Who are the actual "good guys" in the fight for Syria Sup Forums?
Who are the actual "good guys" in the fight for Syria Sup Forums?
Assad obviously
Do you seriously support Saudis backed Jihadists?
The FSA, Free Syrian Army
They fight the oppressive Ass*d regime and ISIS.
Fight for democracy and freedom.
At some point our government must acknowledge that supporting Islamic terrorists, including AL Qaeda like Obama did in Syria/Libya is a bad idea.
They fight for global Jihad
We have /sg/ for a reason
None of them
None. They're all mudslimes fighting yet another mudslime v mudslime bushwar.
One day you'll wake up and realize this.
not Canada.
which group do you mean? no group calls itself FSA
the groups called FSA by the west are subordinate to either Tahrir al-Sham or Ahrar al-Sham, which are salafist coalitions
the jews
There are none. The Assad regime is probably the best chance at long-term stability, however, so I throw my lot in with them.
The west needs an enemy
None of them.
Assad means continuity, but he remains a ruthless dictator and not a "good guy".
Moderate rebels are not a thing anymore. The moderate opposition was outnumbered by islamists/jihadists back in 2013 so the only viable opposition are islamists.
ISIS for obvious reasons.
Unlike other factions, Kurds aren't trying to overthrow Assad. They are just trying to defend their autonomous region in the north against all belligerents seeking to conquer their lands.
The FSA.
Perhaps for the region, the Assad regime would be best. However, Assad has made the mistake of aligning with the Russians, who are hellbent on trying to usurp America's role on the world stage and that's bad news for the free world. Moreover, the Assad family in the past has tried to broker WMD sales, most notably to Saddam Hussein. If we topple his government we deny the Russians allies and deny terror groups potential access to WMDs. The day some terror organization gets their hands on sarin gas is a bad day for the West.
The revolution died 5 years ago mate. FSA is jihadist now.
Nothing good comes out of revolutions and trying democracy in the middle east. If you topple Assad can you imagine who will fill the gap?
Pick one.
But honestly?
>Assad (but only marginally)
Religiously according to Muhammed:
According to the Democrats and a previous 3 presidential administrations:
>the supposed 'moderate' ie: slightly less radical than ISIS sunni nutballs
If you're a patriot?
If you're a German?
>dem poor poor rapefugees
If you're anyone outside of NATO?
>Russia (and possibly Assad as well)
Alternative morally in a perfect hypothetical world?
>the worldwide White Alliance (that will purge the brown skins from the face of God's good Earth)
I don't want democracy over there; they vote for sharia bullshit anyhow. I imagine about 6 different factions fill the void and will be too embroiled in conflict or too weak to pose a serious threat to the US or a useful asset to the neo-Eastern Bloc. Alternatively, support an independent Kurdistan and install a pro American government.
>do not travel
>golan height
It's Israeli Territory and its save their
>America's role on the world stage and that's bad news for the free world.
Holy shit I cringed so fucking hard
>Who are the actual "good guys" in the fight for Syria
Assad / Putin
Who are the bad guys? John McCain / CIA
The Syrian government. The "FSA" is just an umbrella group full of jihadists. K*rds are a bunch of commies.
Kurds and Turks both support Israel so I'm gonna say them
We are of course. Aleppo has fallen, Mosul is surrounded, and Raqqua is taking hits. This is a capture of Isis fighter leaving his ranks and surrendering. I wanted them to fight to the death for their false Caliphate..
Soon all the European Islamic invasion Force on Merkels Rape Festival will rush back to save the Dome of the Rock, but it will be level, hailed off to the brook Kidron and burned with fire.
Hurry back boys we're awaitin'.
>bad news for the free world
top fucking kek. You ppk just bomb the shit out of whoever stands in the way of your global supremacy/slightly annoy you/gave you a dirty look, then leave them to deal with the mess.
Russia opposes gay marriage and propaganda, promotes religious values, has a hard stance on criminality and has given Soros a permaban. Their reborn relevance to the affairs of the world is a breath of fresh air.
Free world, lmao
There aren't any, and anyone who memes at you about Assad or Russia is either trolling, spewing memes, or on the RT koolaid.
The "lighter shade of grey" is those poor shit rebel groups that are legitimate rebels, and aren't nutcase extremists. They're a tiny minority.
The middle of the road in terms of evil is Assad/Russia. Russia doesn't give a shit about anyone but Russia, despite what some autists on Sup Forums will tell you. They do not care about civilian causalities, and would happily destroy the entire country (and Assad) if they were not useful to them, or started to go against Russian thinking.
The absolute black, evil ones are ISIS, and all the various other Islamic terrorist groups that have sprung up around there. They must all be killed.
There, that's it. There are no "good guys".
>Russia doesn't give a shit about anyone but Russia
Sounds an awful lot like Murrica, doesn't it?
Not saying other countries wouldn't do the same (if we were as powerful as you are, we would stupidly bomb Chile to ashes, starting a war with Brazil). But come on, the only difference between you two is that you won and Russia lost. Had they won the Cold War they would be the good guys, just like Nazi Germany would've forced the "cruel, murderous murrican" meme down everyone's throats just like your media does.
The Jews
Oh, believe me, the USA isn't some sort of paragon of virtue either. But it is a lighter shade of grey to Russia.
The Kurds + Assad + Israel
Turkey Euphrates Shield
are you a jewish shill, or just retarded?