Irish Reunification thread

The Irish Question:
It only makes sense to return it. I thought this was a nationalist board, geographically and culturally the North belongs to the Republic. Its the republics right to have their a territory that culturally has been there's until the Natives were forced out.

However I think the modern IRA are retarded. Patato niggers think they can defeat Britain with nails in a can.

>until the natives were forced out

stopped reading there.

protties dont want to be ruled by cathocucks

it can become its own country but i dont think its going to join with the paddies especially after ur gay marriage fiasco

Nationality should become before Faith. A United Catholic/Protestant Ireland is better than a divided Ireland.

You'd think that, until you have a LGBTQWEROUIDFH running running for head of state that wants to impose their view onto others.


I can literally walk in and buy your country's passport

What's your point

But its been legalized in America and Canada.

true but i thought northern irish arent even irish? arent they scottish imports or something?

My point is draw the borders of Europe wherever the hell you want them because they are functionally meaningless unless you pay corporate tax.

They may be British, but they'll never be English.

The irish are fucking morons anyway

spend years pointlessly fighting us Brits only to turn around and take euro cock like a bunch of whore beggers

I know and it's awful. Trust me when I say the more "diverse" your country becomes, the less political stability you will have.

Yes, but it doesn't matter. Historically, and culturally it's been Native Irish. If some fuckin Jew bought a house next to you then claimed it was Israeli territory because the inhabitant(s) were fellow kikes it would be retarded.

Yeah ,like Britain needs to give up more territory. We're running out of space as it is.

Not a single one of us gives a fuck about the north. It is a dump, you can keep it.

Can anyone explain how Sinn Fein came from bombing the eternal Anglo to embracing gay marriage, trannies and rapefugees?

>Mfw when you're only saying that because the new Republican movement is flopping because for some weird reason bombing our politicians and civilians isn't going to get the civilians or the politicians to cave and give an independent Ireland.

That is the ideals of the people they represent. The vast majority if not ALL irish republicans in Northern Ireland are extreme left and it will never change as they see the British/Protestant/Unionists as right-wing, so naturally opposed to right wing conservatism.

What part of keep the dump do you not understand?


Ireland was only united under British rule.

>muh Brian Boru

Literunironically NAA( Not an argument)

shinners and DUP are contrarians. one decides to stand for something, the other will strongly stand against it, lest they be perceived as appeasers to the others.