Why are all British so extremely ugly ? What happened to them ?
Why are all British so extremely ugly ? What happened to them ?
British men and woman are generally very attractive. You fell for the meme.
British here.
Sadly I have to agree. I travel a lot and almost every country, on average, has better looking people
For you.
and I thought I wouldn't have to defend my waifu on the internetz today...
The ones you see on TV, yes. In reality, Little Britain is too close for comfort.
Brits are ug-
The island. Too much inbreeding.
Slavic men look a bit like (underclass) Brits.
They're not. Hence why the film industry is littered with British male and female actors, as they're generally more aesthetically-pleasing to look at.
>all of these europoors taking the mickey out of the anglo masterrace
Daily reminder that divide and conquer threads on Sup Forums are kike propaganda!
They're islanders, what did you expect? Inbred chavs and slags who will soon be born without teeth due to natural selection
You're not fooling anyone m8. Henry Cavill is an exception to the rule and you know it. Hell, I can name all of the attractive women in Britain using one hand.
being an evil anglo subhuman takes it's toll
these are trannies
get a fucking job, you smelly goat-fuck
Idk about this, man. I've met some hot British chicks.
>1 post by this ID
Who cares what you look like when you're on a warpath?
Britain has always been a very class-conscious society. Hence the upper class still consists of mainly descendants of the Normans (with the occasional jew mixed in), the middle class of Anglo-Saxons and the proletariat of Insular Celts.
Hence why there is such as difference between "posh" Brits and chavs in facial traits.
I wud
ofcourse, don't fall for Sup Forums memes, europeans are the most beautiful
who wouldn't. moosie is a qt
yeah brits are ug-
who is malta and why are they upset with the british?
You've watched too much family guy, faggot.
> This extremely small relative sample size of people chosen specifically for their looks represents a country of over 50 million people
At the same time it's probably mostly a meme, each country gravitates to an aesthetic average, some slightly higher than others. There are a fair number of attractive Brits.
they are mostly assbabies
Who cares what we look like, there's British men all over the continent fucking your women in their own countries and plenty of our hideos chavvy women stealing your men away from your women. Have fun looking like Spain in 10 years.
Speaking of Anglo's, all Anglo's should return home. If someone is over 75% Anglo, they need to return our homeland now so we can save our people and not have a need to import non-Anglo's into our homeland.
We must accept our brethren living in Africa first, they have it the worst. Then the American ones, then Canadian, etc. We must also reallocate all our resources within our countries (military equipment, big businesses, technology, etc.)
shut the fuck up
> wow look at our moviestars in make-up, h-haha checkmate
not so fast bongoboi
Posting celebrity pictures is really helping your argument faggot.
Well of course you're gonna like them seeming they are white, something you constantly try to fool yourself and others into thinking that you are.
> fat yellow-toothed bald britpakis fucking anyone but their cousins
top kek laddie
We have great personalities
Off Yourself.
>Movie star
Typical mountain nigger, shouldn't you be busy shinning Germanys shoes.
Today it's payday for JIDF it seems
You're not wrong, friend. The working-classes, or scum class as they're better known, are disgusting inbred freaks who lead unhealthy, unemployed lives. This lifestyle can only result in hideous looks. They're usually separated from the rest of society in council estates.
The rest of the island, however, look perfectly fine.
>British chicks aren't h-
Weren't most of his ancestors French.
I'd shin your mam in the neck for not aborting you, boyo
I think we just care less about keeping up appearances. We're a "warts and all" kind of people, rather than romantics.
This. There is also still a significant difference in height between the lower and the upper class
Well you would know a thing about that wouldn't you? afterall you guys build basements to fuck your own families in.
nice digits satan
>Hence why there is such as difference between "posh" Brits and chavs in facial traits.
Can you explain? Why would there be a difference between facial traits if it's just a class divide?
1000 years of inbreed.
>what are boats
Working class brits are a different race to the middle class and above.
let me guess, same is going to happen to krautland now Ahmed?
No, we kicked out all the Potato niggers that inbred, and sent them too the Americas.
>Cute British women? That's an oxym-
People breeding with people within their own social class all look the same.
they seem pretty fashy to me
They don't look ugly to me
t. hispanic
being an ugly hard nut brit would be cool i think
Don't be stupid. They just have a poorer diet because they're poor.
Poor health = poorer looks
It's very existent in Europe. Not so much in America since you're all mixed.
looks average doid
>they seem pretty fashy to me
Who would have thought?
Centuries and centuries of inbreeding.
Nice meme
There is no argument as the thread is based on myth. OP is cherrypicking ugly people, so I'll counter his stupidity by cherrypicking beautiful people.
Only an ameritard would take a banter/bait thread this serious.
>England Classy . jpg
American Education
yeah i'm mixed, mixed with dutch, italian, and assorted anglo stuff.
ok parmeed
Because they never mixed outside their class before. When the Normans became the new upper class in 1066, the Saxons just downgraded a step, but they were the nobility before that and ruled over the native Celts.
She kind of looks like an alien or squidward in some of her pics, definitely not the most traditionally feminine attractive woman.
Why so many Brit bait threads, and other assorted shilling? Did i miss an habbening?
>Brit women aren't really attract-
tbf she is Irish
Guaranteed replies.
Slow news week/month.
Which city has the best slags?
Jesus, look at that schnoz, also, checked.
>I'm not stupid, I'm just trolling
If you say so Deshaun
You've obviously never visited there yourself. Sure they have like 5 celebrity women who are attractive, but that's it.
Probably somewhere up north
Maybe Manchester
Whether in fiction or non-fiction, the anglo will always prevail.
It worked didn't it Nigel?
Every time I post that pic, Nigel chimes in on how it was the skirt wearing scots having sex in an elevator not his snaggle toothed ilk.
I'm cute :3
Aryan blood
Not even once
Every grill posted thus far has been average at best.
You mean when you post your retarded image someone tells you it's retarded? Fascinating.
Is this a point of pride for you? Desperately trying to get (you)'s?
Fuck my grandfather from the 50's make moviestars look like faggots.
sup cunt!
Sup Forums truly shows its retarded conception of history/genetics when you insist on using terms like 'Norman', 'Saxon' or 'Celt'.
Up until recently, British people were very white. Perhaps the whitest of all whites. They might be more aryan looking in Scandinavia, but when it comes to the sickly pale and pasty look, Brits win out every time (and Irish).
The people are pasty. The climate is grey. The lifestyle is horrendous here (fattest fuck's in Europe by a mile). That's why you see so many uglies. It's hard to look good when you have translucent pale skin that's ridden with acne and terrible teeth from poor diets. Imagine the deep south in America, but instead of sun, open land and a wide range of foods you have rain, overcast skies, tightly packed together people and kebab shops.
Med-looking Brits are, in my opinion, far more attractive.
Goyim can't even compare