And there people say Germans have no sense of humor


Other urls found in this thread:

>when half of global politics is about Trump
Say what you want, Trump will not be forgotten

Yeah, because he is the most incompetent politician ever.

Germany has a pretty sick sense of humor.

I mean, obviously it enjoys seeing it's own people gang raped and attacked by Muslim immigrants, no?

Why not subject your own people to such terror, if not for comedy?

I fucking hate Germans. Because of those assholes UK left the EU. Well, now I hope we're going to be the next.

I fucking hate Germans. Because of those assholes UK left the EU. Well, now I hope we're going the next.


>make a float depicting the president of the united states decapitated
>perfectly fine
>throw a sieg heil in public

Germany is too autistic

Checked, also I'd fuck that deer

Germans destroyed Europe for the 3rd time. Fuck them. The EU was a good project at the basis.

Why Germans blame all other nations for not participating in this suicidal behavior instead of changing their own attitudes. They would rather die than concede they were wrong

Isn't it illegal in Germany to criticise a head of state? That comedian was investigated for mocking Erdogan

guy who made those is getting death threats

Holy shit based leaf

germans arent funny not the same thing

I don't think so. However, its illegal to praise one very specific head of state in Germany

Incompetent, but not malevolent.

>makes death threat to a world leader
>not expecting anything back
german egineering

You will be sparred by the day of the rake. Right now we have a German Problem to be solved:

A third time you say? No they only destroyed Europe once

This. They couldn't even destroy Europe in World War 1. World War 2 is where they flat out commited suicide and split Europe in two:
Degenerates and Non-degenerates.

Germany's sense of humor is to love getting raped and blown up by anti-semetic Islamist invaders and also to find it funny to behead an American President who is trying to stop this kind of open borders invasion. Germany = suicidal culture of death.

WW1 is where they were fucked by the Kikes who sold them out. WW2 is where they fought back against the globalist Kikes, and lost unfortunately. Now they are completely run by Kikes who simply want to ethnically cleanse the only people who fought back in any significant way to their globalist dominion.

Remember those people who took a noose to a protest and wrote for Merkel on it? I bet those were also treated as satire and didn't get punished for being ebil nazis. Right? I am sure the German government wouldn't be that hypocritical.

>German deer poster

You have the weirdest fetish dude. Maybe you should get that checked out

It's not really funny. It's too specific, it's trying too hard, too "right on-the-nose." This almost reinforces the trope that Germans are not funny.

You can't tell me you had a big loud chuckle when you saw that picture.

>letting refugees in to virtue signal is the pinnacle of competence.
I hope every german woman get fucked in the streets by muhammed you cuck kraut

>replying to the deer poster
Come on, everybody on Sup Forums should know he is a faggot by now.