How can Amerifats defend spending such a rediculous amount of money on defence? You're the wealthiest country in the world, but have shit infrastructure and terrible poverty rates but for some reason you can't reduce those issues because of 'muh military spending'. Trump is a fucking moron and it's time you started to realise that.
Military spending
He's already reduced debt by 12 billion
don't care, moving to U.S.
>reduced debt 12 billion
>implying this is significant at all considering we are TRILLIONS in debt
You gonna come here and make us?
Spending money on the military actually does cause money to trickle down. It also allows for the government to invest in research on technologies that are far too risky for the private sector to R&D.
>12 billion
That's literally nothing. He could have reduced debt by 300 billion by cutting military spending in half. The US would still have the strongest military by far if that happened
>How can Amerifats defend spending such a rediculous amount of money on defence?
It's the reason why America is a massive world-spanning power and we aren't any more.
> reduced debt
> investing money into an organization which has produced more than any other 'science organization'
>calling this a bad thing
If you're impoverished in the US it is completely your fault. Taking that defense budget money and giving it to poor people will just lead to more illegitimate children being raised by single mothers until they end up in prison or something.
They could cut their defence budget in half and still do that
Most of that money just lines the pockets of the big defence contractors, while fuelling conflict and instability world wide. The military industrial complex is not a good thing at all
There are far better ways of causing money to trickle down than spending billions on defence contracts. The government could easily invest in funding science based programs instead of putting it into military spending which would reduce the negative externalities currently associated with it
This, trickle down doesn't always work as planned, but with the military the success rate is higher. also the sooner the military develops medical implants and exosuits for the injured then the sooner the same will be available for the civilian market.
>The government could easily invest in funding science based programs instead of putting it into military spending which would reduce the negative externalities currently associated with it
poor bong, you don't know that just as Rome's military might was in it's legions industrial capabilities, our military's might is in it's Research and Development capabilities. we can literally out-science most research labs at this point.
>How can Amerifats defend spending such a rediculous amount of money on defense
because we have to protect ourselves and the rest of the free world.
>shit infrastructure
county and state issues
>terrible poverty rates
getting a job solves that
>because we have to protect ourselves and the rest of the free world.
off yourself you fucking neocon
you are a goddamn retard. poverty doesn't mean jobless. do you even work meme shouting faggot.
No amount of money is too much for defending the Hebrew race.
Because our currency is worthless with out control of foreign oil.
Actually reducing the debt is significant when leftists view "not increasing the budget by as much as anticipated" as a cut.
Research and development doesn't have to go through corrupt, evil neo-con Hawks in the military industrial complex. You can still fund science based programs outside of that which reduce the negative externalities of a massive, bloated military - e.g the retarded wars every neo-lib and neo-con want to join due to their donors telling them to
>he doesn't realize the only reason we don't have China and other groups coming in for debt payments is because of our military's strength
I don't like the military spending but compared to everything else I'm concerned with its like #30 on my priorities list
What are black people
do you like nasa? do you like space research that helps us on earth? thats DoD
>he doesn't realise that if the US cut its military budget in half it would still be way more powerful than China's
Orange Power!
>Wealthiest country in the world.
You know by the average human living standard 'Murrca is 3rd world.
You know the strongest military force in the world is Russia right?
You faggots need to play less xbox.
>we're 100 feet deep in a hole
>now we're 99.9 feet deep in a hole
>this is not significant
That's you, that's how dumb you sound
Don't make me come over there again.
you fucking bong-nigger.
>cuts to most federal agencies
So is this the freshest NWO media meme? They are implying that he is cutting their budgets just to pay for the military. But he is cutting their budgets because they are over funded, bureaucratic nightmares.
For instance, our average test scores have plummeted since the introduction of the department of education.
Pathetic really. No-one fears America. Have you noticed that? The Russians give you the finger and do what they like. The Chinese give you the finger in the South China Sea. North Korea gives you the finger. Iran gives you the finger. Even the Phillipies is now giving you the finger.
Watcha gonna do bout that?
ye we get it tf00t you're mad
get a job poor fag
You got me there, Jamal.
Because we have to defend everyone else and nobody fucking reimburses us like they agreed to.
someone has to do it.
That's just an excuse to spend more on defence. You could take away all of your bases from Europe - at least the nuclear states like the UK and France and we'd still be safe from potential aggression. There is a huge miss allocation of resources when it comes to millitary spending and there are thousands of examples available to prove that
The military bases are key to American dominance of the globe. We won't give even one up I guarantee it.
>we'd still be safe potential aggression
keep telling yourself that
It's probably for the anti-ISIS blitzkreig
Okay, and now, please tell me how discovering a new species of bacteria and looking for water on mars benefit the working man more than high strength prosthetics and exoskeletons.
The UK has living conditions on par with fucking Alabama. Alabama is our poorest state.
the survivors, relatives of the dead, descendant's of the soldiers, and historians will all tell the tale of what we do there for 10,000 years.
were going to make the Mongol Hoard look like a fucking joke.
It's the truth you mong. Please tell me how those bases are going to do anything if Russia invades? Mainland Europe would be steamrolled in the blink of an eye and there's nothing those shitty bases will do to stop that. France and the U.K. already have nuclear missile systems as deter ants and we already have NATO which works effectively without the need of us bases
>we already have NATO which works effectively without the need of us bases
keep telling yourself that. It's a good thing you're not in charge of any part of your government.
thanks god someone posted this.
Why in hell would you compare nation to nation spending in dollars? You are aware U.S. has a much larger budget than any other nation in the world right? Thats why 600 billion might sound a lot to a poor brit like yourself but in reality its quite proportionate. If you make a valid global comparison in defense spending (percentage of GDP) the U.S. doesnt brake the top 10. Not to mention that the U.S. MUST spend 3.5% GDP to mkae up for Europeans not spending enough as per the NATO agreement
>It is true the debt outstanding declined by $12 billion in the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency. We applaud the president for focusing on the debt as an important metric of success and economic health, but would point out that the improvement this early in his term has to do with normal fluctuations in spending and revenues rather than new policies he has implemented.
You've literally offered no substantial reply to what's I've said. The U.K. Doesn't need US bases at all. We've got a capable millitary and a nuclear missile system and to that you've got no response apart from 'muh millitary'.
>normal fluctuations in spending and revenues
keep telling yourself that shill.
inb4 Amerifats refuse to believe that nations with millenniums more at experience at warfare are better at it than they are.
inb4 Amerifats think that they are the world superpower.
inb4 Amerifats forget NATO is four times more effective than any branch of the American military.
inb4 Amerifats look at NATO losses vs Amerifat losses in battle, ever.
Remind us who funds NATO, remind us what forces make up the backbone of NATO, and then remind us what NATO is supposed to defend against?
>America, America, Communism.
>How can Amerifats defend spending such a rediculous amount of money on defence? Y
If you spent more on yours we wouldn't have to.
What am I reading........
what NATO battles are you referring to?
how is NATO four times more effective? Nato is essentially the U.S. military with some European sluts to bang back at the FOB
>We've got a capable millitary
Keep telling yourself that. You literally had to get saved by us in each world war
>massive, bloated military
Hey you leave the fatties in the Army alone.
The only reason why the US spends so much is because neocons and neoliberalis push this bullshit narrative about other nations not pulling their weight. The reason is because there's no need to spend %2 of GDP on defence when there's no clear threats in the world. That's why retarded neocons want to go to war all the time - to cause more instability so they can further line the pockets of their billionaire defence contractor buds. Why do you think Hillary was so eager for a no fly zone over Syria despite being a rediculously retarded idea?
We spend %2 of our GDP on defence and have a nuclear missile system. We don't need you, stupid yank
You want the US to decrease military spending? Enjoy the world descending into complete and utter chaos, only inevitably be divided up between your new Chinese, Indian, and Russian overlords. We spend because the rest of the free world won't.
>pic related
New missile silos built by the Chinese on their illegal military installations in the South China Sea.
That is what happens when America retreats and cuts spending under European style Democrats like Obama
Not true at all
No possible way that the nazis could invade Britain after loosing hate Battle of Britain, so technically wrong again
You might have burned the white house. However we ended your claim to the west and decimated your southern invasion force. Plus raped the shit out of the indians allowing for easy expansion. Meanwhile you got to keep the 100M strip of productive land on our border.
>Not true at all
There is no way that Britain could have fought if they weren't supplied by Americans. All your planes had American engines. You were shooting American Bullets and walking in American boots.
>hurr durr U.S.A. why don't you spend more on your citizens then the military
>now excuse us while we don't spend the required 2% of our GDP that NATO asks us to.
I know the United Kingdom is one of the 5 that make the list, but understand that the reason we spend so much is because countries like France and Germany spend so little. We either have to redefine the goals of NATO, or we have to find a way to force France, Germany, and every other freeloading NATO member to meet the required 2%. There is no other way around it.
>all your planes had American engines
Actually the opposite - we had rolls Royce Marlin engines and the yanks bought a load off us because they were better. Pretty much every country uses loans by the way - just because we borrowed money off you to fight the nazis doesn't mean a whole lot. You borrowed like 6 trillion from China to fight the war in Iraq. That doesn't mean China 'saved' you
>How can Amerifats defend spending such a rediculous amount of money on defence?
Half of it goes towards defending your pussy ass 'country'
haha buttertooth sniffing glue again. you were the first use our airplanes...yall flew em before we did.
We must become Prussia
We've already addressed and debunked this meme you moronic yank - we have the millitary capacity to defend ourselves from potential threats
>Neo-cons and Neo-libs
nice try shill, we aren't falling for it. the neo-cons and neo-libs or as you should be calling it, the corrupt R's and the D's want us to use Nato and our military to get us into world war three, and failing that reduce our military to nothing, we need our military to maintain our strong position in the world otherwise we run the risk of being overtaken by force of arms. having it and not needing it is the point you nigger.
We spend it to defend your sorry country, limey!
Where's the light calvary brigade attitude, huh?
Get your nation sorted out so we don't have to.