My grandpa who used to refuse to even look me in the eye shook my hand today and said "youre a good man" after the two of us argued together against my whole cuck white guilt family. He gave me this surprised look when i chimed in on the side of trump and fighting for our people, guess he always thought i was another faggot numale, which honestly i was until a few years ago.
Thank you Sup Forums
congratulations, he will probably give you a gun
tell your grandpa sorry about that torpedo
Am I the only one on Sup Forums with a conservative family and a conservative gf? Why do so many people on here have libtard parents
get out
the generation that fucked up the world, and gave it to (((them)))
>eldest grandson on both sides in a very large family.
>the rich ones are surrounded by groups of poors who laugh at their every joke and only exist to leech. their family catchphrase is "play the game"
>tell my family I don't want children since they are prone to violence and gambling. Remind them that they hire foreigners with preference to their own grandchildren
>they chimp out, tell me I'm selfish because "all that we invested in you to continue our legacy"
>"well you invested more in pajeet maybe he will make you a family heir"
>these days any family member who sees me with a girl will yell at her "Don't you know he's GAY!" or straight up tell her I have a disease.
You are luckier than you think user.
I have a conservative family as well, so I couldn't say from experience, but I expect it's some combination of rebellion and just seeing liberal behavior first hand.
Baby boomers are all lib faggots
Fukin eh dude
>"well you invested more in pajeet maybe he will make you a family heir"
> I don't want children since they are prone to violence and gambling.
You're a literal numale reddit poofta
I have a conservative family and a conservative wife. You aren't alone. We are more common even though this election has awoken a lot of people to the truth they were ignorant of.
>I don't want children since they are prone to violence and gambling
be proud
I had a similar moment when i asked my gradnpa who is a bohemian german who was evicted by czechs in ww2 and lost his brothers who fought in the war.
I asked him about his past and how he feels about the treatment of the germans. He became teary eyed at the end.
Today op wasn't a faggot.
Maybe he will bequeth you his car and M1 Garand
Lucky you. I don't have any grandparents left. I'm happy that they don't have to see all this garbage that i'm put up with, but it's me against the family and it sucks.
>Tfw no based grandparent to back you up in family arguments
I don't have any either. I only ever met my grandmother on my mother's side. All 3 others had passed when I was born.
Enjoyed what I was reading until...
> I don't want children since they are prone to violence and gambling
Then I realized you have spaghettios inside your skull
I have a super Libertarian family, but none of my gfs ever cared about politics one way or the other. I just want a qt aryan to shoot guns and drive cars with or a qt artsy liberal to dominate and argue with, but I always end up with the boring ones. How to meet passionate qts?
This is now a feels thread.
This board is not for posting family stories. Please read the sticky before posting.
Same for me. I always had a decent relationship with my granddad but ever since we started talking politics his eyes light up when he sees me because he knows we're on the same side.
It means we're winning the culture war desu.
So you and your grandfather voted for an unprincipled imbecile who's only reason for being in office is because he barely looks the part? And by "barely" I mean because he's a white man- out of central casting as they say.
Trying too hard.
I am from a conservative family. I think those with the most problems in their life came from liberal parents and are just vocal about it.