Bill Nye BTFO
Bill Nye BTFO
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This was far from Carlson's best, but Nye came off looking like a weirdo regardless.
Bill Nye is a fucking commie. He could never be smart.
i prefer to call him bill nye the monsanto guy im sure it stings as hell
Bill Nye is a household name. Nobody cares when some college student or D-list blogger get Tucked.
Nah. He probably cleans and lubes his asshole up every weekend for some big Monsanto cock.
nye the faggot guy confirmed
that does it for today
There we go
checked and checked and checked again
>it took you 6 fucking seconds to interrupt me...again!
>will you sit down and let me speak? is it my turn yet?
Kek wills it
Tucker just wanted to know what the global surface and sea temperatures would be if human interference never occurred. Which in theory should be easy to answer if the claim that human contributions were established science and measurable. Bill kept chasing his own tail and ended up saying some bullshit about grapes.
If this is such a no-brainer, why don't these people just sit down with the people who ask questions and calmly show them evidence. Saying "yeah but lots of scientists agree" isn't evidence of anything.
>pumping trillions of tonnes of shit into the atmosphere has no consequences
I actually liked Bill's answer. Saying 'temperatures would be x degrees higher or lower' doesn't mean much to most people.
But when he told the exact same story a couple of seconds later it came off as too rehearsed and like a way to dance around the topic
>its shit because it causes climate change
>it causes climate change because its shit
>Bill Nye BTFO
Checked. Kek has spoken.
Kind of a weird place to take it, but I like how close the civil war is getting
people that don't believe in human-caused climate change... what would be the endgame in trying to convince people that it's happening when it isn't? do you think all of our major energy sources will last forever? does the risk of believing it outweigh the risk of it actually being true?
do you really think nasa has ulterior motives?
>inb4 jews
who do the carbon taxes go to?
>Bill Nye starts an argument over the word "degree"
Jesus, Scott Adams is becoming more and more mindblowing. Bill Nye has so much cognitive dissonance he's started to "wordthink".
Take those quints and buy yourself a harem of ladyboys, Thaifag.
how much air-time do you think fox news is willing to devote to "sitting down and calmly being shown the evidence"? it's almost like they'd infinitely prefer things like OP to happen because ratings
Tucker wanted to know what things would be like if the climate hadn't changed so drastically, and Nye gave real-world examples that you can go and research. the average person won't give a shit about a difference of X degrees, which is why you need to go over what that change means.
>show them the evidence
If you look at both poles, the polar ice caps are melting at a very fast rate, among other things. But again, nobody would give a shit about some ice melting unless you state the consequences, at which point you are labeled a fear-monger because of the actual fear-mongering tactics used in the 70's and 80's like about how the world will end in a few decades and shit.
That's hilariously specific. Why "a few am radio stations" too?
this question has been unanswered for ages now
First time watching Tucker. He's just as bad as the democrats, jesus christ what an idiot
Caps have grown in last 20 years faggot.
oh god lord how is this time line even real
>still believing NASA
Wew, I bet you believe the earth is a sphere
what a fruitless argument, i feel bill nye made some good points that tucker just ignored
just saying climate change can be questioned is not a point against it, literally anything can be questioned, but which has more evidence supporting it's side? i'm going to have to go with it is happening
They're melting so fast that the expedition to get a photo-op was trapped in new ice.
Environmental Scientist here. Tucker (who I like with his political roasts) is looking for the burn but didn't quite nail it and Bill Nye, who's background in mechanical engineering can fuck right off with his infinite knowledge of regurgitated information.
There are plenty of endgames, including:
* Buy our shitty lightbulbs that have mercury in them
* Blindly accept "green" taxes that go to places I like
* Fund climate-oriented research for my organization
* Use this "greener" energy source that we own
while one has grown, the other has melted at a much faster rate. I specified "both poles" so you wouldn't make this mistake.
I thought Bill Nye came off pretty reasonable in some areas
But what exactly do you do with countries not playing by the rules, thus making their economies worse?
But you're simply wrong my boy. Both have grown.
>If you look at both poles, the polar ice caps are melting at a very fast rate
No they don't. While the arctic is shrinking (should be good for at least 50y) The antarctic is growing (altough not as much as the arctic is shrinking)
pretty sure the lightbulb industry isn't behind a conspiracy theory involving thousands of scientists
green taxes off set carbon, they aren't used for anyone to make money, and subsidies get the industry going they won't last forever, remember big oil has been subsidised much more
>fund climate change research
might be some truth in that scientists band wagon to keep earning a living, but that doesn't mean it's false obviously
>use this greener energy source we own
are you implying bill nye or barack obama has shares in a solar plant or a hydro company?
come now
>watching "debates" on (((TV)))
do you feel like you know more? Do you respect either party more?
>while one is melting, the other is growing(just not as fast)
so overall melting as I said?
>b-but Tucker only goes after no-names and low hanging fruit!!!
Is there anything the uncuckable tuck can't do?
Lightbulbs are the biggest conspiracy:
The world's longest lasting light bulb is the Centennial Light located at 4550 East Avenue, Livermore, California. It is maintained by the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department. The fire department claims that the bulb is at least 116 years old (installed 1901) and has only been turned off a handful of times.
does tucker rly believe that dinosaurs were a thing 10k years ago? that makes him really stupid...
nah I think he's just throwing him off.
This, the whole green thing is a scam.
The Globalists have big stakes in Chinese factories so China is barely touched by Kyoto Climate Agreement even though they are dirty polluters.
The West and even India are severely hindered by Kyoto to raise Globalist taxes and to ruin competition to their Chinese factories even though we are a lot cleaner.
>It's leaks. It's not from the outside it's from the inside. Carry on mister Carlson I'm sure we will cross paths again.
Kek was he trying to threaten The Big Tuck?
I will give bill nye credit for one thing. I doubt he would be pathetic enough to literally walk off stage to avoid debating a skeptical climate scientist like that bone head greenie Gavin Schmidt did. One of the most embarrassing things ive ever seen.
Granted bill nye would probably show up just for the publicity since he doesn't know shit, but still.
so the gist of it was
>global warming deniers dont believe in climate change
no, no one denies climate change but we cant just say humans are why climate is changing. give us a statistic that would show how humans are the cause of climate change.
>gives evidence of world heating up
lol ok and im sure you are right, but what does that have to do with people?
>more evidence of climate change
It was the light bulb industry at the turn of the last century that first introduced the concept of obsolescence and coined consumerism. We have the ability to manufacture things to last a very very long time, but that isn't profitable and makes share holders angry.
The only thing that carbon taxes do is set up a cap and trade type program for industry, but it doesn't prevent big manufactures from polluting less- they will simply buy credits on the exchange to 'offset' their pollution.
Funding climate research is 100% true. I sat in on a review panel for the last IPCC report, and some of these 'scientists' were and remain in perpetual shill mode. Additionally, most of the environmental scientists I have encountered would be more than happy to throw you under the bus to keep their research going and the global warming dream alive.
I never like Bill Nye....Now I realize that he is a fool.
Never forget when Carlson was BTFO by Jon Liebowitz
Why would this be the first video of him you watch? Dumbass.
The data has been proved to be fraudulently manipulated over and over again in an effort to support "man-made" climate change in an effort to levy carbon taxes....this is all it boils down to. Follow the money.
Al Gore and friends want to set up a Carbon Trading Board in Chicago, so those trillions of dollars of carbon credits would run through their slimy hands.
Science is not a crystal ball, what kind of retard asks a question like that?
checkd n kekd
Watch this video
>When Stewart would use the lame excuse 'were just a Comedy Show'
>Stewart's ideology now BTFO
>Tucker's Revenge
dilbert guy's article about this was really enlightening imo
What's his twitter look like atm?
If we have numbers that appear to be spiking and we want to tie it to human activity, then there has to be some sort of control variable for the assumption to hold merit, wouldn't you think? Otherwise the spike could just as well have been a natural occurrence as one solely made by humans and everything in between.
What about nuclear power plants. Would you rather have that tax money go to building more of those? Actually asking its something I would like to have done.
And that's a wrap.
Why do people act like Billy Nye has any authority? He's just a mechanical engineer, therefore anything unrelated to said topic he has no more authority than you or I
I wasn't specifically talking about Fox. Are there any mainstream outlets that have done this? I don't know any that present both sides. The people with questions and the people who allegedly have proof answering them
>last ice age was tens of thousands of years ago
not true
Are you retarded? I don't care if YOU think most people wouldn't give a fuck if you gave them an actual number. That's the question Tucker was asking.
And as far as the ice caps go, that's not proving the extent in which human activity contributed to global warming.
Look up who bought up the initial EU carbon credits for re-sale if you don't believe anyone makes money from this.
get me in the cap
state power's a very broad compliance regime imposed by elites who can claim to know better than the individual what choices are acceptable.
Bill Nye the mechanical engineering guy
Hes an undocumented scientist. Dont be racist.
A similar thing happened with diet in the late 20th century, and people are still waking up to the food pyramid/plate bullshit.
100% yes
Shadilay brother
I used to love Bill Nye the Science Guy, when they would always show it in school. Now I just want to retch every time I see his cuck face.