On December 1st, 2015, I was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania on a full ride $282,220 scholarship. Now, almost a whole year later, a fascist is out to delegitimize not only my achievements, but my existence. Trump is out to normalize the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, he is out to increase the incidences of incendiary police brutality, and he is out to destroy the very communities that this oppressive nation thrives off of.
DACA dreamer
lel. reported
>steal 282.2k dollars from the legal citizens of the U.S.A.
>complain when they want to deport you
That money could have been put to better use.
he's so proud of his mexican flag that he fleed the shit hole to get a decent education.
Basically, you have to go back
El jefe Trump is going to let everyone stay — amnesty for all. You gullible suckers.
I have friends who did not get accepting into UPenn with those same credentials. Get the fuck out.
How the hell do you get $280k for such low energy achievements? 4.0 Gpa in high school is one of the easiest things to get.
Apply for citizenship, and no one will care. Either choose to be an United States Citizen or go back.and fix Mexico, goodness knows that Mexico could use your help. I know plenty of people who were illegal and became citizens. I know a lot of my friends who were from Mexico came up because of the Cartel violence. However, if you will not apply to be a citizen, and don't want to be deported, get a visa or you will get deported.
>illegal $100k to Texas
>illegal $280k to UPenn
>illegal $280k to Yale
>illegal $360k to Harvard Medical School
Wheres ice when you need them?
>4.4 in HS
>rank 7th
>US citizen
>didn't get into upenn
>my accomplishments
And, you have to go back.
Intellect =/= legal immigration.
Cool, doing good things. But so are hundreds of thousands of legal citizens. Nobody gives a fuck about one illegal.
Neck yourself. That will show him.
This makes me so mad. How is it fair that he gets a free ride to college when he isn't even a citizen? I have to bust my ass to afford to go as a citizen.
This is why I fucking hate Obama.
Then go make Mexico great if you're so smart. They have universities too. Fix your homeland instead of trying to take back the Southwest again.
>that this oppressive nation thrives off of.
I want to beat the fuck out of this kid.
nigger can't even make a correct tie knot.
>I'm smart and have money, so I shouldn't need to obey the laws
Really makes me think
$1,020,000 taken out of the united states by 4 spics alone. jesus.
If you did as well as he did, you wouldn't be having a problem. call the wambulance big fat fucking baby.
How do we get back at these people?
>literally stolen more than 250k
When will he come back to make Mexico great for once?
Why is he taking pics of another person in the bathroom (bottom right)
How many times a day is this reposted?
Deporting illegal aliens is the law. It is normal. Your achievements have been at our expense for your selfish gains. Millions of rightful citizens are suffering while leftists give you what you don't deserve. Get going to where you belong - lose those achievements, they never rightfully belong to you.
Blood alone turns the wheels of history.
How do illegal immigrants go to school and even get scholarships?
Don't you need like a social insurance number or fucking id?
Trump is giving millions of them amnesty so millions more of them will be going to college for free.
Why do whites have trouble competing with poor Mexicans?
DACA "dreamer" scam artists were given social security numbers by Obama. But even without, colleges don't require social security numbers. Then they have DACA/illegal scholarships.
Long story short, middle class Americans get soaked, have to take out loans, illegals and refugees go to college for free.
If nothing happens soon, we will need to openly revolt.
They have to reimburse us all. Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Cuba, Europe, Russia, etc. should surrender their resources for our use until the bills are paid.
Stale pasta
White boys can't compete
Gettin cucked from academics, I have no pity for them
Illegal, you mongrel.
We have laws for a reason.
They just don't like their country giving free shit to foreign criminals when it could go to their country men and women. The arrogance here is pretty gross as well.
This is something I flat out do not understand about America.
How can you be an illegal immigrant and still manage to gain access to the system?
In Denmark, all illegals stay underground (mostly Africans) and if the system even gets the slightest whiff of their existence, their ass is gone.
This is all very stupid.
spic bonus dollars
Because we have leftist/government guns to our heads and our family's heads while they take our wealth. It's called progressive taxation. It's wrong - and progressive socialists need to be arrested, tried, convicted for numerous crimes against the US and humanity, then we'll find some means for them to repay us. Plus, the UN and many nations need to repay us all the money they extorted from our weak former leaders. It's called restitution. Guess you heard of it.
they're probably white. niggers and spics get free SAT points and get in with half the accomplishments whites and asians need
you have to go back
>How can you be an illegal immigrant and still manage to gain access to the system?
misguided christian compassion
That's how you get $$$ in America
I don't understand you America. How the FUCK can someone with no documents live their entire lives, and get into fucking COLLEGE without being noticed and, after an evaluation process be granted citizenship or be deported?
That's not a reasonable argument.
At that point you might as well declare everyone legal.
>Now, almost a whole year later, a fascist is out to delegitimize not only my achievements, but my existence
Well yeah, you're a thief who stole his better life from someone who was born there
what are you, some kind of racist?
I mean, wtf are you even doing?
god public school is such a joke
Affirmative action
80-90% of new wave illegals and refugees tap welfare.
I'm sure some illegal immigrants in your country work "honest jobs" in hospitality and like Mesut's Turkce Kebab, but there is no strong push by the Danish business community to have them there. Huge parts of our agriculture sector need these guys here, you can find Americans to pick blueberries but you can't find Americans to show up every day and be content to pick blueberries for the rest of their lives.
Accepting that there will be some number of these people here, it seems silly to not give them incentives to behave. The illegal immigrant population is less criminal than the native population, and much less criminal than the native working class population
They literally fly over on travel visas and just don't leave. Get an apartment, enroll in public school, wham bam... free college a few years later.
If you are so fucking smart, why are you an illegal?
>Leave shithole
>Come to paradise
>Paradise gave you free shits and safety
>Praise your shithole country by proudly displaying the shithole flag
You have to go back
Why does this board not have a world filter for undocumented to illegal?
>two minutes apart
Are you guys from the same conservative think tank?
280,000 dollars in your first year is not the type of money you see from government grants. The person in OP is getting money from scholarships which are funds from private organizations. The beauty of a free market is that donors to the scholarships are free to do what they want with their money. I guess everyone else will just have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and pay the subsidized price for a public education.
you're not so smart if you're blabbering about being undocumented on social media, bean
I'd be fine with declaring every illegal a citizen if:
- deport all the illegals in prison
- deport all illegals with felony convictions
- those we grant citizenship to cancel out new citizens from their home country
- welfare reform so amnestied illegals can't tap it
and only one good field, damn burgers y'all is fucked up
You know it's because you're not white, right?
Go back.
thats what affirmative action gets you XD
Im a straight white male who supports memenism and i don't get a grant.
>The illegal immigrant population is less criminal than the native population,
Jorge Ramos pls go.
>4.6 GPA
>2260 SAT
>waitlisted Princeton
>2.8 gpa
>1240 SAT
>full ride scholarship Ohio state
Keep in mind he goit an academic scholarship, not athletic
Idc lol
lmfao guess you should have become documented. For someone so smart, you sure are stupid.
The criminality bit is so horribly dishonest. We all know that our crime rates are heavily skewed thanks to the blacks.
You guys can't be framing it as taxpayers money people will just ignore that. You gotta frame it as 282k that otherwise would have gone to impoverished urban black kids as well as that seat at the school. You gotta fan the flames.
>The illegal immigrant population is less criminal than the native population, and much less criminal than the native working class population
That's 100% verifiably untrue, you tripleniggers.
And while yes, our illegal immigrants work illegally as well (DUHH) but like I mentioned, should the system find them out they're gone.
>wtf howww
if you get all the paperwork done, your country of origin pays like ten times what a local citizen would pay on your behalf
this requires your government to pay your way
unless you are rich enough to pay huge money bill for non-citizen tuition, feefees, etc.
most of them keep their fucking heads down because they had to convince someone they were worth the money and have to live up to that or get assblasted by money providers
>gets accepted into an university and they give them money
>they didn't even try to check his papers
Why does this happen?
>4.0+ GPA
>doesn't know Trump said DACA children will not be deported
Another Mexican intellectual.
If he has time to go to college, he has time to become legal. Fuck this beaner, send him back.
What kind of shitty system are you guys running that you can be completely "undocumented" and still do all this shit?
This and having no Voter ID
Get your shit together
Get this mother fucker deported. Citizens could be using that money. He is a fucking thief.
you gotta go back
You're a piece of shit. I go to that same school, I'm a US citizen, and I had to take out some loans for this fucking place despite getting scholarships, etc. . You don't deserve that fucking money, and you need to go fucking kys
Money is from scholarships, not government sources. They are free to do what they want with their money when there are no threats of getting thrown out of a helicopter, like most 1st world countries.
If you remove him, the next one will take his rank.
$282,000 is felony level theft in all 50 states
Whatever Mohamed
To Democrats, an "undocumented" person is a Democrat vote in the near future.
They invest in these people to steal them from R's.
Go make the jungle great for once. Byb byb your not needed.
burn in hell wetback
Aren't you deported, still? :^)
I wonder what level theft it would be to make Puerto Rico the 51st state
reposting the same thing over and over again is spam.
Scholarships and grants are given to people as private money. Its a loophole around the system.
Private money like this goes to these illegals as private money.
Money has no borders. It doesnt matter who its from or where its going to.
Why doesn't he helps his own country since he's so smart. Selfish bastard.
Yes, but when you advertise free money as an incentive to get Illegals to come into your country, are you not also committing a crime?
>Be me
>Be White
>4.0++ GPA
>2nd/300 in Class
>33/36 on ACT (midwest fag no SAT)
>Varisty Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Track, XC, and Tennis
>Science Club and Student Council
Apply to colleges in State as white, getting maybe 1/4 of tuition payed for to OSU, Akron and Cinci.
Change ethnicity to hispanic (kinda legit bc Grandma is legal immigrant)
Full rides out the ASS. AA is a fucking joke.
Why do these people never show any pride for America or the American flag? They are always waving the Mexican flag and chant their loyalty to Mexico.
They're cool with the free welfare and scholarships but don't do love the country they illegally reside in.