My first time taking this test. I really don't know what to think.
Post your's.
My first time taking this test. I really don't know what to think.
Post your's.
First time as well
I lost my pic and don't feel like doing it, but I fell just barely on the bottom blue tiles
I guess I am socially conservative-authoritarian, but economically pretty socialist, is this the result of decades of communist oppression?
>I really don't know what to think.
You should probably avoid going on any whirlybirds for the foreseeable future.
>Post your's.
No. Not until you use punctuation correctly.
You're doing it wrong.
last time I took it I was a bit more to the blue area
Cute, did you just figure out what a politics is?
This one is incredibly inaccurate. Online tests over simplify issues. This one takes some more things into account and looks at them seperatly.
Some of the terms and questions are a bit weirdly translated, though.
interesting test
What I like about it is that it fixes the problem of the compass about mixing up authoritarianism with conservatism and nationalism.
My first time was exactly at the point where mahatma gandhi was. in the middle of the green field.
I'm much smarter then you'll ever be
>btfo Sup Forums
What's mine mean?
Democratic National Liberal
eh, it's accurate enough
Jesus what am i even?
A right leaning centrist?
>The only one that is accurate.
Not filteries, what are you doing?
Like I said, the terms are a bit wonky and sound weird. Also they overuse "democratic" and "liberal", but other than that I think it is a quite good test.
probably a cuckservative
no es bueno OP
Sad OP
I never understood this "cuckservative"
Why are conservatives frowned upon on Sup Forums?
Do people in the Americas have a different meaning for the word conservative?
It's what Sup Forums calls conservatives who are too soft on the leftists, or just not extreme enough
Conservatives today are nothing like conservatives 50 even 100 years ago. You can see conservative parties doing nothing about immigration in Europe
Cuckservatives are faggots who'd do everything to uphold the status quo. They suck muslim Cock and support PC culture so nobody is upset. Just look at Merkel and her party. (Merkel is more of a Socialist, but the rest of the CDU are definetly Cuckservatives)
Cuckservative on Sup Forums usually means neocons like bush
Second time for me
No you don't understand. There are conservatives, and then there are cuckservatives. Cuckservatives are basically liberals except they think they can rally niggers behind the free market.
What does Sup Forums think of someone like me?
post compass memes
Master race reporting in
Dear fucking god.
Thank you for informing me about this
no tread on snek, violate my property I violate your soul
got the same one.
Liberalism isn't the same too. Modern liberalism is basically a bastard child of marxism and classical liberalism.
never mind I'm a numpty
Haven't taken it in a while.
Has socialism remained the same however?
Fucking Christ.
You got me on that one.
Socialism is propagated as "freedom loving", while in the most cases being straight up stalinism. The German "Linke" claims to be socialist. They are full of tankies and former Stasi agents and GDR lovers.
Not really
How new are you?
So the bases of the three ideologies have been severely damaged by modernism and the rise of communism, I reckon?
Well nationalism was killed in 1945. Anything more right than Merkel and her comrades is "fascist".
First time for me
>you're a democratic national liberal
>I'm a national liberal democrat
I hate modern leftists with a passion; despise Hillary Clinton, mainstream corporate media - shills must die, and the rich Jewery should be arrested. Same goes for any other corrupt fucks out there.
The best thing any person can do is not lean anywhere. Tests like these are politically divisive in reality.
Most of you guys are falling for the state meme. Also, I'm not an anarchist either.
Dumping some memes
Why the fuck is one of them being displayed as a line chart
That's really pissing me off
it's pissing you off because you're an autist
that's true, can't infringe on economic freedom without an authoritarian force
maybe in tribal situations but that's not realistic
even tribes have a set of rules that the whole of the tribe must live with and agree on.
taken this test 3 different times now and have gotten the same results.
you person from rfn, why you call me fbi?
Which test come from the bourgeois revolutionary
Used to be deep in the dude weed lmao zone. Feels good to be out
Where can I find this test?
this one is good
Monarchist and proud.
You're on the right track buddy
how you can be monarchist if we have not ant royal family?
We'll I suppose I'll retake as well if it changes with Sup Forums exposure
Nah, I just greeted the FBI agents that will appreciate our help by providing so much data of ourselves.
just tried to find it again but had no luck. If I find it again I will include the link in the pic. Should have done that from the beginning.
good lad
No prob just remember someone gaved the Link in a precedent thread and I forgot to try rit even though it was in my bookmark
I cool ?
Only if you post the link so I can bookmark it as well.
Too many leftists on my Sup Forums
Oldfag paleolibertarian checking in.
First time doing this
I want nu-Sup Forums to leave
Thanks m8, very much apreci8ed.