>This happened in the last year of what it is called The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804). In this year, the French soldiers were already dead/defeated/escaping on their boats, and blacks already had the power. In fact, The 1804 Haiti massacre was carried out against the remaining white population of French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by the black population on the order of Jean-Jacques Dessalines
When Haiti showed France who's BOSS
Other urls found in this thread:
>The massacre—which took place in the entire territory of Haiti—was carried out from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804. The course of the massacre showed an almost identical pattern in every city of Haiti
>The pattern: When Dessalines arrived to a city, he first spoke about the atrocities committed by former white authorities, after which he demanded that his orders about mass killings of the area's white population be carried out
>Mass killings then took place on the streets and on places outside the cities. In parallel to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred. Women and children were generally killed last
>French women were often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death. By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 people had been killed and the white Haitians (French descent) were practically eradicated
>Historically, The Haitian evolution has no precedents. Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti. It led to the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior. The Haitian Revolution was the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state free from slavery and ruled by non-whites and former captives
>when you fire up a new bait thread but you only saved the thumbnails
That's why they had to pay a monumental debt until recently, and that's why they eat dirt cookies now.
Sure, it was the first time in history revolted and won, but Haiti was pretty much only good for Sugarcane, so you didn't really have the resources for an independent country. France then made the Haitians pay 150 million francs for French to recognize their independence. The Haitian government paid off the worth of the debt in 1893, but didn't pay off the interest until fucking 1947.
*slaves revolted
And ever since Blacks killed the frogs, the Haiti have been doing great.
Did you run out of fight videos, faggot?
Well that worked out didn't it?
Yep. They chimped out. I wonder how that worked out for them in the long run.
dumb niggers acting on base instinct and can't into civilization
Making the shithole Dominican Republic look like Heaven, great job Haiti
And look at the living shithole they're living in right now
One side Haiti was ruled by black only; it's a shit hole, the poorest country of the world
On the other side, the part which stayed under white rule longer, pretty well-ruled for a country with no natural ressources attracting lots of tourist, properous
The "other side" was also under Spanish control you fucking frog
The frogs deserve it
And today it is one of the poorest nations in the whole continent...
Really makes you think huh?
Aaahahahahahaha haiti is a shithole now. So much for their independence.
Btw, i spoke to a Haitian living in the US a while back. He lamented that they got independence to early.
Even they are regretting it now.
>On the other side, the part which stayed under white rule longer,
>On the other side, the part which stayed under white rule longer,
>On the other side, the part which stayed under white rule longer,
You were saying? What, you're implying that the french ruling the dominican republic would lead to it being as shitty as haiti?
Nah, just fucking with the Frenchie. He's right on that subject.
>live on an island in the middle of the atlantic hurricane trajectory
>cut down all your trees to make gallows so you can hang the white man
>to this day, speak french
Let's see, Haiti drives the white man out, Jamaica drives the white man out, South Africa drives the white man out, Zimbabwe drives the white man out. See any similarities with the results?
Confirmed. Carribbean native here. Drove the brits out, now shithole.
Jamaica is a particularly sad story. It was once the largest and richest city in the New World.
Kingston, that is
Notice that Haiti is in the Same Island than Dominican Republic and their shit didn't hit our fan. Interesting enough, i suppose.
From Trinidad. Land of coruption, rape, murder and kidnapping. Just paradise. Nuke would be better than independence.
Yes , another example that negroes are cancer. The ride never ends.
I thought Trinidad was mostly Indian descent.
Mix. African and Indian. The indians are corupted back stabbing motherfuckers and the Africans are just dumb. Some people need to be ruled.
Nigger genocide whites and we never hear about it.
>they even did away with half breeds over the next 100 years.
>where da fence
when will Haitians enforce their will on the Dominicans?
>Making the shithole Dominican Republic
>Over the last two decades, the Dominican Republic have been standing out as one of the fastest economies in the Americas - with an average real GDP growth rate of 5.4% between 1992 and 2014. The DR remains the most rapid economy in the region in 2014 and 2015, with a real GDP growth at 7 percent. Recent growth has been driven by construction, manufacturing and tourism. On the demand side, private consumption has recently been strong, as a result of low inflation (under 1% on average in 2015), job creation, as well as high level of remittances.
also we have the 9th largest GDP in latin america
>Im 15 and got to the lesson on Independence movements and Revolutions in my history class
lmao dirt cookies
The Dominican is a beautiful land, but until rather recently, they have had their share of bad dictators. I hope the best for the country.