Our little badass. We need more like this one.
Trump Girl here. Ready to Make America Great again Sir!
Parents brainwashed her good.
As much as I like it, parents should let children develop their own ideas over the course of their childhood, adolescence and eventually adulthood. Not saying traditionalist, nationalist or conservative values should not be suggested, you can't call liberals stupid for brainwashing children and then do the same thing.
Two sides of the same coin.
Why can't I call liberals stupid, and then do the same thing? It's like a sportsball game. Both teams are playing by the same rules, but does that mean I can't cheer for one team over the other?
holy fuck this kid is brainwashed and im a trump fan
"then he did something extraordinary...he said how to fix them"
shes repeating a sound byte she heard on tv/whatever her parents told her to say
borderline child abuse
Because you can't force someone that wants to be a wide receiver to be a quarterback, numb nuts.
So you believe in the blank slate?
Islamic terrorists do the index to the sky sign too.
Confirmed for having not fucking watched the video.
>"did your parents get you into politics?"
>"actually my mom didn't like trump at first. She liked Cruz. I told her on primary day to vote trump an she didn't"
So this little attention whore turned out to be smart enough to seek attention from different audience than most attention whores nowadays. Good for her, there will be many gullible faggots whom she isnt even considers fully human bathing her in attention. You will not get any sex from her, someone else already does, gullible faggots.
What did you expect from a tripfag?
Brainwashing a kid to have morals. Edgy.
Ill take that any day over what the SJWs are doing to their kids.
They had me until the last bit. Free energy. You end up spending 100,000k+ for free energy and that's not including repair/maintenance/upkeep costs.
If you don't teach your kids values, their school teachers and the television will not mind doing it in your place.
>this little kid is an egyptologist
praise kek?
Made it to 0:07. Children being asked anything other than their favourite Transformer is just complete cringe.
She'll be legal age when?
>You will not get any sex from her, someone else already does, gullible faggots.
I hope not. She's 11 dude.
But yeah. She's a weird kid, and maybe an attention whore, but it's kinda funny to see kids like that.
Oh shit, i didn't watch the rest. Fucking idiots. "Free Energy" is dumber than flat earth, and that's saying a lot.
No i can't support this because if the left did it i'll be cringy.
>her parents didn't get her into politics
>proceeds to explain how her mother liked Ted Cruz
There's a disconnect here.
>do I fit in yet
We all would. But that doesn't make it okay.
>She'll be legal age when?
It's only illegal if you get caught.
Yup, the guy has the same eyes as the Reeee girl too.
Kek will give her a vision.
The basic gestalt, is she will find the hidden key to the Library of Alexandria, which has map that shows how the Elites have been using tunnels underneath the Denver airport to smuggle Nazi slave labor merchandise out of Antarctica, all in order to raise enough capital to build a Mosque on the moon.
Still the most articulate 11 year old I've ever heard.
The whole country is brainwashed.
My friends say he is horrible, won't hear shit when I say he has no real power. Systems still in power. End the fed.
Most kids are ipad staring drooling retards who can't verbally express any ideas at all.
Better than a 9 year old trans
Do you have Black boyfriend?
I think you are using the term brainwashing "liberally" so to speak. I just see this as parents passing on their beliefs.
>Brainwashing: a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas
I doubt she was a SJW, and her parents then forced her against her will to be a Trumpian.
Not using words in the manner in which they were defined is why everyone is a racist and nazi these days.
Brilliant, She's on the right track.
red pills in gummy bear form
it's not dangerous. even in the event that these opinions are being forced to her, which she says herself they aren't, she will no doubt be able to form her opinions once shes older and will have some experience in political affairs.
trip faggot.
While your fapping over your hitler youth propaganda. keep in mind that Drumpf caused my wife's 6 year old transgender (male to female) daughter attempt suicide because she is scared Drumpf is going to genocide her and deport all of her latino dreamer friends. How does that make you sick fucks feel? You gave a 6 year old PTSD!
Exactly. This is why anyone trying to dismiss this girl as "brainwashed" is a faggot that needs to be lynched, dragged behind a truck, straight into a non-hermetically sealed gas chamber with a wooden door.
Hold me Sup Forums. I actually teared up a bit watching this video
Maybe there's some hope for us after all
Of course I do... it's your step-dad son. Remember you were the flower boy on our wedding day?
p.s. Sorry for stinking up the bedroom last night.
That's about the age that you grow out of that stuff. I was a little bit interested in politics at her age. She's fantastic her parents would be very proud. I'd be proud just to be in the same class if I was that age.
I agree with you. Is it brainwashing to tell your kids to not steal and to follow the law?
kek she doesn't seem to be parroting a parent. breaddy smart.
If you non-ironically use "Drumpf" (or any other idiotic variant), you might as put a gun in your mouth. It's people like you, that would have been thrown off a cliff at birth. The only person fapping, is you, every time you use that term. Must be nice to cover your body in smuggness jizz.
Other than that, cool story bro!
seems like she put some thought into it.
>and im a trump fan
weew lad
This is sickening. I feel so bad for her, she's clearly been brainwashed by her racist redneck parents.
>raising you kid right is brainwashing them
Oh my fucking god that free energy shilling was so cringe it hurts.
What you mean is good moral guidance.
she said her parents didn't vote for trump in the primaries even though she told them to vote for trump...don't think she's brainwashed just opinionated
If you need healing or know anybody that needs healing in the name of Jesus I wanted you to email me!
Why do quacks always have to add Jesus to their pitches?
as if this is better...
day of the leaf when?
It's not. But the insane part, is how many HS/College fags would say it is brainwashing, because of the mind virus of moral relativism.
The hippies were a mistake.
>wanting to forcibly remove millions of undocumented immigrant families is "good moral guidance"
lmao you're kidding right?
a fuckin leaf....
Because you can trust him, no christian would scam you.
I don't know why all you faggots are calling this brainwashing or child abuse. This girl spoke incredibly well for her age. What girl is already planning her file past her 30's when they're that young? This is great.
I'd marry her.
They are all either shills, retarded, or both.
>This girl spoke incredibly well for her age.
because she was obviously coached on exactly what to say, retard. there's no way a kid would decide to support Trump out of their own free will, with all the terrible shit he's done and continues to do
>child has a strong opinion about anything that isn't petulant
anyone who said this is a massive faggot, believe it or not some kids are intelligent enough to have well thought out opinions on extensive subjects even if they are wrong. Kid seems pretty smart, regardless if she's wrong about her opinions she's passionate and well articulated
guaranteed spaghettios for brains.
No one gives a fuck what a child thinks. Period.
Asuka IRL!!
>brainwashed into respecting the law and giving a rats ass about American hegemony
>I'm fine with creating a moral vacuum in my child and allowing it to be filled with degenerate media
This is why Western Civilization is failing. Bad parents with weak spines.
If you didn't watch the vid her parents didn't even vote for trump you mongo
your reasoning is retarded
It's not really about what she specifically thinks. it's the gusto and energy behind it. She's motivated unlike all you faggots on this board and what little girl plans her post 30+ life like that. It just shows an attention to responsibility and merit that not a lot of little kids have nor care about, and its nice to see in trying times where everyone wants to shove their head in the sand.
Stfu Leaf, your President is a pathetic cuck and a shyster.
>brainwashing kids formative brains
>...just like a jihad-recruiting mud
>'Give me your autist for its entire seven years of schooling and I'll give you the inbreeder.'
(burgers 3:16)
How long before Shadman R34?
They broke the law together, they can leave the country together.
Do you believe in sanctuary cities for tax evaders?
Solid Americans (and a Brit) standing up for raising kids right. Everyone is jealous, especially the leafs.
We can't feel sorry for you. Supporting degeneracy is proof of your genetic flaws. You know your dna is fucked, and you secretly want the species to commit suicide through faggotry.
I guarantee this girl has been sexually abused.
>It's not really about what she specifically thinks. it's the gusto and energy behind it. She's motivated unlike all you faggots on this board
Jesus, why are we involving our children with this shit?
Don't virtue-signal, and especially not through your children. It's fucking pathetic, every time.
DAMN! Let me get a piece of that thicky thick.
You're a smart one, Shelia!
> prison colony genetic heritage
>You don't get my name; you get a fuck you!
Nah, she's not a Hillary supporter.
>I want to run in politics
>while having as hobbies Egyptology and Astrology
Are...are there 11 year-olds on here? Has this kek meme really gone so mainstream that little kids are now aware of it?
What the fuck is this timeline?
Why involve your children in anything then?
The reason our system is so fucked... is because kids aren't excited about changing the world.
It's also obvious you don't have kids... because kids don't get naturally excited about shit they are not into. That's what makes it hard to raise kids, they generally want to do the complete opposite of what you tell them.
The irony of your reply, is that you are doing the very thing you are accusing the parents of; Virtual signaling.
Given that most adults are fuckin retarded mongoloid children in big fat bodies I will certainly give children a listen if they are as passionate as that and willing to put themselves out there as one does when they support Trump publicly.
>Jennifer Lawrence here
Wait what
this man has it; we tend not to think that liberal newspeak doesn't affect the 'red pilled' but you can see it's taken root in our minds at least to some extent
the left explicitly instills sjw/anti-white etc beliefs in their younger gens and we see it as a horrible thing, and so if a parent raises their child with their beliefs of preserving themselves, even if only a bit, we draw a parallel and see it as negative. its like a subliminal message - ''dont educate your kids'', you know
Liberals feel no shame about "educating" their children, yet conservatives do.
Really makes you think..
The only valid negative reply I've seen. Respect for consistent policies.
Are we making 3D loli great again?
>It's not really about what she specifically thinks. it's the gusto and energy behind it. She's motivated unlike all you faggots on this board
Bullshit. If she was sitting there energetically gushing about letting in 5 million refugees you'd be singing a very different tune.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you goddamn degenerate. 1500 pedos arrested since Trump took office, and he's coming for you next.
If I ever saw this kid I would keep her as my own.
Fucking spain, we need to change
> A fucking LEAF
> Fucking spain, its always fucking spain.
tell her to cut upwards next time
Right. Because we are not moral relativists. There is GOOD and EVIL.
Our minds have resisted become toilets for shit ideas. I suggest a plunger for you.
Not an argument.
Using children for political pandering is pathetic and low. It doesn't matter who is doing it; it serves no purpose whatsoever.
>3D loli
Take the purplepill and kill yourself. Lolis are 2D only.
give her a youtube channel pls
Instilling values and morals in your children is not brainwashing. Holy shit you're insane. You should always teach your children to think for themselves and grow to be their own person. But you should also teach them values you've learned over the course of your life that you see as important.
What you're advocating for is exactly how the west fell apart and is now built on top of a degenerate drug abusing child raping pop culture that is today.
Children need guidance or they will find it wherever they can get it, namely famous people and the media.