Communism General

The stages of communism.

Stage one
Capitalism is very good at building up infrastructure so in order to industrialize a nation regulated capitalism should be excepted

Stage two
In this stage the state becomes the workers state in which the workers become the ruling class and smash any bourgeois resistance the old state is destroyed and a new one constructed. This new state consists of localized workers councils that elect recallable representatives paid workmen's wages to a supreme senate which acts as a new goverment.

Stage three
As classes begin to disappear and the bourgeois is assimilated into the working class the state is no longer necessary. The army and police begin to shrink as crime is no longer motivated by material needs and thus there is much less crime. The central planning and bureaucrats begin to shrink away as automation begins to make scarcity a thing of the past making more and more things free. Eventually the state withers away completely leading to the final stage.

Stage four
Money and the state are abolished everything is free and distributed according to need. People work because they want to and to benefit mankind. Think Anarcho-star trek.

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Fuck off, we're full.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Commies can't even run a thread and they expect to run society?


Hello comrade.

I explain fully how the state withers away in the OP.

god that pic is sad

But it won't. Human beings inherently crave hierarchy, equity is an impossibility.`

>But muh human nature
What exactly is your proof that human nature just inherently craves hierarchy.

Is it possible that socialism works but communism doesn't?


Be honest, are you from redddit or /leftypol/?

The Frankfurt school isn't "Muh degeneracy" Its actually all about how capitalism cheapens legitimate culture and turns it into consumerism. You would know this if you had actually read the Frankfurt school.

Better dead than red desu.

The mass of human biological behavioral research showing our tendency to gravitate towards leaders.

The immense psychometric research showing that intelligence is diverse and hereditary, and that talents are directly inter-correlated with intelligence, and that success is highly determined by intelligence.

Really, scientific evidence for human need for hierarchy and it's natural tendency to develop are as well confirmed as just about anything in the study of human behavior.


Why would I want to work my ass off if my neightbour gets exactly the same and can sit around playing games all day and breed more equally useless brats for me for take of?

You are not allowed to have a debate about marxism, socialism, or communism until you read the Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsy and know the evil it does and the vile notion of trying to voice an overtly egalitarian perfectionist ideology that forgoes freedom and competition for the sake of "equality" and "virtue"

I have here for you, the entire thing on audiobook. Feel free to learn and then come back when you understand the truth.


Well in socialism you wouldn't have to give any of your income to others because the entire concept of socialism is to stop others from stealing your labor.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Shoo shoo commie slime

I don't visit reddit and I used to go to /leftypol/ but I got banned.

Why none of you ever mention part where only kikes ever hold pover in commie state and population is mongrelized with savage shitskins?

The soviet union was never a true workers state due to its non-democratic nature. Socialist's doesn't want equality of outcome we want equality of opportunity. If you believe labor creates value it makes sense to award more value to those who put in more labor.

Because that isn't part of the theory of Marxism.

Ah, me too... I'm not a communist though.
I was just checking because plebbit and /leftypol/ sometimes raid this board, and I wanted to know if we were in the middle of one.
What did they ban you for?

I was pretending to be an anarcho-capitalist to mess with them.

Just a friendly reminder:

It's okay to punch communists.

no but it's reality

How would Jews come to power in a direct democracy in which workers council vote recallable representatives into the government?

Ah that'll do it. Perma-ban, I suppose?
Those guys will sometimes boot you for life just for having a dissenting opinion. I never got perma-banned, but I stopped visiting as soon as I realized those faggots just didn't want any alternative opinions in their secret faggot club.

If it's inevitable then why has it never happened organically? How do you resolve the natural paradox of Marxism, which is that it originates in the bourgeoisie and only the bourgeoisie support it, not the proletariat?

No it was only for a month or so.

The workers revolution hasn't happened yet because the bourg's have exported the worst parts of capitalism to china, India, Mexico, Ect. When workers in those country demand their rights the revolution will begin.

Another edgy 12 year old commifornia teen with daddy issues

The same way they always came to power in white states turned marxist. You either being ironic or extremely dumb(good) goy who never looks at racial side of question.

>Star Trek
AKA - Fully automated luxury space communism

If the workers didn't want Jews in power in a direct democracy they wouldn't vote for them.

I like this description, because it so perfectly demonstrates how flawed collectivist thinking is. There has never been an attempt at Communism which has not stalled into a perpetual Socialist shithole. And then there are retard natsoc types who actively want that.

The only case of workers voting i remember is german workers voting for Hitler and natsoc while at the other end of Europe commie kikes forcer Russian people into slavery and butchered anyone who dared to speak against them.
Yet communists hate national-socialism more than any capitalism despite it being the only kind of socialism that turned out to be really effective. Marxism is about racial questions, not economical.

Fuck communism and fuck communists

The USSR and China ect wouldn't qualify as a dictatorship of the proletariat as bureaucrats not workers controlled the state. I would call the USSR a degenerated workers state because a legitimate workers revolution did happen but bureaucrats took over. As for the eastern block I would call them deformed workers states as no legitimate workers revolution ever happened.

>Money and the state are abolished everything is free and distributed according to need. People work because they want to and to benefit mankind.
This is the exact opposite of what the USSR was. See; Animal Farm.
The Bolsheviks didn't abolish jack shit Stalin and Lenin lived like kings.

We hate National "Socialism" because it isn't socialism at all and is basically just authoritarian corporatism.

>this is what communists actually believe

Stage one capitalism. Free enterprise and individuals own the means of production.

Stage two- socialism. Taxes and government regulation lets the powerful and corrupt get to decide which businesses get to succeed.

Stage three -Communism, government seize everything. Then a small group of corrupt mafia style criminals seize the government and now control everything within the country.

Stage four- the purge, The ((communists)) get rid of there useful idiots and enslave to rest of the country.

Animal farm is a socialist's (Orwell's) Commentary on Stalin. Its not actually a critique of socialism as a whole. The Bolsheviks harnessed a legitimate workers revolution to put them (Bureaucrats) into power instead of the workers themselves.

workers would lose democratic power in an automated communist society
Because machines make up the majority of economic output, policy will favor them over labor, and workers would actually vote against themselves. the atheistic utilitarian viewpoint is that higher gdp will be better for workers in the longrun; see China


The definition of socialism is not everything the gubbermend does.





So why exactly authoritarian corporativism managed to create incomparable better living conditions for common workers than true socialism?



Well then I guess the USSR isn't considered to be real Communism now is it.
Take your bullshit ideologies and get out of Sup Forums.

>a safe space isn't enough for these people
>they won't be happy until literally everyone believes what they do


But the robots are owned by society as a whole so the outputs of the robots are distributed to the workers themselves lowering the workload.

That was platitudes not an explanation.
>In this stage the state becomes the workers state in which the workers become the ruling class and smash any bourgeois resistance the old state is destroyed and a new one constructed. This new state consists of localized workers councils that elect recallable representatives paid workmen's wages to a supreme senate which acts as a new goverment.
This is exactly where Marxism dies.

This stage is a literal unworkable economic idea.

Can any of you commies explain to me how the fuck this "withering" stage is supposed to work? From what I've gathered from history, socialist regimes don't usually give up their power easily once they've seized total control of the country, and if they do, it often is the result of some catastrophic collapse.



>(lol this is so funny for some reason)
Why are lefties so humourless?

The nazi's economic system was good in the short term but basically depended on war to keep it running. It wasn't a sustainable system.



Step three: everyone starves





Corporatism worked well enough for Scandinavia. It's perfect for a homogeneous high-IQ society




Step 1. Communism
Step 2. ???????????
Step 3. No profit ever again

It has to be global. Having a massive capitalist/imperialist power pointing nukes at you isn't helpful to having a relaxed non-authoritarian socialist state.

Those catastrophic collapses were due to sabotage by capitalists. Soros literally funded pro-capitalist media in USSR. Gorby's reforms were a mistake.



>Stage one: Fuck all
>Stage two: ???
>Stage three: Commie-shit
>Stage four: Fail.

Pathetic. Only retarded pipedreamers will fall for communism. And rightfully so as naturally this is how survival of the fittest works. You'll always have the idiots, gomrades. Don't worry!

>outcome we want equality of opportunity.
No you don't
Everything socialism stands for flies in the face of equality of opportunity.
Equality of opportunity is incredibly simple to achieve and is what the founders of America fundamentally were enshrining with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. That being that all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. A government of equal opportunity simply has to protect these rights and leave people to their own means aka the fundamental framework of free market capitalism.



>Sup Forums has filled up with right wingers

Its pretty funny that they don't consider the possibility that by allowing open discourse, peoples opinions change.

>Money and the state are abolished everything is free and distributed according to need. People work because they want to and to benefit mankind. Think Anarcho-star trek.
Would be cool, but I probably wouldn't work though. Proudly born Arbeitsscheu.

It can work if your state consists exclusively of very smart and altruistic people who are all dedicated to higher idea. So if there are only above average IQ whites (not asians, asians have no empathy, this is very important) in your country, you can attempt to do so, if there is standard white IQ of 100, it will no longer be possible as there will be people who abuse the system.
And yet every marxist regime on Earth known to import large amounts of sub-90 IQ aggressive shitskins.


>Tankies aren't communists!
>"smash any bourgeois resistance the old state is destroyed"

Jesus commies are retarded. I'm glad you idiots were thrown out of helicopters en masse. You are known nation destroyers.



>If you believe labor creates value
If you believe labor creates value you're the equivalent to economics that flat earthers are to astronomy.

Prices are determined in socialism by supply and demand. Supply is calculated by taking inventory of products when they are imported or made. Demand is calculated by checking what is selling the best.