Has the wealth trickled down yet?
Has the wealth trickled down yet?
No but my penis has
has the nigger tickled grenade attacka jet ski
>implying it was ever suppose to
dont post old wow pics, your making me sad
>Has the wealth trickled down yet?
No, but let's give it another 30 years.
It hasn't been tried hard enough. It will all trickle down under the God Emperor.
Yeah. I'm doing pretty good right now. Thanks for asking.
what exactly does "trickle-down Reganomics" mean to you?
I just see a picture of the real God Emperor
No, your successor offshored it...
haha stupid-ass conservatives for years voted for republicans who raped them financially but told them that they would defend against "the gays and abortionists". YEE HAWW.. after 40 years or something they stupid white trash finally figured out that the republican party didn't give a damn about any social issues but just used them to convince hick sheep and evangelicals to vote republican. Now they voted in Trump who will proceed to rape them on a level never imagined as possible before. When will conservative white trash learn?
Daily reminder "Trickle Down Economics" has never existed and is a fever dream that the left invented and uses to attack people who don't want to be taxed into insolvency by communist bureaucrats:
Has government influence over the market been removed yet?
If you are going to trash Republicans, Reagan is the one recent guy you definitely can't trash. Man was easily a top 5 president of all time
I agree Reagan was pretty good. He is infinitely better than the total disaster who is president now.
Yes, but the government stole it and gave it to the niggers and Mexicans.
nah nice try shill btfo though :_
Has your grandpa retired from that ATC job yet?
>smug kek
so it trickled too far down?
Where have you been bro? Obama isn't president anymore.
Oh look, another useless CTR/ShariaBlue thread
You faggots are so desperate to disrupt the board you literally post about the dumbest shit...Sad!
His policies, combined with the Clinton capital gains tax cut, created 43 million jobs. Unfortunately, his amnesty, and the '65 immigration act created massive downward pressure on wages.
When housing crashes, then yes.
Going to be building a house soon.
Dont expect more Yous
Only reason to not like Reagen is if you are a Red
bullshit, do you know what he did to the police departments with his affirmative action program?
reagan was the original cuckservative
even liberals like reagan
Obummer is just a tool in the hands of ....
That house better have walls.
Big ones.
Liberals like Reagan because he was such a great leader that even they and to admit his greatness. Also, liberals used to be more pro-union and less cucked.
The U.S. has the highest degree of economic mobility out of any country on earth.
If you're not a lazy bum it has
you buying groceries today ? better have some dollars handy
omfg, we need preppers, everybody need to be making their own stuff
fucking jews
It'll have brick veneer, does that count?
that's a tall order, seeing, we need gender equality toilets and stuff
fucking capitalist pig
fucking get a job and get this economy going, leach
>Has the wealth trickled down yet?
The freedom did.
The USSR is dead.
Greatest president ever.
we all know
Reagan was a fucking retard. He's king cuckservative. He fucked us right in the ass and (((they))) loved him for it.
Wow look at this fight we have breaking out in the comments. This is exciting!
Trickle-down economics has been discredited empirically by macroeconomists and is now own used as a slogan by right-wing politicians trying to appeal to naive, uneducated poor voters and to convince them that they will become rich and successful by voting for a billionaire. The concept is basically for retards.
Here's a Nobel prizewinner in Economics describing in detail why trickle-down economics is for retards.
And there's this.
A 2015 report by the International Monetary Fund argues that there is no trickle-down effect as the rich get richer: "[I]f the income share of the top 20 percent (the rich) increases, then GDP growth actually declines over the medium term, suggesting that the benefits do not trickle down. In contrast, an increase in the income share of the bottom 20 percent (the poor) is associated with higher GDP growth."
>Here's a Nobel prizewinner in Economics describing
Paul Krugman is a Nobel prize winner.
Paul. Krugman.
If "being a Nobel prize winner" is supposed to mean anything, it definitely actually doesn't.
I can fucking critisize everything, but what is my solution ?
>ad hominem
>dismissing a world expert for no reason
>being this ideologically warped
You don't need some genius predicting stuff, you can just check on the facts; money creation is directed in US in wall street and banks, and in europe in a more covert way, but definetely corrupt.
Link was missing.
>yfw most of Europe pays less in taxes for a public health care system that covers everyone in their countries
meaning what?
I'm talking about his open door amnesty plan and his unrestrained economic spending. The solution is to destroy government entitlement programs and break the fed. Lower taxes, and kick out the immigrants.
n-not yet master, do your boots need more licking sire, yes sire I will be your personal toilet, please piss on me sire, it will teach me how the trickle down effects will feel when they finally come, yes sire I will vote republican again to ensure that its going to continue to trickle down
'trickle down economics' is a joke because it doesn't answer who trickles down to who, but you faggot australians are a joke on this earth, you are teh lowest scum of the people i would like to associate with, fucking shit posters
that's really heavy, you cann't just do that
I can call anyone an expert on anything.
It doesn't change the substance of anything that person has to say about anything whatsoever.
Paul Krugman writes columns with demonstrably false, politically charged drivel almost every week. Want to dissect any given column of his with me? I'll demonstrate that to you. Pick a column - any column.
reagan is shit. Nixon was the only good president in the 20th century
Krugmann is a politician, not an economist, so, obviously, you will always win.
>Krugmann is a politician, not an economist
Tell that to Krugman. Or the Nobel Committee.
They'll both be very surprised.
I'm only here in between fap sessions on Sup Forums man.
That's why you make statements that are simply, sheerly wrong as if you knew anything.
Good philosophy man. The world is a better place by virtue of you and all the other dipshits in the world who spout their worthless, uninformed opinions as if they were brute fact.
you need a god, i'm not it
i'm a low life deplorable, and fuck you, shillary
He was actually the start of everything that is fucked today. Jesus Christ, what are they teaching you cunts there?
Department of Education.
No one has every pushed "trickle down" economics dumbass. Its a meme
Yes, Krugman, not some illiterate tard like Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Art Laffer, Stephen Moore, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig Mises...
watch keiser, keen, schiff, I mean it's all over the place, left, right, whatever. Banksters roll us over, some know most don't, it's a scam, money isn't money, you goys deserve it
fuck jews
he is totally a clever guy (that is why he is professor and nobel price) but he totally fucks you
>tfw grinding the quests on WoW as a kid, listening to the estonian alternative rock and making friends with people all over the world while doing the quests and travelling huge chunks of beautiful fantasy lands
I want to go back in time
soviet russia ?
all your bases are belong to us
I exist because my parents got good careers started in the '80s. I can thank Reagan for that.
>playing on feenix
>current year
you east guys don't understand free money is not really free
It did for me. Thanks Ragen!
only down his leg involuntarily
incontinence is a bitch
soviet wut
I know, but, you know, life is life.
go back in time
only far enough till 2006 not soviet times
are you high??
your past is in soviet era
i'm not high idiot
fuckinf austrians
fucking jews
jews did, srsly
Brings back memories.
making money out of thin air, come on
Trickle down economics works
but the jews are like a big sponge soaking it all up.
you can work your ass off
I'd rather be poor and have gays and abortionists fucked over, than be rich and have degeneracy running the streets.
No, it doesn't work regardless of where it is tried.
yes it does.
Concentrating wealth in income groups with low marginal propensities to consume is not a recipe for sustaining robust aggregate demand.
better president
t. sitting on some relevant necessary commodity
The empirical evidence and the vast majority of reputable economists disagree.
no it doesn't
underrated post