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Armond White is literally /tv's guy/
you mean...?
The trailers really dont do this movie justice
It doesn't come off as the comedy it is
shill bait thread sage and reported you doing your part Sup Forums to make MPGA xxdx
>has a higher rating than actual, objective cinematic masterpieces
I'd love to see a liberal explain how this isn't racist
Armond always gets the almonds joggin'
Really makes you think.
But is it good? I mean why get triggered until you see it? I honestly think this being posted all the time is some sort of bait.
>last name White
This makes me so happy. Niggers eternally btfo.
And if you read his review, he's redpilled as fuck. Even better.
The only posters hating on this movie haven't seen it. It's actually making fun of patronizing white liberals who sickeningly idolize black people.
>buzzfeed and Huffington post
How can you even associate with someone In that family
God I love that man.
Did a lot of people actually watch this shit?
Only repeating numbers can reply to this post
>movie shitting on white liberals
Literally /ourmovie/
look at that fuckin honker
Why is Sup Forums fucking retarded sometimes.
This movie is a satirical/dark comedy thriller, much like the Stepford Wives.
Its not some pro black/anti-white type shit, its actually making fun of overly liberals who see black people as some type of glossy eyed down on there luck people who always need help and the liberals know whats best. Those patronizing cucks.
If fucking Jordan Peele being the director didnt give this away immediately, then you are fucking stupid.
Its literally a black Stepford Wives and black people are the "Wives"
I made a joke in another thread about how Armond is going to be the one to ruin this movie's 100% rating.
That based guy never fails to deliver.
Truly one of the greatest trolls of all time.
If I pull that nose of will she die?
>Huffington Post
The holy trinity of cancer. Is this woman the antichrist?
Mate you really didn't need to check her parents to set off your Jewdar. Look at that nose. Grade A kike right there.
>Outcurve nose bridge.
>Tip of nose below nostrils.
It would be extremely shameful.
For jew
for jew
>it might be nasty smelly turd with worms, but it's our nasty smelly turd with worms! Yum~
The sooner people realize democracy is at war with the left the better. It is no coincidence the whole division meme thing hails from them.
>Sup Forums bringing anons together.
>Identical posts 2 seconds apart with numbers that are adjacent.
>Both USA.
Look at this smug motherfucker.
This is the face of a man who gives zero fucks.
Even his last name is contrarian.
The movie took aim at creepy rich white people who worship black people as a fetish.
If anything Sup Forums should celebrate this film.
That's what it is because of projection. However anyone that's not Sup Forums is going to immediately associate this with the generality of white people instead of tying this too liberals. That's how deep the cognitive dissonance of these people go. Even Peele didn't know he was doing this.
I liked the movie but Armond shitting on it was him bringing balance back to the Universe.
A lot of the same reviewers who gave it a perfect review were the types of people the film satirized. Armond knew.
Based Black Man
Yes, Peele did.
Peele knew exactly what he was doing.
This is him dropping his own version of a red pill.
>Get Out is the recrudescence of Obama-era unconsciousness. Reducing racial politics to trite horror-comedy, it’s an Obama movie for Tarantino fans.
No he didn't, he still identifies as a Liberal and interact with them while never interacting with conservatives. He's attributing that all white people think this/act in this kind of way, just that conservatives are more openly hateful.
Can someone give me a rundown on what this movie is about?
Armond White always gives rotten reviews
>Black man white woman couple
>Black man visits white womans family
>They live in the suburbs
>Apparently they kidnap/brainwash every black man that comes into town and reorients their behavior.
Whitey is evil.
Armond gives positive reviews to movies everyone else hates.
He owns.
Armond White is a true Kino Connoisseur.
I want to watch this just to see if it's really that bad, but it doesn't look interesting enough to be worth my money at the same time.
I watched get out, it was pretty alright.
I like that it was about ultra liberals who fetishize black men to the point of swapping brains with them instead of hurrdurr replublican kill all niggers
that said it aint no 100%
75 ish
>Its literally a black Stepford Wives and black people are the "Wives"
>Its not some pro black/anti-white type shit
I pay Tyrone to fuck my wife: the post
The Stepford wives was an attempt to poke fun of white upper-middle class suburbia. In this film its not the wives who are the victims but innocent blacks who dindunuffin. Its obviously another sleight against white traditional white America.
>B-but its poking fun of white liberals who see black people as some type of glossy eyed down on there luck people who always need help!
That's right goyim! Race-mixing is totally normal now. Blacks are totally your equals. Remember: if your daughter doesn't racemix with negroes, that makes you a racist. Now pay your taxes and watch this diversity reeducation video. Good goyim!
Liberal ultra rich secret society lure black men to their (not suburban) home with the white chick, auction his body, then whoever wins swaps their brain into his body
>Young black man is dating a 'cool hip' liberal girl.
> Black dude visits family in the burbs.
> All the black people in town seem... off.
> There's a big party with rich white people and one rich Asian guy. The party is actually an auction for the black guy.
> Black guy finds out his girl and her family are selling black people's bodies to rich old white people. The Rich old white people want to put their brains in black bodies - because black bodies are 'better'.
get out.
At any point was that suburb identified as Liberals, or just white people?
I somehow always suspected she's a kike
>that nose
Nice try shlomo
they're censoring reviews of it
Armond White is a contrarian and literal nigger faggot but his reviews always count towards RT except for in this case for some reason.
Who's the jew?
>I would have voted for Obama a third time if I could
And various other things, they sure as shit weren't right wing, they believed black people were genetically blessed and superior.
Her dad says he would have voted for Obama a third time.
The mom and dad are both rich doctors who love other cultures.
The dad tries to relate with the young black guy by speaking jive.
They want to put their brains into black bodies, because they think black bodies are genetically better.
Horror movies by definition cannot be good movies.
this might be the perfect example of a hooked nosed jew
what the fuck did I just read?
I think this means you have to get married now
>Blacks naturally more athletic because of genetics
1/3rd of the resources you intake go to your brain despite it only being 1/20 of your mass
>No there is no genetic basis for IQ
This shit always gets under my skin.
the Grabbler's daughter
Uhhhhhh the movie is literally saying that white people need to die because they're all fucked up. They aren't mocking liberals, they're mocking white people.
That's like if I wanted to mock ethnic nationalists and I made a movie using exclusively black nationalists as my characters. It's purely a hate whitey movie.
>the villains give you a better life than you had
This would be like if Jason Voorhees ripped out your brain and put it into a Terminator
How is that scary
>film about gay niggers
>loved by straight white people
>only negative review from a gay nigger
causation for cogitation
You people are extrapolating what you want to see. This is not knocks on liberals, it's knocks on white people. Notice how the Jewish guy didn't have any reaction?
>dark comedy
What the fuck movie did you watch?
Its actually the ultimate cuckening, as part of the black dude is in there, and basically seeing everything that's going on while an old white dude controls him
the more i think about it the more i understand why black people are so scared of this movie.
/our guy/
Armond is pretty great.
they fake outrage over not being bitten, pretty clear message there.
Rotten Tomatoes ratings aren't about determining what movie is the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever, it's for finding a movie that will please everybody in a large crowd.
They count ratings under 60% or an equivalent as "rotten", and over 60% as "Fresh", so a barely above average crowdpleaser can score better on RT than a controversial piece of art.
Look at IMDB ratings if you want a site that is better for finding movies that are pieces of art, because to score high in IMDB you can't just merely slightly please people, you have to impress them.
I don't understand how people don't understand how RT works in current year.
A perfect movie user
half-Italian, half-Jewish
her nose never had a chance
Oy vey
her italian father fucked up he should have married an italian. Sad!
Yep. I don't get why he would be attracted to a Jew when Italian women are the bomb.
>interracial couple
>nig meets family of white girl
>evil white people try to kill him
>white people are evil
They don't try to kill him, they want to BE him.
Yes...because all white people are racist.
b-but I thought race mixing was good...
If you take the brain out of the person...it's probably going to kill him.