Last: Even in English can we the partycartel destroying.
/polder/ stonecoal English edition
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What does it make? It's all one jar wet for me.
>de vluchtelingen mark
Mark Rutte , I am FvD
We are not off to stopping!
Westland represented in this wire.
Someone give me a rundown on Thierry Baudet and the FvD to paste to my English friends who are curious, please
Can you not explain that by yourself? I don't have everything to do for you.
You sure?
You are not ready for this rundown
Small government, buy a gun, nigger uprising
No idea. I cut contact after she rejected me, last I heard she was working at a jazz club that has now gone defunct.
I'd be surprised if she hasn't, to very honest to be.
>intellectuals bow to FvD
>like the PVV but with better solutions and a focus on direct democracy
>most redpilled party (Hiddema talks about the JQ, Thierry responded to a tweet from a Dutch alt-right podcast with him as a Pepe)
>has meme magic on his side (see OP)
Lol. What?
My nigger
follow me on twitter
I want to own a gun for sport shooting and recreational target practice
Who is /myguy/ on the 15th?
What is there missing American friend?
Your brother is? Is he gay?
Alright here you go
>Rothschilds bow to Thierry Baudet
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Controls the Greater Netherlands with an iron but fair fist
>Owns castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first city on Mars
>owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Baudet babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>Baudet is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>learned fluent West-Flemish in just one week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Baudet. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Baudet
>Baudet is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he's a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
Baudet actually does sport shooting, not shitting you.
Fvd or LP. Still a small chance though.
You can join a schietvereniging, after a year of membership you can apply for a license. Not as much freedom a USA, but still
You forgot
>Bogdanoffs bow to Thierry
Can that now not?
The only what you needing have, is a license.
redpill mij op het gebied van thierry
Nog nooit van deze gast gehoord, waarom is hij zo geweldig? Of is hij alleen zogenaamd Sup Forums materiaal omdat hij miemwaardig is
1year membership for licence
1 extra year to apply for "big caliber"
Months of paperwork with police
I just want to have a cute 10mm mp5a3 without having to wait for 2 years to rely on the goodwill of the local police chief
CAN HE????
He is the real deal. Geert is for low IQ bluepilled people. FvD is patrician tier. Vote Hiddema.
Lees: Lees zijn boeken, kijk wat filmpjes,
Hij is gebaseerd.
We have an alt-right podcast?
I think he might be.
We don't talk much though.
Responding to
I'm that guy. I asked Thierry what he thought about Foreign Policy and a Right for Return for the Afrikaners. He was in favour of it.
Later when i spoke to him alone I knew he had some Alt-Right sympathies since he knows a Dutch Alt-Right group (Erkenbrand)
There's alt-right groups?
Or more specifically
There's Dutch alt-right groups?
He's bluffing.
>intellectuals bow to FvD
>like the PVV but with better solutions and a focus on direct democracy
>most redpilled party (Hiddema talks about the JQ, Thierry responded to a tweet from a Dutch alt-right podcast with him as a Pepe)
>has meme magic on his side
>Will rule the Dutch empire with an iron but fair fist
>In contact with certain elements in the high levels of office
>Own book publications all over the Netherlands
>Direct descendants of the ancient referendum blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Colonia Hiddema Ultracelesta will be the first city)
>In the process of terraforming the Benelux as a Dutch ethnostate
>First designer babies will be FvD Babies
>Both Hiddema and Baudet said to have 400+ IQ
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Netherlands and bring an era of enlightenment, direct democracy and unprecedented intellectual progress with them
>This is FvD
>They own Nanobot R&D labs and law firms around the Netherlands
>You likely have Hiddebots inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of FvD implanted in them at birth
>FvD are in regular communication with Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of Pim Fortuyn to the Dutch people
>Discovered the ark of the convenant
>Baudet learned fluent Latin in just 48 hours
>Zahi Hawass allows FvD full access to the evidence of Atlantis within the pyramids
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Hiddema's law firm. There is no gold in ft. Knox, only Advocatenkantoor Hiddema
>They have been able to access the Akashic record since birth, and have spoken about what they saw while they were newborns
>FvD will guide the Netherlands into a new age of wisdom, territorial expansion and Dutch nationalism
Jan Roos is being pretty well boss on Pauw & Jinek.
Erkenbrand are beta alt-right memes
Ik ben het niet met haar eens maar godverdomme
Ik wil Eva Jinek neuken
I'm not your friend, guy.
Never gave them a listen. I think Bert Brussens podcast is better.
Npo 1
It's live right now, I bet it'll be online in a few hours.
I'm not your guy, mattie.
Dit, we moeten een radiostation hebben ofzo, met profs
>he's actually watching television
you can it livestreamen
Who's bluffing? Look up Erkenbrand, it's real. When I talked to Thierry I showed him the Piano Pepe and he laughed. Told me to say hi to ****** one the leaders.
I'm with my family on the couch shovelling ice cream down my throat.
Pretty comfy.
Guys the memes are to strong, shall I vote for Fvd?
FvD or PVV, take your pick.
Yes, vote hiddema. There should be no doubt.
FvD is Kek's party. Meme magic is on their side
Oh man jan roos gaat nu compleet de mist in. Je kunt zeggen over Pechtold wat je wilt maar debatteren kan hij. In tegenstelling tot Jan Roos zijn geenstijl retoriek
>Needs to ask
Haven't you seen the light yet?
Is hiddema an actual meme?
I actually do agree with what he says
Does anyone unironically like Jan Roos?
If there's one person that really doesn't deserve a single seat, it's him.
I will give a brief analysis because meme arrows work better than my diary desu
>Intellectual, PhD in Law and BA in both History and Law
>Wrote books, his most important one is Oikosfobie (Literally, in greek: fear of the house meaning the opposite of xenophobia, we have become afraid of our own home, our own identity, standing up for our values, etc. This is what Baudet addresses in his book, that we should have a Renaissance in Europe to rekindle our pride in everything what made Europe great (the classics)
>Thus, Baudet also wants to invest in aesthetics, meaning that our architecture and our 'house' so to speak, is not merely constructed out of sheer practicality, but should also resemble an aesthetic and an identity from which we can feel a shared identity, history but also meaning
>He worked extensively with Roger Scruton which, if you haven't seen it already Iwould highly advice you to do so, made the documentary Why Beauty Matters which elaborates on the point I made above.
>Is realistic about the failure of multiculturalism and particularly immigration, he has mentioned time and time again that the biggest problem Europe faces today is immigration and the refugee problem (which I absolutely agree with, global warming being a close second)
>His more general stances include
>Out of the EU (great, we want to be the leaders in our own country, and the EU as an institution has, unfortunately failed, dictating what we can and cannot do in our own country. The demagogues of the EU, perpetuating the idea that the disintegration of the EU would lead to the rise of toxic nationalism and the resurgence of war within Europe is just absolute fucking stupid
>Referendum based on Swiss model
>Immigration based on Australian model
>education based on Finnish model
>visa based on US green-card model.
With regards to economy I am not too familiar, I do know that they seem more right-libertarian with regards to the economy
He is Sup Forums and he doesnt even realize it
Jup, te ad hominem. Het wordt pijnlijk. Ik hoop dat hij kanker wel uitfloept deze uitzending.
hij begint te kalmeren maar wordt nu ff hard genaaid door NPO met zijn verleden
>shall I vote for Fvd?
If you want to destroy the partycartel.
Roos gaat kenkerhard af
This, it's uncanny how literally everything he says is either something I have been thinking before, or it is now. His biography opened my eyes even further. Even his taste in music is the same as mine:
I agree, something like Joe Rogan meets No Agenda.
Except perhaps more in terms of debate. Cafe Weltschmerz is not bad desu but they should really put their fkn show on podcast
Jezus, stuur Jinek even naar Beverwijk.
Goede propaganda, niet?
Mooi framefilmpje van de NPO weer
Jinek up in flames kek
Eva Jinek is een grote shill maar ze weet me altijd wel weer een stijve paal te geven
I want Jan Roos Bane memes ASAP
Lmao wat een valstrik deze uitzending voor jan roos
>normal neder/pol/
>niveautje VMBO Kader
>neder/pol/ two weeks before the election
>actual discussion of political issues
>baudet memes
>neder-english memes
>hiddema memes
>anons who have higher education
I mean there's clearly some FvD shilling going on but I'm actually enjoying these threads now.
Jan Roos' verleden haalt hem in.
Jan in de flam
Hij liett emotieloos Thierry in de kou staan
Jan Roos is a joke. I'm not making memes for him.
Hoe kan Roos zich nog herstellen
Het houdt niet op heh
The shilling is legit support.
Fvd=Sup Forums
PVV=Geenstijl/dumpert niveau
"Dat kan ik u ook aanraden dan moet u enige vorm van objectiviteit aanhouden"
Neukend vernietigd.
Om eerlijk te zijn klinkt het als de pvv maar dan voor fedora dragers, maar heb nog 3x niks gelezen kwa standpunten dus sta nog open voor ideeën.
Wat vinden jullie heren het belangrijkste om voor fvd te gaan?
This is the reason Wilders won't do tv shit like this. It's always a concerted takedown attempt.
Neger ga zelf je onderzoek doen.
Marianne Thieme a complete cutie tho
Vergeleken met PVV is het programma een stuk meer doordacht en uitgewerkt. Lees het een en ander door op hun site en vergelijk het met het beruchte A4tje.
Zijn grootste standpunt is het bestrijden van de elite (Partijkartel)
Zijn standpunten is op de officiele FvD website te vinden
They try to tackle everyone evenly. That's called journalism.
If you're a good politician you can defend your actions, but Geert will be finished by them.
Mooi, mooi.
Kek wills it
Baudet is probably the most Alt-Right politician we have.
Jan Roos is GEWOON tier
Roosjes uit de neuk geblazen.
Hoe gaat Jan zich herstellen?
Boys I made some fresh OC