Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably voted for Aleppo
He looks like the stereotypical nu male but he's actually not that bad. It''s pretty surprising.
Never judge a book by its cover.
>Hey Vsauce! Michael here.
>Gas. It's all around us. It's in the air we breathe.
>Necessary in order to sustain life.
>But not all gas is used to support life.
>In fact, in a mid 20th century experiment conducted by the National Socialist of Germany
>Called the "Final solution"
>gas was used to exterminate 6 million Jews.
>..or... was it?
>According to documents, about three hundred thousand died in the camps.
>But.. what happened to the other 5.7 million?
>Well, all across Europe it is actually illegal to question the.. "Holocaust"
>Which begs the question...
>Does the truth fear investigation?
in what way is he not bad?
vsauce copypastas are top shelf comedy
Pls answer He's an annoying faggot that talks in an odd way.
He appeared on periodic videos, an actual science channel ran by genuine chemists, and the comments were full of people telling him to fuck off because he was ruining the video.
Is there some repository for these gems?
Yea. If a swedish has brown skin and blood on his dick he is probably legit. Don't be racist man.
12% similar to comments people said were "toxic"
There's something fundamentally insulting about an "I voted" sticker that has the message also written in chinese, japanese, spanish, and all sorts of other moon runes.
Looks like James Corbett.
I actually went through several of these peoples twattee history to see what they said about the election the day after and he only said that he voted and kept his opinions to himself, so good I guess.
>..or... was it?
I can hear the music changing when reading this.
holy kek
OOH! Tip top fucking kek, Tommy.
He's a smart fellow. He doesn't want to alienate his fans if he openly states hes pro hillary or pro Trump. Keeping it neutral is the best approach if you're an e-celeb.
Reminds me of that minutephysics guy, he suddenly makes a face reveal video which is completely the opposite of his usual shit which is recording his hand drawing doodles to example physics, openly stating that he is voting for hillary and that his viewers should too. The funny thing is, he had the typical numale set up: small lanky frame, balding, manlet, low test voice.
The minute physics guy looked exactly how I expected him to look.
In my experience, people generally look how you image they would look from their voice. Only counterexamples are radio guys, who you picture as being handsome and end up being these hairy bald troll-looking motherfuckers with velvety voices.
I had a genuine laugh.
He is a normie. You can convince him to one or the other.
>And as always, thanks for watching.
>the retarded relative on the refrigerator
Other than some interesting tidbits, he doesn't try to talk about hard science. That's not his goal.
this pleases me
Watch the first 30 seconds of this video:
Now compare him to vsauce. They don't use the same language. At all.
Michael, from Vsauce, stands out in a crowd of psuedo-intellectuals. He's actually smart, he keeps an open mind (always questioning knowledge), you can tell the dude knows what he's talking about by the confidence in the way he speaks. All that combined with him not getting into politics, an arena where there is no right or wrong or any controversial issues is what makes him better than the others.
He speaks objectively and with facts only, and no opinion. The guy in the above video speaks on emotion, acts condescending, insists they're right, and overall is a beta cuck on the inside and outside.
The Sup Forums memes about him are funny, but they do prove a point. Doesn't he seem more like a guy that would speak about a controversial issue, such as the holocaust, in an objective manner with statistics rather than take the subjective social route (How DARE you question it?? Millions of people died you Nazi!)?
I might be wrong but I think this is what works with him for me at least.
You mean like pic related?
Well memed
Probably not, he seems kind of, although not terribly like a nu-male. At the very least he's infinitely more tolerable than the Green Brother faggots.
You know he's married right? He's not effeminate or homosexual, something a lot of millennial ""Men"" tend to have these days.
Bluepilled science.
Real alpha scientists are reading in its entirety
>you can tell the dude knows what he's talking about by the confidence in the way he speaks
What's wrong with John Green? I thought his history videos were good.
is this bait?
Notorious little cuck for BLM and hates DRUMPF
Vsauce always appears to be confident in his videos and ready to present information.
>Or.. does he?
that means literally nothing. i'm the most anxious cunt on the planet and even i can act like i know what i'm talking about when i need to.
LMAO this has to be bait. Please go to /his/ and make a John Green thread for me.
Yo did anyone watch his fucking Kiketube red video series?
>mfw he showed how women don't know how to accurately asses pain
>mfw they could be lying about period cramps and the "unbearable" "pains" of giving birth
I mean, it's like her 48th virginity.
>Moon Men
>He's actually smart
No he's not.
how could a paid shill be our guy? Of course he isn't.
The fuck? This is no coincidence.
Why not? We know he's at least not a cuck.
Michael is a prime example of an INTP.
You have no one. No one is your guy. Live alone forever, user cuckstain.
>checking my own du bs
vsauce confirmed /ourguy/
someone has to sheckem
He's insanely charismatic, never shares his opinions, definitely knows what he talks about, and has a very likable personality. There's not a single rational reason to dislike him.
Looks kinda cool, but I'd rather not have to give (((google))) any more shekels than they already get from data mining
I just streamed it desu
>pains of birth
it is not uncommon that the vagina just tears right into the anus as the baby explodes out, so dont fucking question how painful shit like this is
If he continue asking money for seeing his videos i Will dump him.
I'm your guys, you just don't know it. on account of being a douchebag retards
the youtube red series is a high production value show, he still makes vsauce videos
like there was a recent one where he smeared mud on a naked idubz, that was pretty cool
i'll fight any of you faggots. got the balls knock on my door in the next hoour. if not,, fuck off
Fourth degree lacerations are extremely uncommon wtf are you talking about
scared pussies
ooooooo big nbeoo nazi wannabe tough guys. big hacker extradanoire nerd ffaggots.
SUc a fuckking pineabpple, ou're too gay for dick
Fuck yopu
thanks guy
You get the first month free
one of you loers lives near me........... wanna out yyour name and address. or are you too pussyyy,, yya bigg nerdy faggot?
Why haven't leafs been rangebanned yet
finally got internet up in Yellowknife, eh Nanook?
less seal-clubbing, more English classes for you
Where art thou, bustin some rhymes? lol, fuck you
We're all faggots here but you'd have to be a fucking faggot to not like the man.
Probably not our guy though. He seems to have some old-fashioned values but he's probably a centrist.
Cause i'm fucin based. and your mods piss their pants in mmy presence. Cuase they kknow I know who they are
Internet nerds can't do shitt to me,, since I dont have a life. Buttt I can do lots to them
if your based why are you shitposting Sup Forums and not out there getting that skrilla?
Not /ourguy/ by any means but pretty cool, worth watching.
People hate him because hes popular and nonpartisan. Anyone who doesnt mention gassing jews isnt cool I guess.
The brand of cereal he is is "beta faggot" and the only reason the girl bought it was because no others were available. She doesn't enjoy your crunch, buddy. John Green is such a fucking tard.
>Hey! VSauce! Michael here
>And today we're going to be discussing the BBC
>The BBC, or British Broadcasting Channel, is an international channel aimed at playing programming from the UK
>But...what about the "other" BBC?
>Well Big Black Cocks are almost exclusive to America and Africa, but Big BROWN Cocks have been rapidly infesting the vaginas of British women, by way of daily Mudslime rapings.
>Now, you may be wondering, do I have to pay a tv license to watch the BBC fuck white women on BBC channel?
>Well lucky for you guys, the answer is no. Bongland police has no jurisdiction over the rest of the world.
>To my viewers in the UK, shouldn't you be praying right now?
>And as always, thanks for watching.
cuase i'm drurnk and listneing to metal, just chillin
what kind of loser gets drunk at 8pm on a tuesday
>Hey, Vsauce! Michael here.
>Black Lives Matter... or do they?
>According to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice, 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. This is a stark contrast to white on white crime which has been... steadily... decreasing.... since 1980.
>But what is... "decreasing"?
>The majority of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood are of... African American ethnicity. With a mean of 515,000 abortions per year, and an estimate 80 percent of which last year were conceived by black or hispanic parents, that's a whopping 412000 future crimes prevented.
its always time to get drunk
1 on a Wednesday at work? get drunk
That would be so funny and amazing. And unexpected.
I wouldn't be slightest bit surprised if he voted for Hillary.
I wouldn't had been suprised if -- before the election -- he had mentioned something about how Trump was bad and tried to steer his viewers toward Hillary...
But he kept politics totally out of his vids. Smart move.
a based loser, you fucking cuck
I was so sad when I found out that FilthyFrank was antitrump
He's way too into science to be /pol material.
Nah. Full on Gorefag.
I'm going to go see his show Brain Candy. He's probably a liberal, but the way he connects disparate facts is the same way my brain operates. I'm just glad he hasn't put himself on the political scene and sticks mostly to science, psychology, and philosophy.
Dude I had the exact same thought and ended up researching complications during animal childbirth and found that there isn't much evidence to support that it is traumatically painful for other species. I then looked up complications in indigenous human communities and found that they are also negligent so my belief is that it may be a combination of western lifestyle(sitting, rather than deep squat) and believing its going to hurt(virtue signalling how painful it is to elicit sympathy)
nice find
mother is a midwife, it's not all that uncommon. In most instances it is the doctor who cuts between the anus and the vagina if the baby is stuck.
It is then stitched up.
>other species
lmao sex isn't painful for humans but it is for cats
it is probably painful for hyenas too, they can die from the resulting damage to their pseudopenis
human children are born with extremely large heads in proportion to the vagina, no animal even come close
maybe brits are just too inbred to have kids
Look up squirrel monkey
What exactly did the vsauce guy do? I thought he was a nu-male.
Never saw him make any political videos.
It takes a lot to make me genuinely laugh anymore but this did it. Well done.
Two minutes later he changes the topic to racial crime statistics
My mother said it feels like diarrhea stomach cramps but more severe
some pink season songs could be classified as "anti-white" though I think that's going in the wrong direction, and there was a Gays for Trump song that could be seen as anti-trump
What a dumb thread.