Sweden is so far to the Left that even central-right party is literally Hitler.
Just to compare it,the UKIP,Trump, Orban as well as Polish government are more Right then them.
Sweden is so far to the Left that even central-right party is literally Hitler.
Just to compare it,the UKIP,Trump, Orban as well as Polish government are more Right then them.
Other urls found in this thread:
they are extremely far from being even close to trump
thing is that they actually do have nazi roots
I mean Hillary would probably be considered right wing in Sweden.
she would definitely be but right wing has a different meaning here.
our right wing party is the one who opened the gates to mass immigration, thankfully they are not in power anymore.
If Merkel's party is considered ''Right wing'' In Germany (lol) I am sure Hillary would also be Right wing in Sweden.
>our right wing party is the one who opened the gates to mass immigration
For God' sake stop calling Leftists ''Right wing''
left wing and right wing has nothing to do with immigration here
Because they are both pro open borders?
yes, not as much anymore though because of SD's growth
moderaterna (the previously mentioned party who opened the floods) has been more open to cooperation with SD lately, mainly because they are losing so many voters to them
When are the elections?
2018 November
So? HAppens in Europe all the time.
Front National, Swedish Democrats, AfD, Polis party which name I dont know.
Theyre mostly closer to law and order, then the shit which is in charge.
2018, here is a poll:
Well the polls are too early then,things can change
No, they are literally literal Pro-Israel with many Jews in top.
of course they can, but do you really think that the view on immigration will somehow become more positive in a country like sweden?
Is this a common sight in sweden?
Not trolling being serious.
But still harsher than all parties in Europe. And that's saying something..
that picture is in the uk
and no, at least not where i live.
That's what I am saying.(((Media))) is so biased that even center-right party that is not even against Jews gets called muh neo nazis
Common in your homeland
Sweden has it's own Hitler
Did PewdiePie ever commented anything about Swedish politics?
What country are you from originally?
And if you're so interested just check their politics here: sd.se
>Calling SD nazis
Literally anyone who don't agree with them are nazis so who gives a fuck.
I am being sarcastic I know SD are not NatSoc.BBC is too biased.
Just advertise a bit:
If ya want to discuss about rape in Sweden and how the statistic is counted: Otherwise, good luck.
OK, Redpill me
Don't open if you have weak heart.
> "Conservative" Party is called moderaterna
Really made me think.
PewdiePie is the only Man who can stop this!
Why are you linking UK fags in a thread about Sweden?
I'm strong enough to browse Sup Forums. Well, now show me some of their restrictions to economic developement and then I'll call them left wing.
Probably I'm looking through a lot of Rich Guy guilt there.
>Just to compare it,the UKIP,Trump, Orban as well as Polish government are more Right then them.
That's not saying shit, you stupid fuck. What you should say is the center-right parties in most Western countries would be the center-left, if not the far-left by comparison in Sweden.
Samma snubbe som spammar trådar om miss Helsinki från "Sverige", ignorera bara.
Why he looks so faggy?
I am using you to red-pill other Europeans
he's perfect stfu
>He is perfect
I don't know,he does look kind of gay.
hes jimmie though
be nice to jimmie
The BBC by now is a indian and paki-loving shithole. Its no longer the trustworthy institution it once was
When he say white men on top he means it.
Noone will be able to stop Jimmie in 2018
So disgusting. How many of these kids end up in orphanages after a while? What is it with swedes fucking with apes? (Coalburning is a german problem as well, I know)
Not really, mostly just usa
>our right wing party is the one who opened the gates to mass immigration
cheap labor
There is only one leader that is Man of steal and that is..
What's worse, CNN or BBC?
It makes me really upset when anything anti-immigration is called literally Hitler even when they're extremely liberal on welfare issues
>Sweden is so far to the Left that even central-right party is literally Hitler.
The same in Brazil.
Leave it to a man from Pretty-Much-Serbia to remove another country's kebab. Thoughtful of you, MonteNegro.
Yes, to go through with their politics sweden needed an underclass
Has to be CNN
Dude nationalism = literally hitler now.
Globalists are scared so they're pulling the "call them nazis to scare off normies" card. It's desperate, but it works in cucked places like Europe. Didn't work on Trump because we still have some balls left.
Gudkejsarekonung Jimmie.
Because the only thing Hitler ever did was trying to stop mass immigration from flooding his Reich. All Pakis,Afghans,Somalis Sudanese etc...were breaking their necks to enter Germany in 1930s and 1940s.
>cheap labor
>the same sad story everywhere
>government imports shitskins because natives naturally wont work for below-average wages.
>government wilfully choses cheap labor over internal security. Ignores rising immigrant crime.
Damn it felt good kicking that albanian kid a few days ago for nothing.
Nazi roots indeed.. funny that the party that have been the Governments petting animal The leftist party also "was" stailinist marxist super red nation wreckers back then to, but as we all know, Communism is good and is allowed all free passes.
Where is cheep labor in Japan? Their economy is 3rd biggest and their government doesn't do it.
I think this is deliberate plant for White majority countries only.
*What you should say is the center-left parties in most Western countries would be the center-right, if not the far-right by comparison in Sweden.
And then (((they))) came
Well Japan is a very closed-off society, very hard language to learn, weird social traditions and norms, reject their responsibility for WW2. Its a special case I guess.
But they have their own share of immigrants:
>Koreans (often disguising as Japanese)
>Chinese (apparently rising numbers of illegals)
what/from when is this?
Yea and over 99% of people are still Japanese and the rest are almost all other east Asians.How diverse
Google Translate:
At a meeting in Malmö in 1988 laid a skinhead, a notorious Nazi and an SS veteran foundation for the Sweden Democrats. A few years later burned SD member Jan Bengtsson Jewish books in the trunk wearing Nazi uniform, in 2013 he was elected into the SD Board in Höör.
Do you know how many former Communists here in eastern Europe are now running Social Democrat and Socialist parties? Yet media hardly mentions their past.
We were more racist back them. They were allowed to do this mostly because they were Japanese (Not European)
>Social democrats
rightwing are mostly just liberal-right rather than liberal-left. they only care about money and ensuring it stays that way for them.
>here in eastern Europe
You know the Acronyms are very important to Left wing parties? They even care about if there is a -.
Social democrats must be really pissed at them.
Former communist eastern block,Kraut
Oh hey, that's a fresh new Jimmie for my folder!
If i had a dime for every socialist party there is in Sweden then i would be a billionaire.
Kek, Also, if they are so divided, how can they keep the government?
Here they get into Congress, then they start fighting each other over who is the leader.
They barely mass 20% here, but they somehow managed to get the retarded greens party to rule with them haha.
And now they have struggles with (((V))) aka the communist party which always keep blaming them for shit and it is kind of amusing seeing V picking on S but S never responds to it as they know they are not only fucked if they do so, they are double fucked as SD keeps eating up its support aswell so they can't risk losing support to either side.
They are the definition of cuckolds.
More like "Neo-Cucks". am I right neo-neo Sup Forums??
But, in alll seriousness we need to sink London into the ocean.
How come they are cucks
there was your first mistake
Just like here, but if you learn about the history of the green parties leaders, you'll learn most of them are former commies and deluded SJW.
Hey, Populism at its finest
We got here too. But we have a Presidential System thank god.
Anyways, in Parlamentary systems, as long as I know, you need some consensus to get things done. From my POV, cucking is necesary in those systems.
Here the Congress has enough power to manage some of the policies, probably that's enough.
they are more right wing than UKIP tho.
Stfu shill. Sweden has by far been the European country mostly affected by neoliberal socioeconomic policies from the 90's and forward. From an economic standpoint this country has been transformed like no other from where it was. We have privatized literally everything from our elementary schools to our pensions, and people actually think SD want to improve our society with regard to these issues? They just want to exacerbate these policies. The idea that some swedes are determined to be the useful idiots for the private business enterprise of Åkesson, Söder, Jomshof and Karlsson, a.k.a SD, will overlook anything that the party does as they are the only political party with the privilege of not being held accountable to the principles they hold. Now at least we wont have to cringe as they call themselves the "opposition party". Åkesson has stood up twice now, and literally said that "we agree with moderaterna in every significant way on taxes, economic policies etc expect on immigration". So they have basically decided to use their lever of power to allow the most neoliberal and extreme right wing party in Sweden with regards to economic policies to gut the last remnants of our welfare system and our progressive tax system which funds our schools, hospitals and other government services by giving the wealthiest families some more tax breaks. How edgy.
Oh and this. They actually do have fucking nazi roots. You idiots.
Silly. They are not neo-nazies. The founders were neo-nazies and the current leadership hanged out with neo-nazies, but that was long ago.
Sure some of them might still have those sympathies but they have had to moderate their views and rhetoric quite a bit since Sweden is kinda left... Yeah I know.
So BS.
Explain, how it was in the eighties? Why you think the government should keep managing everything?
The government should Regulate some of the business practices, not do business.
Welfare is unsustainable in the long term
They were vikings once.
They call somalian mudshits Swedish and dick suck Israel 24/7
We wuz...
You don't like they support Israel?
Why don't subhuman OP kills himself? He'll do everyone a favour
fuck off putinbot
Jimmie "Be nice to Jimmie or you'll end up in the chimney" Åkesson
Look at his socks lol