Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle alleging that John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contain coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. It has been extensively discussed in the media and discredited by a wide array of sources across the political spectrum, described as a "fictitious conspiracy theory" by the District of Columbia Police Department and determined to be false by multiple organizations including, The New York Times, and Fox News. On December 4, 2016, Edgar Maddison Welch, fired three shots in the restaurant with an AR-15-style rifle, striking walls, a desk, and a door. Welch later told police that he had planned to "self-investigate" the conspiracy theory.
He surrendered after he "found no evidence that underage children were being harbored in the restaurant", was arrested without incident and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.
Welch told police he had "read online that the Comet restaurant was harboring child sex slaves and that he wanted to see for himself if they were there". In an interview with The New York Times, Welch said that he regretted how he handled the situation but did not dismiss the conspiracy theory, and rejected the description of it as "fake news". On December 13, 2016, Welch was charged with one count of "interstate transportation of a firearm with intent to commit an offense" (a federal crime). According to court documents, Welch attempted to recruit friends three days before the attack by urging them to watch a YouTube video about the conspiracy. He's charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, each charge carrying a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.
Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle...
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Wikipedia is proof the donation model is worthless.
The assholes already have all the monies.
Good going, guys.
You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.
This is a board about politics.
All threads should be about politics.
If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get banned.
you copy and paste the same shit in every thread
picture is related
The Pizza state is politics tho. They pass laws to steal our children with impunity.
If that's not politics, nothing is.
Where there's smoke there's fire
Pizzagate is real.
Agreed, OP is right.
slide thread
sage and report
wrong and debunked
kys pizzagate threads are ruining /pol and social media and innocent peoples lives and shell businesses
and people are ruining this good mans name we used to wrestle in Nose
>Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle alleging that John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contain coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. It has been extensively discussed in the media and discredited by a wide array of sources across the political spectrum, described as a "fictitious conspiracy theory" by the District of Columbia Police Department and determined to be false by multiple organizations including, The New York Times, and Fox News. On December 4, 2016, Edgar Maddison Welch, fired three shots in the restaurant with an AR-15-style rifle, striking walls, a desk, and a door. Welch later told police that he had planned to "self-investigate" the conspiracy theory.
>He surrendered after he "found no evidence that underage children were being harbored in the restaurant", was arrested without incident and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.
>Welch told police he had "read online that the Comet restaurant was harboring child sex slaves and that he wanted to see for himself if they were there". In an interview with The New York Times, Welch said that he regretted how he handled the situation but did not dismiss the conspiracy theory, and rejected the description of it as "fake news". On December 13, 2016, Welch was charged with one count of "interstate transportation of a firearm with intent to commit an offense" (a federal crime). According to court documents, Welch attempted to recruit friends three days before the attack by urging them to watch a YouTube video about the conspiracy. He's charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, each charge carrying a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.
You can't debunk a theory without a fucking investigation morons. This is now a Pizzagate thread.
It's just art edition
Fake news was started to get ahead of the spreading Pizzagate "conspiracy." Hence (next pic)
The head of the catholic church, known to have massive pedophile issues, is telling people to stay away from fake news. He also know the literal term for the fetish for eating shit, and compares fake news to that.
Nothing to see here, pure coincidence. I'm sure his oddly liberal ideas have nothing to do with this all.
Not our fault journalists take our shitposting seriously and report it as FACT. This is why there is an self-implied lurking rule when joining the chans. What is funny however is not Alex Jones and the likes getting BTFO, but the MSM itself who took it completely seriously as an allegation.
I kek'd and so should you.
you can't do that this is a general debunked thread there is no investigation as there is nothing to investigate all the while looking ridiculous you are wasting time come on there are serious issues we face, like so many, Welch is seriously in so much trouble for going into comet with a gun he is getting federally BTFO and this is a general thread that shows how debunked this is we need to trust the media, especially CNN, the District of Columbia Police Department,, The New York Times, and Fox News. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
>You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
I've seen you fucking shills post this line more times than I can count. Nobody here buys your bullshit.
none of them work here anymore bag o sticks
Friendly reminder that not one shred of evidence has ever been discovered to link any person with child sex trafficking. Not one shred. Nothing but lies and speculation.
Prove me wrong, OP, prove this evil trump-voting shill your evidence. I mean obviously the evidence is there, and you can produce it right?
Do you really want to share a cell with Pedosta? Think carefully.
Your post is a perfect example of what absolute failures you all are. All you did is screenshot a bunch of linkedin profiles. That is not evidence. That proves nothing. It doesn't even suggest anything. You are literally schizophrenic and should consider either providing evidence, or just killing yourself because you are just another lying Trumpette with no real logic or reason.
Except you have no evidence. No evidence. Show it to me. Show me evidence for your claim. Oh wait, as I have repeatedly pointed out, you have none, and you are just posting slander on the internet. Fucking liar.
Again, this is not evidence. This is a collage that proves nothing and advances nothing.
Am I fucking dreaming? Once again, you schizophrenic fucks have ZERO EVIDENCE and you keep posting your autistic pictures as if they mean fucking anything other than clarify that you have mental problems and fantasize about children you sick fucks.
In what way has it been debunked, faggot? Debunk one fucking thing, I dare you.
Pizza threads really seem to bring out the shills in force.
that is obviously fake dessu
LOL all it takes for me to shut you fucking fags down is to ask you to provide evidence, which obviously doesn't exist, and you all just fall over yourselves calling me a shill, when you literally have zero evidence to support any of your claims. Nothing you have posted has even tangential relevance to claims about Podesta and Clinton running sex trafficking.
I say again, until you offer any real facts:
So you're going to just completely ignore the fact that all those emails, posts on social media and other things seemed more than just suspicious?
I-is the pope /ourguy/?
That's where you're wrong kiddo
opposite, their guy
Why are you so defensive about it user?
But he said fake news were bad and the journalists who write them are shit. Therefore CNN and company are crap because their shitting on trump for no reason.
every one knows comet pizza doesnt run a child prostitution ring... its famous rays... or maybe it was original rays... or was it famous original rays... idk it was one of those faggy ray pizza places
Fake news was started to stop pizzagate from gaining more traction. At first it was just us all talking about it. When the pope came out against "fake news" Trump was not using the term as his weapon. He eventually did take it over for himself and use it on the pieces of shit that made it. There's a reason Kikebook, twitter, all the MSM suddenly came out against fake news at once despite pushing outright lies nonstop.
Lel if you want the evidence put in the work and read through old threads. Otherwise your basically screaming into an echo chamber of vietminese porcelain doll makers.
You're playing yourself OP. Pizzagate Pedogate is just starting to heat up. Can you smell the aroma?
I thought it was bs, but just look at the massive increase of high profile pedofile arrests in the past year. I think they're handling it all as discretely as possible so that no one knows if they're caught or not.
I want Benedictus XVI back.
when globalists say fake news, they mean trump
did no one get the neuralizer pun? WTF
Of course you can provide good solid links to all of these right?
its fake news
hacked social media accounts and email
super easy
i could hack a cherry tree down with all the hacking going on
because there is literally no evidence and people threaten these multiple peoples businesses and private lives
i can smell that pizzagate has been debunked
We believe you user
high profile arrests? you mean elderly honeypotted people LOL ok
I'm not going to source them for you user because I'm not your god damn bitch. But here's one:
Now use google like all the other super sleuths. Keywords in pic. ffs.
that is a different basement to another location obviously
god I hope so.
There's a special place in Sheol for these pieces of shit.
anyone can edit these pages
fake to divert your attention to a big nothing burger
It's not -- read the article:
Is pizzagate proof that Sup Forums are the new jews?
Literally remember first guys searching for cheese pizza in Podesta dumps for keks
What a shitstorm we put on the world
Best part is that it is all true
Obviously not.
Good point. Better pack it up boys. Nothing to see here... Good going, ruined lives, Alex Jones, etc.
>Is pizzagate proof that Sup Forums are the new jews?
What do you mean?
wasted trips
Answer you fucking shill, you got called out now fucking answer
He won't he came here obviously unprepared. Pizza gate is real and incredible under reported.
>you are the degenerate shill
owns multiple businesses thats the camping store basement why would a pizza parlor have basement b t f o
you think youre hot shit dontcha?
But seriously we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes
>why would a pizza parlor have basement b t f o
To keep tomatoes in read the article faggot
show me conclusive evidence
He says in the article itself the basement in COMET PIZZA
such anger
If you can prove its false you get $50000
Also use it for proof homo
I just love how you larping autistic man children harp on this lie fabricated by crazy right wingers. You people revel in the fact that you ruined the livelihood of an innocent businessman. You spouted false allegations about his pizza place having a basement when their wasn't one. Why go through all this trouble? What do you kids have to gain from this? Just let it be. That video that worldcorpo released is fake video used to attract traffic to the site. The man in the video doesn't even sound like Podesta. Why are you people trying to ruin a good thing?
show me the money
You're going to die. People joke about the day of the rope shit but a day will come. We won't forget about the shills who tried to distract as a joke or because of more malicious intent.
You faggots kept focusing on the bullshit ass pizza place instead of bringing attention to the convicted pedophiles and their connections to people currently in office
how the fuck am i going to die because of some debunked conspiracy theory
That's quite a long post considering you replied in 32 seconds.