in 2051.
I will see the fiery end.

>that grease

i-its garlicy butter Nigel...

Why do people fawn over this cunt?

>>that grease
implying it's bad

Also today, Phillip Green is a bell-end and the Pension Authorities should have learned from Nate Dogg and Warren G.

They had to thoroughly

>UK flag
>disgusted by greasy food
Paki confirmed

attainable in a slag way

pederassy, the same as cunts who lost their minds for that harry potter girl and that lazy town girl.

Degenerate nonces.

>garlicy butter
>dirty brown stain on the rice

Liarpolitician is a true rebel.


It's meat juice you absolute plebian.

Does your mother cook all your meals?

>muh game of thrones
It's the same with that other ugly britbong actor


Have you rescued your father yet lads?

>BBC 2 airs "Muslims like Us" with the intention of making Muslims look less crazy
>The exact opposite happens

Well done lad. Looks delicious. One last hurrah for the venison season.

Bollocks, it's meat 'juice' that has been fried at too high of a temp with butter.

In other words fucking grease.

>Cameraman and editor focus on the only fit one with camera proper panning on her arse and body.



wtf i hate brexit nao

>Immigration to the UK hasn't been below 400,000 a year since 1998 - and 500,000 a year since 2002
we're so fucked
so fucking fucked

Glad that anglo-saxons are cucked, karma is a bitch.

>tfw no jeremy vine graphs and swingometers for 3 more years

not sure if i'l make it that long lads


>She's twin the club!
What did they mean by this?

I'm too busy enjoying Inside No.9 atm. It's better than TLOG

Bringing up a kid in the UK?

I'm certainly fucking not. There are probably about 2 big cities I'd be comfortable in with a child and that's now, if they were born tomorrow by the time they're 14 we're going to be less than 60% white British.

Fuck knows where I'm going to go but this can fuck itself.

Where does Hitchens want us to emigrate again?

Bit too pessimistic.

The government crackdown on hatecrimes is a double down approach. They know public opinion is changing and fast. They can only keep it up for so long. The way things are going in Germany and Sweden, I'd wager no more than a few years, tbqh.

>less white people in my country
>I know I will contribute further to the death of my people by emigrating
neck yourself

Is the Sussex Uni Mosely troll in this thread?

I've just received an email about a swastikas graffitied on a poster for a talk with some Jewish speakers and wondered if it was you.

It was probably the Muslims though

Did anyone watch 'Meet the Lords'? The lack of respect shown for the institution by that wog was disgraceful.

we have the same demographic trend

Fucking hate our right wing press.

Saw it, too much peasantry. And that half nig prancing around with her adopted little shits for brownie points, absolutely classless

yes because of 90s, now it was reversed, and white russians birth rate is on the rise


>And that half nig prancing around with her adopted little shits for brownie points, absolutely classless


>Too much peasantry

I wonder what madman hell bent on destroying this country to the core was responsible for that?

Nice lad.

I like to cook it in a hot pan that I then deglaze with some port and redcurrant jelly.

to be fair old tone was only hammering in the final nails, the process of systematically fucking the native population began in earnest long before.

Welcome to the post war dream.


desu it's true that we have a media that protects neoliberalism

Hell is too good for that man.

When did you realize that Corbyn is a Jewish plant to destroy the antisemitic Labour party?

Americans have no place here.
Nor do traitors who move abroad.

What language should I learn? I want to know another one desu.
