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well he's not wrong
Both sound nice. I am not a conservative though.
How did a 92% tax on the mega wealth allow for households with a single breadwinner? These things seem to be independent of each other.
lol shareblue, just stop...
Funny how they left out:
>Had college tuition low enough that ordinary people could afford it without massive government handouts and/or going into debt for the rest of their lives.
>And yet taught actual subjects with actual value, not just TransAfroGenderQueer Victimhood Studies.
Funny how one seems to follow the other. Really compels you to scrutinize.
Are you trying to use logic and reason to dispute the jew? TO THE REEDUCATION CAMP WITH YOU, GOY!
No one actally paid that much tax though. The government was a lot looser on taxes back then.
If people were actually paying 92%, those in that tax bracket would be leaving the country.
literally no rich people paid taxes back then, they closed those loopholes
Anti nigger corporation
>Let's go back to the good old times
That's not a Conservative, that's a Reactionary.
>1 post by this ID
>tfw 2 intelligent not to go too the gulags
Thats where your wrong. Id be perfectly happy with that and so would most conservatives. Thats the essence of conservatism; that we're always happy to go back to common ground in the interest of the greater good for God and Country.
But lets turn it around lefties; increase taxes in exchange for having mother's actually raising thier children? People getting jobs on merit and not on skin color? Women not murdering thier babies for convienance?
Thats what i thought. Hypocrites.
>ithout massive government handouts and/or going into debt for the rest of their lives
The government handouts in the form of guaranteed student loans is the biggest reason college is so expensive.
The worst part of this image isn't the lies and half truths and strawmen.
It's how it would take hours and to verbally explain why it is those things and hundreds of written pages and even if you did that such a infinitesimally small percentage of people who would fall for that image would actually listen to this refutation while the vast majority would just use it to confirm their own current prejudices.
Wow great strawman.
Really made me think.
>lets lose the election
>lets lose state governors and legislatures
>lets re elect Pelosi as minority leader
>lets ramp up everything Trump does to an eleven
Libtards. The gift that keeps on giving.
Wait till the court really changes.
Wait til we have a constitutional convention
>had 92% income tax for the mega wealthy which allowed for households with a single breadwinner
How does the causality here work again?
The problem with taxes is that leftist psychos spend it on shit. We would get a million gender specialists and safe space consultants.
>The worst part of this image isn't the lies and half truths and strawmen.
It's how it would take hours and to verbally explain why it is those things and hundreds of written pages and even if you did that such a infinitesimally small percentage of people who would fall for that image would actually listen to this refutation while the vast majority would just use it to confirm their own current prejudices.
You're right.
It would take a good 45 min to an hour for me to explain why people are ethno-nationalists.
>Wait til we have a constitutional convention
The only Constitutional convention we should be having is to remove to 17th amendment to return the Senate to being a voice of the 50 States not of the majority population of states like the House was designed to be. There's about nothing more solely responsible for the endless growth of the federal government than this thing.
That and he 16th because income tax needs to fucking go
>1 post by this ID
The thing is that the democrats lose so bad within the states that if we get a convention we will get anything we want. I want term limits on congress and judges.
> im gonna post about conservatives because i think a board of mongolian vasket weaving is officially aligned with republicans and conservatism
newfags stop
t. Panama
>The thing is that the democrats lose so bad within the states
user that's exactly why the 17th amendment is so bad for our republics health.
The Senate was designed from the very ground up to be the voice of the States that created this Federal Union we have while the house was supposed to be the voice of the people in those states.
As such the Senate used to be elected by the state legislature which is dominated as you said by Republicans in the vast majority of states.
> I want term limits on congress and judges.
This isn't really a core fundamental issue and wouldn't change anything. The only thing it would change is increase the power the lobbyist hold over the new congressmen who would have no time to get experience in how to work there other than what they're being told to do by lobbyist and their staff. The issues with the Congress is our own apathy more than anything with people just voting whoever is at the top of the list to whatever party they are and regardless of term limits on Congress so long as this apathy exist whoever gets the big money behind them will always be at the top of this list and win. As for term limits of judges this is a sharp double edged sword. While shitty judges obviously will be relieved from service so will the very good ones and depending on who wins the election will be able to determine the entire scotus and any cases during times that "the otherside" appoints the court would be even more devastating.
Term limits are a band-aid for much much more fundamental issues which we should be pursuing.
>Strawman leaves out the fact that prior to Reagan tax loop holes were insane so no millionaire was paying 92 percent of their income
It's not even true.
wow pick one you slimy shill
either its "free" or its not
>durr this is why its so expensive
absolutely fucking retarded 4th grade level understanding of how it works
congratulations here's your (you)
>income tax needs to fucking go
found the retard
It wasn't that minimum wage was high enough to get someone through college, it's that college tuition was immensely shorter and they Jewed you through fewer ways.
But yes, as a conservative I'd love to go back to that time.
>1950 minimum wage $0.75
shill faggot.
you are one dumb son of a nigger
High tax rates discourage work. Say you currently work 40 hours a week. Your boss wants you to work sixty hours a week for the same hourly rate. If you've got an effective1 flat tax rate, then that means taking the sixty hours will be an effective 50% rise in your work time and your income.
If you've got a progressive tax, and your CURRENT effective tax rate is 30% but the income you make for those extra 20 hours a week will be taxed at 50%, then taking the 60 hours is still a 50% raise in your work time, but only a 35% raise in your income. It's less attractive, so you're more likely to tell the boss 'nah, I'd rather spend time with the wife and kids'. The boss still wants his 60 hours, he needs to hire a part-timer to cover the extra. So there are more jobs.
Now, what happens when demand for workers goes up? Wages go up, because employers are competing for workers. Econ 101 or some shit.
But that only addresses 'why high tax brackets should kick in soon enough to hurt skilled labour', not the 92% wet-dream fantasy tax rate. More in my next post!
1: effective tax rates are the rate you actually pay after factoring in deductions and shit.
Effective tax rates have remained relatively constant. The marginal tax rate doesn't mean much.
If you have millions of dollars in excess profits, the 92% tax rate encourages you to spend more on wages, rewarding your employees for the profits that they helped you earn. With low taxes on that money, you just keep it all for yourself, paying your employess as little as possible. Right now American companies are stashing about 20 trillion dollars in overseas, non-American banks. Even if the elitists kept all the money, but kept it in American banks, the banks would be able to do a lot more loans for a much lower interest rate. With a massive tax on wealth, however, that 20 trillion dollars could be paid back to the American workers that earned the money in the first place. A massive tax on excessive wealth stashed overseas would go a long way towards insuring that the American worker gets a fair slice of the profits they helped create.
pic related; it's Trump's house.
Okay, so who actually paid 92%? In theory, super ultra mega wealthy. These are the high end investors, the people with big businesses. The Steve Jobs/Bill Gates/Elon Musk/Sam Waltons of their time.
If you own a business, you'll have learned that the tax code is pretty fucking byzantine and there are a LOT of deductions you could conceivably take. If you own a one-Sup Forumsack business, like me, you also know that a lot of these deductions are kind of impractical to you, because you know your income's going to be in the 'assrape by three-meter ducks' territory sometime in Q4 and all your business processes are designed to be operated singlehandedly by yourself and don't scale well - so you frantically lay in Supplies in December of a good year but you don't hire a new employee.
In real life, almost nobody actually PAID the 92% tax rate. They found creative ways to get around paying it. I'm not sure if ANYONE ever actually paid it desu.
If you're a titan of industry, your business processes probably ARE designed to scale well. You have a good year, you made an extra thirty million on paper, and you don't really want to keep it now because at the 92% tax rate that's only 2.4 million. So you pour it into growing your business. Maybe it's time you opened a new factory in Mississagua, maybe you should lay on extra employees to keep that steelmill you currently run at 70% capacity running at 100% for a while, maybe you just give everyone a fat Christmas bonus to help ensure loyalty (... Employee loyalty is great for long-term morale.). You give your good employees raises. And almost every single dodge you can make to avoid paying 92% on YOUR tax return winds up creating good jobs for the proles.
>With low taxes on that money, you just keep it all for yourself
Why wouldn't you invest it in order to make more? Why pay your current employees more when you can expand, creating new jobs and more profits?
A lot of that is that personal bankruptcy applied to college loans then, so lenders didn't have any incentive to pay $50K so you can study insurance claim filing unless insurance claim filing actually paid well enough that they'd make a profit on average.
I dont want to go back to the 1950s
I want to go back to the 1890s
If you've invested the money, you no longer have it, so you wouldn't be taxed on it. The 92% tax rate on mega wealth does spur a lot of investment, hiring, and spending of all sorts, because if you don't spend it, the government will just take it and spend it for you, so you spend as much as you can as fast as you can. This creates demand for more goods and services which creates more jobs with better wages.
>Don't tax the rich
I want to go back to the 80s
Fuck off commies, I don't give a shit, let's go back.
Of course you invest it in order to make more. Now, how much long-term job creation can be attributed to subprime mortgage securitization? To leveraged inverse exchange traded funds? To the tens of millions of dollars that investors pumped into AllAdvantage so NEETs could be paid to look at MLM ads? To Bernie Maddoff's investment firm - which was basically as fake as Trump University but targeting a different audience?
Also, the reason why I recommended specifically spending on employee wages is because a part of the American dream is having a good job with good wages that you can retire comfortably with. Workers that have that are happy, productive, and loyal. If the company CEO is paying all his workers minimum wage so he and his family can eat eggs of endangered birds for breakfast on a gold plated yacht, eventually corporate morale will suffer and the employees will quit or be less productive.
Wow, I've actually posted on Sup Forums 3 times in a row now and no one is arguing with me. Am I actually correct on the internet for once?
Yep, pretty much. I'm slightly BTFO that you're presenting the facts better than I am and so overshadowing my Brilliant Analysis, but. :)
So basically having a high tax rate is good because it incentivizes those that would be affected by it to reinvest into their community to as Mellon intended, in order to avoid the tax??
maybe the internet is broken. Well if no one is going to argue with me, then I might as well postulate a few other firmly held beliefs;
•Hitler was wrong
•9/11 was not an inside job
•All people are equal
•The Earth is a sphere
•Reddit is better than Sup Forums
Do these people not understand how a college debt works? If you increase the wage, colleges take notice and will increase the debt, making the price higher and higher.
Lol like 2 people made enough money to reach the 92% tax bracket
That's fine with me. wage stagnation started in the mid 70s and seems to correlate with cutting the richest people's taxes--though correlation is not causation. Small businesses account for about 70% of the job creators, so these people need the biggest tax cut. ideally, tax reform would drastically increase the taxes of the richest (globalist kikes), drastically cut the taxes of people in the 200k-60k range (small business owners) and slightly cut the taxes of everyone else. You also see a correlation between wage stagnation and % foreign born in the US labor market--immigration policy lobbied for by the globalist kikes since the mid 60's--so we also need to take care of this immigration problem. ideally, we'd either gas or re-enslave the dumbest niggers and shit skins and import more whites.
How do you deal with the rampant hiding of assets in foreign or otherwise hidden spaces though? The megarich keep their money overseas out of the hands of the US government
>What is the government subsidization of these loans?
>What is the resulting inflation from said subsidization?
You're the one with a 4th grade education, faggot.
So we increase investment in public colleges. If Universities want to charge more for their services, fine, but they will have to provide superior education and job placement services.
Income taxes discourage earning income retard. 92% income tax bracket means that no one would actually earn/give themselves that much income in/from a company, and instead they'd be funded through non-income benefits
>minimum wage
Hm, if we cut Medicare and Medicaid in half while raising taxes half-way to 90%, (which is only slightly higher thatn what they are now), would this be a good compromise? The Great Society was a mistake.
Or the times where the Republicans freed the slaves and killed President Lincoln for that. yea I member
>being taxed at 92% means people had more money
u wot m8?
91% on income on over $400,000/yr (over 4mil/yr), 20% tax on capital gains.
Oh look, a stock market lost 22% of it's value. Nobody could have predicted that.
How can burgers be this dumb?
"follow the money". The great thing about money is that it all adds up. McDonalds can't just smuggle boxes of cash out of the U.S. There is always a paper trail for every penny spent in America. Money is stashed overseas because it is currently legal to do so. Make it illegal and enforce the law.
>the 92% tax rate encourages you to spend more on wages
this doesn't make sense
>With low taxes on that money, you just keep it all for yourself, paying your employess as little as possible.
wealthy people don't save billions of dollars in their mattress user
I don't think you understand what wealthy people do with their money nor how most taxes are bad.
Most living people don't actually clearly remember the 50s at this point.
The "good old days" of the 50s shit has been dead about a decade.
Hooray! You caught up!
what is the laffer curve for 800 alex
wtf are "non-income benefits"? you mean like handjobs?
You're pretty fucking stupid if you think anyone paid those taxes. The 50s had the highest rate of tax dodging in our country's history to the point where no one even bothered paying taxes. Workers were being paid way above minimum because businesses weren't paying taxes and boom the 50s were beautiful because of it.
This, these socialist retards need to try reading some books on economics instead of just reading Das Kapital.
Hookers and blow
No socialist reads das kapital.
It is like 1400 pages iirc
Things like medical services, company stock, cars, vacations, etc
>implying minimum wage not the astronomical increase in college tuition price is too blame
god these people are stupid.
Good point, they probably don't even read that, they just stick to the manifesto.
>government becomes college money lender
>tuition sky rockets
>you pay 6.8% interest
Because the US was the only economy left standing after WWII and the ruling class feared Communism so it was able to offer high-paying low-skill jobs along with a lot of benefits.
Federal income tax receipts as a % of GDP has remained roughly constant since WW2. If we increase our tax rate to those levels, our economy would look nothing like that economy. In other words, you're retarded
And Lenin.
All socialists at this point are basically leninists.
I liked the 90% white part and no feminism or upptiy niggers living off of those tax dollars.
Maybe things are different in your country, but in the U.S. all of those things you mentioned are considered assests or services rendered, both of which are considered taxable income.
Are you saying that a return to 50s tax rates would knock 22% off the stock market, or that it's dumb of us to have low taxes because low taxes increase stock market volatility and thus destabilise the economy?
Personally, the money I've put into stocks is there so I can use it to make my life better after it grows. I'd be willing to burn 22% of that (a couple years worth of my profits) to make the country I live in a significantly better place, since, well, that improves my life.
>the 92% tax rate encourages you to spend more on wages
if there is a correlation between tax rates and wages then why does the Cayman Islands exist?
here in America, if you won a new car in a contest, the car would be free, but you would have to pay income tax to the government equal to the retail value of the car.
Well Sup Forums
*sips nuclear codes*
Just no way to refute that
Better ignore desu, got us good they did.
Source on getting taxed on using company car/jet/condo/fuckpad when you do not own it, the company does and you use it, please.
because we no longer have the 92% tax rate. Stashing money overseas wasn't a "thing" back then.
I'm a conservative who thinks the economy should be more balanced too. and look who contributed to that problem. democrats like bill clinton
most liberals have no room to talk
this is true.
source: self-employed for a number of years and fueled my thirsty V8 "work car" as a tax deduction
So? Raising the top tax rate improves the economy at the household level, which reduces government expenditure on benefits and helps to drive economic growth.
The fact that the percentage of GDP that actually goes through the Federal budget won't change isn't a problem.
>Stashing money overseas wasn't a "thing" back then.
Because WW2 literally destroyed most of the competition retard.
>1 post by this id
>replying to this thread
The new is strong in this thread
>Stashing money overseas wasn't a "thing" back then.
the nazis did it
>Threatened by the depression of 1929 and in particular by the series of bankruptcies in Austria and Germany in the early 1930s, the Swiss assembly began to debate an Amendment to the Bank Law to safeguard the Swiss banking system. Contrary to original intention, the Banking Act of 1934, in article 47, strengthened the principle of bank secrecy by placing it under the protection of criminal law. The new Swiss law demanded 'absolute silence in respect to a professional secret', that is, absolute silence in respect to any accounts held in Swiss banks - "absolute" here means protection from any government, including the Swiss.
exactly. So the corporation would have to pay taxes on all that crap for their CEOs, and if the corporations are being taxed on luxury items at the 92%, then the corporation won't be buying much of that crap to begin with.
>No, I want the sexism and the racism
Thanks for punting words into my mouth.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger faggot nigger
> meh, you actually made some valid enonomic observations...
For a kike jew nigger benis :DDDDDDD
I have a deal for you.
Eliminate government waste, and redundant/unnecessary programs.
Then we can talk about tax increases.
The government currently does not deserve more money. It cannot spend what it already gets effectively.
No no no
This must stay front page drumpf cucks
They are independent of each other.
The man of the house was the breadwinner because women weren't in the workforce and there weren't millions of immigrants taking up all low-skill jobs, not because there were high taxes.